It is for security.
So much being done in the name of security. Why did they shoot a woman in DC a couple of days ago: Maximum Security. If there was the remotest chance that she could do great harm to security the rational action is to kill her before the remote possibility she may kill so many others. She could have had a bomb in the trunk. Would we want that to explode near the Whitehouse. In a populated area?
Not a chance to be taken, like nuclear weapons in the possible possession of Iraq. The price to be paid for maximum security. Small price compared to the destruction of our country and its freedom.
Wow! Look at the lead line! Big Google watching out for us. Big Google does no evil.
Perhaps the best chosen one to one data link selected by Google to identify a person connected to their google account is the cell phone number. Cell phones have more of a direct connection to an individual than a user name and password. Together they must reduce the ambiguity of exactly who the person is that is connecting to Google.
The aim of information structures is to reduce ambiguity to a level of absolute one to one certainty. That is what the conceptual structure is based on.
Help us keep your account secure
Just verify your mobile phone number, and we'll let you know if we notice unusual activity in your account. Learn more about how a phone number can help secure your account
For example, if someone learns your password and tries to sign in to your account, we'll send you a text message.
Verify your mobile number
Most people get fewer than 3 alerts per year. This number will be used only for security purposes.
ex: (201) 555-5555
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