The subject line is something that I recall my dad saying from time to time. It is about a third party actually not physically involved in the fight stirring up a fight between two other parties to the agenda benefit of the instigator. Another meme that he said from time to time was the one about poking a stick in a bee hive to stir things up. The meaning and purpose behind both of these really dawns on me only now that I have lived one year beyond my father's life span.
My own refinement of the meme, the former more than the latter is the most elegant way to skin a cat by inducing it to jump out of its own skin. This resolves a two distinct entity conflict induced by a third entity to a conflict internal and solely applicable to the single entity itself to cause it to split into two identities of itself that lead to its own functional destruction.
From the vantage point of this last day in the year it looks like the "Let's you and him fight" meme wraps up the progress of the past year and points to a future year starting tomorrow where the cat, being US skins itself to the major long term planned benefit of a third party. A third party collective entity that all share a common interest, although as specifically different as each child descended from a common parent having the attributes and methods of the parent. They are all the same family.
Three entities. You, Him and Me.
Me in this case as the instigator of the conflict between You and Him. Me (I) does not stand in the middle of the fight. Not in the middle where there is harm to me. Not even in the middle as a neutral referee in a fair fight that might be judged by either or both You and Him as biased or involved in the outcome like making bets on the winner.
Me (I) am removed removed from the conflict. Only my actions, the things I know how to do or otherwise introduce to the equation, are operating behind the curtain to cause the result (conflict) and ultimate new state of being outcome. My actions promote the conflict like a catalysis.
The way I see it at this year end of 2016 is that a .01 % of the population is introducing the presence of a catalyst to the rest of the word to induce economic chaos and physical violence. The active agents are functions of the control of power. Like the inherent power of fossil fuels conceptual power resides in the form of potential energy in weaponize Money, Authority and Media organized controlled by 1% of the population like an old style monarchy in new conceptual existence but hid behind the curtain pulling the levers from a safe distance
Will the curtain be pulled back in 2017 revealing the collective 1% con man (men) pulling at the levers of Let's You and Me Fight"?
I think that the heat has been turned up so gradually and so skillfully to boil the frog that the "new norm" has gone so far to the absurdity of truth that we do not even know where to grab the curtain any longer to expose what is behind it.
Once we had an Iron Curtain that descended upon the world.
“From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain
has descended across the continent.” Churchill’s speech is considered
one of the opening volleys announcing the beginning of the Cold War."
It was a physical and geographical curtain of Iron creating a macro level binary physical and conceptual division. When that curtain fell physically at the macro level it did not fall conceptually. The way I see it the conceptual curtain only fragmented down to lower levels of physical manifestations. All the way down through non-state level entity actors through lower granular levels like cells acting in 911 to the lowest granular level of a man in the Whitehouse, a man in the Kremlin, etc. It is at a point where there are many curtains hiding the manipulators and the manipulators are more granular puppets of an even more impenetrable curtain hiding behind them.
Domino theory was once representative of how nations might physical fall to Communism in a chain of physical events. In the new Information Age of conceptual curtains might there be a new Conceptual Domino theory that says the curtains behind which conceptual manipulators hide (and cause You and Him to fight to serve the manipulators agenda) all start to fall one at a time in quick succession like the Iron Curtain fell?
That is a hope for the New Year!
Saturday, December 31, 2016
Friday, December 30, 2016
The PNAC Is Back With A New Fool Tool And Strategy 2.0
I pulled this link up from the prior post about Michael Ladeen. It is by far the best recap of a long trail of history that has driven us through its principal players to the world of chaos that we are in today. All the usual suspects from PNAC are crawling back out from underneath the rocks to again grasp the reins of power to protect the Realm. The Realm ain't the Homeland.
This morning I read this Paul Jay interview link: I am increasingly admiring Paul Jay's journalism. The truthiness meter of the interview is off the scale. It covers the history and scope of implementation from PNAC to today. What was sought in the PNAC has substantially been accomplished. Iran remains.
Signers of the PNAC rose to power during the Bush administration. They had a tool fool in the Whitehouse to manipulate. The same names are back again but on a different playing field which looks like the Super Bowl where the final game will be played out that will determine the future of the world as dictated by a World Power.
There are two camps to this world power: The 1% and everyone else. 1% is the meme of the super rich. Money, those that have it among the less than 1% is the logistic tail behind the tip of the spear. Working closer to the tip are those that are funded by the special interest 1% behind them grouped in domains and agendas from oil to international trade to the arms industry to privatization of public entities to Israel. While the mysterious special interest hand of the market works behind the all the former entities, It is not mysterious when power jointly focuses on a political agenda stated in an official document of purpose. It was stated in a full page ad and signed by all those involved.......PNAC.
Now we are to have a bigger fool tool in the Whitehouse to be manipulated by the same few to serve their agenda. The old names are now surfacing again as well as their acolytes in the younger age group. They are all surfacing again in a new age with new media tools to fight for their agenda that are far beyond the old ones like a full page ad. Call it full spectrum media domination. Dominating media from the bottom up like never before as well as from the top down in the traditional manner. Fox news seems to have been born or at least blossomed during the Bush administration.
Starting with the link at the beginning of this blog entry I wondered where it would lead by taking a look at where the old names are today. A quick Google look at recent events brings them all up. Don't they ever die? They live on like Dick Cheney! Zombies!
I found a surprise. Many names are aligned with Trump. Being selected for Trump positions. Other prominent neocon names are lining up anti-Trump. Is this some kind of Kabuki theater? The only thing it could result in is.....greater division. Greater division as in "Divide and Conquer".
Leaving the sites that are the first two links in this blog entry that I intended to come back to and extend my thoughts on after making the usual rounds of the World Wide Web.......
Sidebar here:........WWW or "InterWeb" as you please if you do not understand the difference between Internet and WWW. One is telephone system physical device. The other is what we communicate on it via Web Sites nodes identified by IPv6 numbers. The two together are InterWeb. What is important is the communication that they facilitate in the Information Age.
First stop this morning: Democratic Underground. Maybe the Joe Six Pac site for world affairs. I judge the site and target audience by its number of F bombs. Democratic Underground gets 4.5 in a six pack of.....this is a total number that may be hard for many readers of the site to figure is.....6! I go to a wide range of sites on the Web for many reasons. Many are person on the street places. It is after all the person on the street that elected (not by majority) Trump making them the most important majority.
At DU this morning I found these two links with old names from the PNAC: Conservative Charles Krauthammer on Trump. The attributed link is: John Moffitt:
This link was on the same page on DU: David Frum: Russian-hacked material did damage -BECAUSE- Russia found a willing accomplice in Trump. The attributed source of the link is the Atlantic:
Background on Frum from 2003: – Exposing the Project for the New American Century
Frum from 2003: "4. The Split on the Right. But it is worse. Conservatives are fighting each other on the front pages of their own magazines. National Review writer David Frum made the argument public with a banner denunciation of any conservative with reservations about the invasion of Iraq. Those conservative intellectuals and activists opposed or even those critical of it before the fighting or even those who mentioned that protecting Israel’s interests could complicate matters were all labeled paleo-conservatives and pushed off to the nutty fringe."
This is a link to a list of neo-conservatives that turns over the rock from which they crawl:
Another list:
“The first time I met Bush,” said “Prince of Darkness” Richard Perle, “I knew he was different. Two things became clear. One, he didn’t know very much. The other was he had confidence to ask questions that revealed he didn’t know very much.”[32]
...........------Richard Perle
“We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq.” He continued to say that all those disastrous events “swung American public opinion in our favor.”[18] [18] “Report: Netanyahu says 9/11 attacks good for Israel,” Haaretz, April 16, 2008. ---Benjamin Netanyahu
I copied that statement in quotes. Meaning that Benjamin Netanyahu actually, truly said right after the 9/11 attack. In this time of fake news and fake truth things in quotes attributed to anyone should be what they actually truly said. Confirmed by hearing it. Yesterday I found a link about software to put things in people's mouth they never said!
Quotes extracted from context can be ambiguous or mean whatever anyone extracting them may intend or imply them to mean. "Reported" is the operative truthy word used.
Question Authority! Probably said it. Probability is an ambiguous thing but about the closest that anything can come to absolute truth and that is probably true......??
It looks to me that the Realm is getting everything in wanted in the PNAC plan. Looks close enough to tell the truth about what Israel is and what Israel does.
One of the tests of truth is to accurately and consistently predict (or cause?) future outcomes of known entity attributes through application of what those attributes know how to do as methods and accomplish implementation results by sending messages to other entities to invoke relationship with them to apply their known attributes, methods and messages in response to result in a predicted outcome.
Works every time in the scientific domain. Most of the time in the social science domain that deals with a much higher degree of ambiguity.
Weaponized Narrative
Some history including Saudi Arabia here. Did Saudia Arabia latch on to the PNAC plan as well? How encompassing is the Realm? : "Behind the combined clout of politically influential Israel and financially powerful Saudi Arabia, the script was written for U.S. politicians, pundits and officials to recite: “Iran is the chief sponsor of terrorism.”
In another era they would have signed on to a resolution condemning an un-German vote. The country of allegiance is known by the salute. Their country, their ideology uber alles, right or wrong. Oppression and genocide are wrong. Of course they must oppose those that a condemn it.
Weaponized Narrative:
"Weaponized narrative seeks to undermine an opponent’s civilization, identity, and will by generating complexity, confusion, and political and social schisms. It can be used tactically, as part of explicit military or geopolitical conflict; or strategically, as a way to reduce, neutralize, and defeat a civilization, state, or organization. Done well, it limits or even eliminates the need for armed force to achieve political and military aims."
Israel dominates this BattleSpace domain. The USA is gaining expertise as a student of the master.
Telling it like it is:
I pulled this link up from the prior post about Michael Ladeen. It is by far the best recap of a long trail of history that has driven us through its principal players to the world of chaos that we are in today. All the usual suspects from PNAC are crawling back out from underneath the rocks to again grasp the reins of power to protect the Realm. The Realm ain't the Homeland.
This morning I read this Paul Jay interview link: I am increasingly admiring Paul Jay's journalism. The truthiness meter of the interview is off the scale. It covers the history and scope of implementation from PNAC to today. What was sought in the PNAC has substantially been accomplished. Iran remains.
Signers of the PNAC rose to power during the Bush administration. They had a tool fool in the Whitehouse to manipulate. The same names are back again but on a different playing field which looks like the Super Bowl where the final game will be played out that will determine the future of the world as dictated by a World Power.
There are two camps to this world power: The 1% and everyone else. 1% is the meme of the super rich. Money, those that have it among the less than 1% is the logistic tail behind the tip of the spear. Working closer to the tip are those that are funded by the special interest 1% behind them grouped in domains and agendas from oil to international trade to the arms industry to privatization of public entities to Israel. While the mysterious special interest hand of the market works behind the all the former entities, It is not mysterious when power jointly focuses on a political agenda stated in an official document of purpose. It was stated in a full page ad and signed by all those involved.......PNAC.
Now we are to have a bigger fool tool in the Whitehouse to be manipulated by the same few to serve their agenda. The old names are now surfacing again as well as their acolytes in the younger age group. They are all surfacing again in a new age with new media tools to fight for their agenda that are far beyond the old ones like a full page ad. Call it full spectrum media domination. Dominating media from the bottom up like never before as well as from the top down in the traditional manner. Fox news seems to have been born or at least blossomed during the Bush administration.
Starting with the link at the beginning of this blog entry I wondered where it would lead by taking a look at where the old names are today. A quick Google look at recent events brings them all up. Don't they ever die? They live on like Dick Cheney! Zombies!
I found a surprise. Many names are aligned with Trump. Being selected for Trump positions. Other prominent neocon names are lining up anti-Trump. Is this some kind of Kabuki theater? The only thing it could result in is.....greater division. Greater division as in "Divide and Conquer".
Leaving the sites that are the first two links in this blog entry that I intended to come back to and extend my thoughts on after making the usual rounds of the World Wide Web.......
Sidebar here:........WWW or "InterWeb" as you please if you do not understand the difference between Internet and WWW. One is telephone system physical device. The other is what we communicate on it via Web Sites nodes identified by IPv6 numbers. The two together are InterWeb. What is important is the communication that they facilitate in the Information Age.
First stop this morning: Democratic Underground. Maybe the Joe Six Pac site for world affairs. I judge the site and target audience by its number of F bombs. Democratic Underground gets 4.5 in a six pack of.....this is a total number that may be hard for many readers of the site to figure is.....6! I go to a wide range of sites on the Web for many reasons. Many are person on the street places. It is after all the person on the street that elected (not by majority) Trump making them the most important majority.
At DU this morning I found these two links with old names from the PNAC: Conservative Charles Krauthammer on Trump. The attributed link is: John Moffitt:
This link was on the same page on DU: David Frum: Russian-hacked material did damage -BECAUSE- Russia found a willing accomplice in Trump. The attributed source of the link is the Atlantic:
Background on Frum from 2003: – Exposing the Project for the New American Century
Frum from 2003: "4. The Split on the Right. But it is worse. Conservatives are fighting each other on the front pages of their own magazines. National Review writer David Frum made the argument public with a banner denunciation of any conservative with reservations about the invasion of Iraq. Those conservative intellectuals and activists opposed or even those critical of it before the fighting or even those who mentioned that protecting Israel’s interests could complicate matters were all labeled paleo-conservatives and pushed off to the nutty fringe."
This is a link to a list of neo-conservatives that turns over the rock from which they crawl:
Another list:
J. Frum (born 1960) is a former
speechwriter for President
George W. Bush”
“Frum is widely cited as having authored the
phrase “axis of
evil,” “
“Frum’s latest book, An End to Evil, was
co-written with
Richard Perle. It provided a defense of
the 2003
invasion of Iraq, and advocated regime
change in Iran and Syria”
“Frum writes a weekly column for Canada’s National Post
newspaper and is a
commentator for American Public Radio’s “Marketplace.” His writings
frequently in the New York Times, Italy’s Il Foglio,
and the Daily Telegraph. He also writes a blog,
Frum’s Diary at the National Review Online
Web site.”
This recent reminder of history lesson about the PNAC that has been unlearned. Lessons unlearned lead to......? via forgotten truth? Truth that was buried by those that killed it?
He's Back, they are all back. Last year this link was wondering where Perle was. Working in the background unseen to elect another fool tool.
This time there seems to be a new strategy: Some old hard line neo-cons split off to be pseudo anti-Trumpers. It is an old game plan to plant goons with true allegiance to the Realm but posing as friends in the opposing entity. What do these covert goons do? Create division in the ranks!
What happens when the division in this country reaches the breaking point over the election of our president? When we get to the Brexit Point? What happens anywhere when our own foreign policy and support puts strongmen in power? Some strong man must take that seat of power.
I fear that there are too many Generals surrounding Trump. What would they do when they see the country going into chaos? Defend the Constitution and restore order of course. Restore By the means at their disposal.
Maybe the PNAC list of regimes to be toppled had one more nation name on it?
We have met the enemy and they are us!
I refer to what I have often written about in this blog in the past. The story of how to skin a cat.
There is a bloody way and an elegant way. The bloody way is the traditional way. The elegant way is to induce the cat to skin itself. Set it up cleverly by making is so afraid of something that all that is necessary to get it to jump out of its own skin is to sneak up behind it and say:
The separation of the skin from the body kills the cat as it jumps out of itself.
Conceptually it is the same thing that happens to us as a nation when the skin of our emotions, what we feel, jumps out of our body which is reason. Emotion is malleable. Hollywood makes money on it. Reason is a logic sort of thing. A truthy based thing becoming as malleable as emotion.
Our hearts lead us to do the right thing based on sound reasoning. Create hate and discontent, question what sound reasoning is and eliminate or obscure the base on which to analyze it for truth then they enable rapid change, revolution, upon which the instigators can seize power to realize their objectives.
“There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.”
-----George Bush
Is Trump the fool... or us?
“There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.”
-----George Bush
Is Trump the fool... or us?
“The first time I met Bush,” said “Prince of Darkness” Richard Perle, “I knew he was different. Two things became clear. One, he didn’t know very much. The other was he had confidence to ask questions that revealed he didn’t know very much.”[32]
...........------Richard Perle
“We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq.” He continued to say that all those disastrous events “swung American public opinion in our favor.”[18] [18] “Report: Netanyahu says 9/11 attacks good for Israel,” Haaretz, April 16, 2008. ---Benjamin Netanyahu
I copied that statement in quotes. Meaning that Benjamin Netanyahu actually, truly said right after the 9/11 attack. In this time of fake news and fake truth things in quotes attributed to anyone should be what they actually truly said. Confirmed by hearing it. Yesterday I found a link about software to put things in people's mouth they never said!
Quotes extracted from context can be ambiguous or mean whatever anyone extracting them may intend or imply them to mean. "Reported" is the operative truthy word used.
Question Authority! Probably said it. Probability is an ambiguous thing but about the closest that anything can come to absolute truth and that is probably true......??
It looks to me that the Realm is getting everything in wanted in the PNAC plan. Looks close enough to tell the truth about what Israel is and what Israel does.
One of the tests of truth is to accurately and consistently predict (or cause?) future outcomes of known entity attributes through application of what those attributes know how to do as methods and accomplish implementation results by sending messages to other entities to invoke relationship with them to apply their known attributes, methods and messages in response to result in a predicted outcome.
Works every time in the scientific domain. Most of the time in the social science domain that deals with a much higher degree of ambiguity.
Weaponized Narrative
Some history including Saudi Arabia here. Did Saudia Arabia latch on to the PNAC plan as well? How encompassing is the Realm? : "Behind the combined clout of politically influential Israel and financially powerful Saudi Arabia, the script was written for U.S. politicians, pundits and officials to recite: “Iran is the chief sponsor of terrorism.”
In another era they would have signed on to a resolution condemning an un-German vote. The country of allegiance is known by the salute. Their country, their ideology uber alles, right or wrong. Oppression and genocide are wrong. Of course they must oppose those that a condemn it.
Weaponized Narrative:
"Weaponized narrative seeks to undermine an opponent’s civilization, identity, and will by generating complexity, confusion, and political and social schisms. It can be used tactically, as part of explicit military or geopolitical conflict; or strategically, as a way to reduce, neutralize, and defeat a civilization, state, or organization. Done well, it limits or even eliminates the need for armed force to achieve political and military aims."
Israel dominates this BattleSpace domain. The USA is gaining expertise as a student of the master.
Telling it like it is:
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Michael Ledeen and General Flynn
Special Forces role has expanded in all dimensions of scope to become a prime instrument of boots on the ground military might. "Targeted Missions" wearing boots are the analog of drone warfare in this age when war has no defined front line but is more focused on pockets of resistance. Finding them, eliminating them.
Special Forces has its own multiplying factor effect. Its look and feel mission spins off into militarized police forces like SWAT, private security like Tiger Swan and the multitude of government agencies with home and abroad focus on intelligence and surveillance.
An alternate response to 911 was policy to treat the attack as a criminal case and pursue the perps and associated supporting and enabling criminals and bring them to justice. The path the US took was to treat it as an act of war and invade Iraq in a traditional warfare mode. Afghanistan followed in the same manner.
Michael Ladeen was a key player in fomenting the Iraq war. Now his name crawls out from the background again as do so many of his fellow neocons that rally around our newly elected tool to send the world into chaos to serve whatever hidden agenda they may have like Protecting the Realm.
Michel Ladeen is only one of many players in the history of neo conservatism driving us into war to serve their agenda:
The following link is extremely important. It names all the usual suspects and covers their involvement in recent history extremely well exposing their agenda and how they implement it. The timeline of the following link ends in 2009. It needs an update but lays out the same path, same direction becoming more apparent with every additional year and clearly showing that they are winning their objectives.
Extracting Ladeen from this excellent link as one of the usual suspects:
Michael Ledeen. [Source: Publicity photo via American Enterprise Institute]In his book, Machiavelli on Modern Leadership, neoconservative Michael Ledeen measures modern leaders against Machiavelli’s rules for leadership and concludes that “[e]ven after a half a millennium, Machiavelli’s advice to leaders is as contemporary as tomorrow.” [Ledeen, 2000, pp. 185] He laments that contemporary Western leaders, “like their counterparts in the rest of the world, have fallen short of Machiavelli’s standards.” [Ledeen, 2000, pp. 187] According to Ledeen, “[I]f new and more virtuous leaders do not emerge, it is only a matter of time before we are either dominated by our enemies or sink into a more profound crisis.” [Ledeen, 2000, pp. 187] Such a situation, he explains, would put the US in the “same desperate crisis that drove Machiavelli to call for a new dictator to set things aright.” He adds, “In either case, we need Machiavellian wisdom and leadership.” [Ledeen, 2000, pp. 188] Throughout the book Ledeen highlights certain qualities that he believes make strong leaders. A leader “must be prepared to fight at all times,” he writes, and must be of “manly vigor.” Women, he says, are rarely strong leaders because women generally cannot achieve virtue for they lack the “physical wherewithal and the passionate desire to achieve” military glory. To Ledeen, the ends may justify the means. In some situations, “[i]n order to achieve the most noble accomplishments, the leader may have to ‘enter into evil.’” [Ledeen, 2000, pp. 90] According to Ledeen, the Christian god sanctions this view. Machiavelli, he notes approvingly, wrote: “I believe that the greatest good that one can do, and the most gratifying to God is that which one does for one’s country.” Ledeen thus adds: “Since it is the highest good, the defense of the country is one of those extreme situation in which a leader is justified in committing evil.” [Ledeen, 2000, pp. 117]
Entity Tags: Michael Ledeen
Timeline Tags: Events Leading to Iraq Invasion, Neoconservative Influence
They all remain as players even after all these years and chaos they have caused. All continuing to work in the shadows of the background bringing the world closer to the brink. Ladeen emerges as an example of their common concerted ideology and agenda. His co-authoring a book with General Flynn is simply one case of their insidious efforts to undermine and thwart world peace. General Flynn is a dangerous tool to be manipulated and Ladeen once again made an excellent diabolical choice. The General that said "So it's a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them. Actually it's quite fun to fight them, you know. It's a hell of a hoot. It's fun to shoot some people." Many defend his statement with the context in which it was said. I find that it is indefensible. The context is exactly and entirely
Machiavellian. Read what Ladeen wrote.
This is what he wrote with General Flynn:
I agree, a must read! An absolutely chilling must read. What world will we have when "we" Finally Win the War on Terror? There is no final end game win called peace for us all. There is only a continuing win for those that perpetuate it and benefit from it. Continuing to win long as the war continues. Assuring it never ends in peace is their strategy.
Diana Furchtgott-Roth wrote the review. A new generation marches on with the neo conservative agenda.
Peace is War.
Insight to the character of General Flynn:
Exactly the best chosen tool that Ladeen could pick. The loosest biggest cannon in the field of fire.
Trump is the bigger tool:
Special Forces role has expanded in all dimensions of scope to become a prime instrument of boots on the ground military might. "Targeted Missions" wearing boots are the analog of drone warfare in this age when war has no defined front line but is more focused on pockets of resistance. Finding them, eliminating them.
Special Forces has its own multiplying factor effect. Its look and feel mission spins off into militarized police forces like SWAT, private security like Tiger Swan and the multitude of government agencies with home and abroad focus on intelligence and surveillance.
An alternate response to 911 was policy to treat the attack as a criminal case and pursue the perps and associated supporting and enabling criminals and bring them to justice. The path the US took was to treat it as an act of war and invade Iraq in a traditional warfare mode. Afghanistan followed in the same manner.
Michael Ladeen was a key player in fomenting the Iraq war. Now his name crawls out from the background again as do so many of his fellow neocons that rally around our newly elected tool to send the world into chaos to serve whatever hidden agenda they may have like Protecting the Realm.
Michel Ladeen is only one of many players in the history of neo conservatism driving us into war to serve their agenda:
The following link is extremely important. It names all the usual suspects and covers their involvement in recent history extremely well exposing their agenda and how they implement it. The timeline of the following link ends in 2009. It needs an update but lays out the same path, same direction becoming more apparent with every additional year and clearly showing that they are winning their objectives.
Extracting Ladeen from this excellent link as one of the usual suspects:
Michael Ledeen. [Source: Publicity photo via American Enterprise Institute]In his book, Machiavelli on Modern Leadership, neoconservative Michael Ledeen measures modern leaders against Machiavelli’s rules for leadership and concludes that “[e]ven after a half a millennium, Machiavelli’s advice to leaders is as contemporary as tomorrow.” [Ledeen, 2000, pp. 185] He laments that contemporary Western leaders, “like their counterparts in the rest of the world, have fallen short of Machiavelli’s standards.” [Ledeen, 2000, pp. 187] According to Ledeen, “[I]f new and more virtuous leaders do not emerge, it is only a matter of time before we are either dominated by our enemies or sink into a more profound crisis.” [Ledeen, 2000, pp. 187] Such a situation, he explains, would put the US in the “same desperate crisis that drove Machiavelli to call for a new dictator to set things aright.” He adds, “In either case, we need Machiavellian wisdom and leadership.” [Ledeen, 2000, pp. 188] Throughout the book Ledeen highlights certain qualities that he believes make strong leaders. A leader “must be prepared to fight at all times,” he writes, and must be of “manly vigor.” Women, he says, are rarely strong leaders because women generally cannot achieve virtue for they lack the “physical wherewithal and the passionate desire to achieve” military glory. To Ledeen, the ends may justify the means. In some situations, “[i]n order to achieve the most noble accomplishments, the leader may have to ‘enter into evil.’” [Ledeen, 2000, pp. 90] According to Ledeen, the Christian god sanctions this view. Machiavelli, he notes approvingly, wrote: “I believe that the greatest good that one can do, and the most gratifying to God is that which one does for one’s country.” Ledeen thus adds: “Since it is the highest good, the defense of the country is one of those extreme situation in which a leader is justified in committing evil.” [Ledeen, 2000, pp. 117]
Entity Tags: Michael Ledeen
Timeline Tags: Events Leading to Iraq Invasion, Neoconservative Influence
They all remain as players even after all these years and chaos they have caused. All continuing to work in the shadows of the background bringing the world closer to the brink. Ladeen emerges as an example of their common concerted ideology and agenda. His co-authoring a book with General Flynn is simply one case of their insidious efforts to undermine and thwart world peace. General Flynn is a dangerous tool to be manipulated and Ladeen once again made an excellent diabolical choice. The General that said "So it's a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them. Actually it's quite fun to fight them, you know. It's a hell of a hoot. It's fun to shoot some people." Many defend his statement with the context in which it was said. I find that it is indefensible. The context is exactly and entirely
Machiavellian. Read what Ladeen wrote.
This is what he wrote with General Flynn:
I agree, a must read! An absolutely chilling must read. What world will we have when "we" Finally Win the War on Terror? There is no final end game win called peace for us all. There is only a continuing win for those that perpetuate it and benefit from it. Continuing to win long as the war continues. Assuring it never ends in peace is their strategy.
Diana Furchtgott-Roth wrote the review. A new generation marches on with the neo conservative agenda.
Insight to the character of General Flynn:
Exactly the best chosen tool that Ladeen could pick. The loosest biggest cannon in the field of fire.
Trump is the bigger tool:
Sunday, December 25, 2016
Beware of Laws Passed On or Near Christmas Eve -- The Ultimate "Sneak It In On Friday, Xmas 2016
Fight propaganda with propaganda!
Contrast the general Google search results of the opening link with this Google search of "News" on the same thing: No results, anytime, as of Christmas morning.......Totally successful sneak attack? MSM does not even know ( or LIHOP)!
Maybe only Sunday December 7 was a better day to sneak anything in without notice. "To provide for the consideration of a definition of anti-Semitism for the enforcement of Federal antidiscrimination laws concerning education programs or activities." My comment: Exactly where related matters should be discussed!
"Last week, (1 Dec. 2016) the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act of 2016, a k a S. 10, was introduced in the Senate, read three times, and approved by unanimous consent without debate or amendment — all on one day. That sort of bipartisan consensus, which suggests a bill is so obviously unobjectionable that no discussion is necessary, usually means trouble, and this case is no exception."
S. 10 goes next to the House of Representatives. Keeping an eye on this one "Sneaking In".
Another well timed Christmas sneak attack: The Federal Reserve Act is an Act of Congress that created and established the Federal ... Signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson on December 23, 1913.
Nafta was signed into law 8 December 1993 and went into effect 1 January 1994.
Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act was signed into law 12 November 1999
"In the version of the bill incorporated into the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act, the U.S. Congress would ask the United States Secretary of State to collaborate with the United States Secretary of Defense and other relevant Federal agencies to create a Global Engagement Center to monitor information warfare from foreign governments, and publicize the nature of ongoing foreign propaganda and disinformation operations against the U.S. and other countries.[10] The bill said this inter-agency effort should: "counter foreign propaganda and disinformation directed against United States national security interests and proactively advance fact-based narratives that support United States allies and interests."[7]"
Ministry of Truth!
"(4) Identifying current and emerging trends in foreign propaganda and disinformation, including the use of print, broadcast, online and social media, support for third-party outlets such as think tanks, political parties, and nongovernmental organizations, and the use of covert or clandestine special operators and agents to influence targeted populations and governments in order to coordinate and shape the development of tactics, techniques, and procedures to expose and refute foreign misinformation and disinformation and proactively promote fact-based narratives and policies to audiences outside the United States."
Beware of long, run on and on sentences. More words in a single sentence structure equals greater potential for ambiguity? Shorter relational sentences create a structured higher order paragraph thought as a sum of its component sentences? Society of English Majors help, please!
Is this the government version of News Hounds?
Note that this bill originated in March, 2016. How prescient? Representatives have a crystal ball?
Stand Off Capability is military doctrine for traditional physical weapon warfare strategy. Both defensive and offensive. In the Information Age it applies equally to the new electronic and now social media based weapons of warfare. Early time line detection in the real time Information Environment is vital to counter opposing force Information Warfare. Early detection has a new meaning that goes beyond real time to future time. Call it something like "Future Crime Detection" to counter with "PreCrime: actions with RealTimeNow offensive actions. By definition there is no defensive action that can be taken when "PreCrime" future events are detected? Except for passive actions to strengthen Crypto Security? (CryptoSecurity which is a ChildObject of NationalSecurity).
Is PreEmptiveUnilateral Offense (UnilateralOffense) using Information Age Propaganda (Truth?) countermeasures against detected FuturePropaganda therefore to become First Strike (FirstStrike) warfare policy? The new "Stand Off" capability actively employed now to counteract any foreseen is forewarned Enemy Propaganda before it can be launched.
Wow! This moves Warfare into an entirely new Battle Space Domination (BattleSpace:Domination) beyond Space to the domain of Time! This kind of thing used to be Science Fiction.
A whole new dimension for Warfare. The old Military/CommercialIndustrial Complex becomes the Military/Commercial/Information Complex into which to dump money for private special interest gain at public expense.
functions continued......
(5) Facilitating the use of a wide range of technologies and techniques by sharing expertise among agencies, seeking expertise from external sources, and implementing best practices.
Kaching! Kaching! A Public/Private consortium. Public pays. Private part of the complex gets rich! How is the contractual performance of the Free Private Enterprise partner to be monitored for quality assurance delivery? Measured on terms of Truth or Success in countering Targeted Propaganda with well crafted Social Media?
(6) Identifying gaps in United States capabilities in areas relevant to the Center’s mission and recommending necessary enhancements or changes.
Share the wealth of funding by identifying other government agencies and programs to join in the effort and spread more money to the Private Enterprise contractual partners of choice?
(d) Staff.—
(1) IN GENERAL.—The Chairman may, with the consent of the Secretary and without regard to the civil service laws and regulations, appoint and terminate a Director and such other additional personnel as may be necessary to enable the Center to carry out its functions. The employment of the Director shall be subject to confirmation by the Steering Committee.
A new Government/MainStreamMedia revolving door opens? Every big lash up of big business and government needs a revolving door!
(4) PROCUREMENT OF TEMPORARY AND INTERMITTENT SERVICES.—The Chairman may procure temporary and intermittent services under section 3109(b) of title 5, United States Code, at rates for individuals which do not exceed the daily equivalent of the annual rate of basic pay prescribed for level V of the Executive Schedule under section 5316 of that title.
Paid consultants? Paid in house lobbyists?
(1) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.—There is authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary of State for fiscal years 2017 and 2018 $20,000,000 to support the Center and provide grants or contracts of financial support to civil society groups, journalists, nongovernmental organizations, federally funded research and development centers, private companies, or academic institutions for the following purposes:
(A) To support local independent media who are best placed to refute foreign disinformation and manipulation in their own communities.
"Support local independent media" Contracted with procurement money? Selection based on lowest bidder? Ha! Covert contracted support?
When selecting participants for United States educational and cultural exchange programs, the Secretary of State shall give special consideration to students and community leaders from populations and countries the Secretary deems vulnerable to foreign propaganda and disinformation campaigns.
Very selective selecting! Insertion of government chosen agents (students community leaders) from within populations and countries chosen by the Secretary in educational and cultural exchange programs....(ambiguity here) come to the USA to participate in exchange programs here in exchange for sending US citizens (students, community leaders) to the foreign countries?
Does the Secretary of State also "select" appropriate approved US citizen "agents" on a preferred criteria basis to be exchanged to the foreign country?
Load the Information Warfare dice? That is of course consistent US Policy in the use of NGO's. It is also along the lines of official military units to "shape" the social environment of the battle space.
(1) COORDINATOR.—The Secretary of State shall appoint a full-time Coordinator to lead the Center.
The Secretary of State is a full participant in the Battle Space. War is diplomacy by another means and vice versa. SecState runs this and has a greater role in getting us into War rather than avoiding it or extracting us from it. War is good for SecState business and business associates.
And.....who is Trumps selected Secretary of State?
The Center for Information Analysis and Response and the Steering Committee shall terminate ten years after the date of the enactment of this Act.
Looks like government management of the Truth to me.
What foreign government is the greatest producer of propaganda?
Looks like Israel to me. Israel should be the main focus of the Truth to counter propaganda dangerous to our national security.
Ooops! They get a pass on propaganda. Israel is an ally? With friends like this.....
Fight propaganda with propaganda!
Contrast the general Google search results of the opening link with this Google search of "News" on the same thing: No results, anytime, as of Christmas morning.......Totally successful sneak attack? MSM does not even know ( or LIHOP)!
Maybe only Sunday December 7 was a better day to sneak anything in without notice. "To provide for the consideration of a definition of anti-Semitism for the enforcement of Federal antidiscrimination laws concerning education programs or activities." My comment: Exactly where related matters should be discussed!
"Last week, (1 Dec. 2016) the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act of 2016, a k a S. 10, was introduced in the Senate, read three times, and approved by unanimous consent without debate or amendment — all on one day. That sort of bipartisan consensus, which suggests a bill is so obviously unobjectionable that no discussion is necessary, usually means trouble, and this case is no exception."
S. 10 goes next to the House of Representatives. Keeping an eye on this one "Sneaking In".
Another well timed Christmas sneak attack: The Federal Reserve Act is an Act of Congress that created and established the Federal ... Signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson on December 23, 1913.
Nafta was signed into law 8 December 1993 and went into effect 1 January 1994.
Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act was signed into law 12 November 1999
"In the version of the bill incorporated into the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act, the U.S. Congress would ask the United States Secretary of State to collaborate with the United States Secretary of Defense and other relevant Federal agencies to create a Global Engagement Center to monitor information warfare from foreign governments, and publicize the nature of ongoing foreign propaganda and disinformation operations against the U.S. and other countries.[10] The bill said this inter-agency effort should: "counter foreign propaganda and disinformation directed against United States national security interests and proactively advance fact-based narratives that support United States allies and interests."[7]"
Ministry of Truth!
"(4) Identifying current and emerging trends in foreign propaganda and disinformation, including the use of print, broadcast, online and social media, support for third-party outlets such as think tanks, political parties, and nongovernmental organizations, and the use of covert or clandestine special operators and agents to influence targeted populations and governments in order to coordinate and shape the development of tactics, techniques, and procedures to expose and refute foreign misinformation and disinformation and proactively promote fact-based narratives and policies to audiences outside the United States."
Beware of long, run on and on sentences. More words in a single sentence structure equals greater potential for ambiguity? Shorter relational sentences create a structured higher order paragraph thought as a sum of its component sentences? Society of English Majors help, please!
Is this the government version of News Hounds?
Note that this bill originated in March, 2016. How prescient? Representatives have a crystal ball?
Stand Off Capability is military doctrine for traditional physical weapon warfare strategy. Both defensive and offensive. In the Information Age it applies equally to the new electronic and now social media based weapons of warfare. Early time line detection in the real time Information Environment is vital to counter opposing force Information Warfare. Early detection has a new meaning that goes beyond real time to future time. Call it something like "Future Crime Detection" to counter with "PreCrime: actions with RealTimeNow offensive actions. By definition there is no defensive action that can be taken when "PreCrime" future events are detected? Except for passive actions to strengthen Crypto Security? (CryptoSecurity which is a ChildObject of NationalSecurity).
Is PreEmptiveUnilateral Offense (UnilateralOffense) using Information Age Propaganda (Truth?) countermeasures against detected FuturePropaganda therefore to become First Strike (FirstStrike) warfare policy? The new "Stand Off" capability actively employed now to counteract any foreseen is forewarned Enemy Propaganda before it can be launched.
Wow! This moves Warfare into an entirely new Battle Space Domination (BattleSpace:Domination) beyond Space to the domain of Time! This kind of thing used to be Science Fiction.
A whole new dimension for Warfare. The old Military/CommercialIndustrial Complex becomes the Military/Commercial/Information Complex into which to dump money for private special interest gain at public expense.
functions continued......
(5) Facilitating the use of a wide range of technologies and techniques by sharing expertise among agencies, seeking expertise from external sources, and implementing best practices.
Kaching! Kaching! A Public/Private consortium. Public pays. Private part of the complex gets rich! How is the contractual performance of the Free Private Enterprise partner to be monitored for quality assurance delivery? Measured on terms of Truth or Success in countering Targeted Propaganda with well crafted Social Media?
(6) Identifying gaps in United States capabilities in areas relevant to the Center’s mission and recommending necessary enhancements or changes.
Share the wealth of funding by identifying other government agencies and programs to join in the effort and spread more money to the Private Enterprise contractual partners of choice?
(d) Staff.—
(1) IN GENERAL.—The Chairman may, with the consent of the Secretary and without regard to the civil service laws and regulations, appoint and terminate a Director and such other additional personnel as may be necessary to enable the Center to carry out its functions. The employment of the Director shall be subject to confirmation by the Steering Committee.
A new Government/MainStreamMedia revolving door opens? Every big lash up of big business and government needs a revolving door!
(4) PROCUREMENT OF TEMPORARY AND INTERMITTENT SERVICES.—The Chairman may procure temporary and intermittent services under section 3109(b) of title 5, United States Code, at rates for individuals which do not exceed the daily equivalent of the annual rate of basic pay prescribed for level V of the Executive Schedule under section 5316 of that title.
Paid consultants? Paid in house lobbyists?
(1) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.—There is authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary of State for fiscal years 2017 and 2018 $20,000,000 to support the Center and provide grants or contracts of financial support to civil society groups, journalists, nongovernmental organizations, federally funded research and development centers, private companies, or academic institutions for the following purposes:
(A) To support local independent media who are best placed to refute foreign disinformation and manipulation in their own communities.
"Support local independent media" Contracted with procurement money? Selection based on lowest bidder? Ha! Covert contracted support?
When selecting participants for United States educational and cultural exchange programs, the Secretary of State shall give special consideration to students and community leaders from populations and countries the Secretary deems vulnerable to foreign propaganda and disinformation campaigns.
Very selective selecting! Insertion of government chosen agents (students community leaders) from within populations and countries chosen by the Secretary in educational and cultural exchange programs....(ambiguity here) come to the USA to participate in exchange programs here in exchange for sending US citizens (students, community leaders) to the foreign countries?
Does the Secretary of State also "select" appropriate approved US citizen "agents" on a preferred criteria basis to be exchanged to the foreign country?
Load the Information Warfare dice? That is of course consistent US Policy in the use of NGO's. It is also along the lines of official military units to "shape" the social environment of the battle space.
(1) COORDINATOR.—The Secretary of State shall appoint a full-time Coordinator to lead the Center.
The Secretary of State is a full participant in the Battle Space. War is diplomacy by another means and vice versa. SecState runs this and has a greater role in getting us into War rather than avoiding it or extracting us from it. War is good for SecState business and business associates.
And.....who is Trumps selected Secretary of State?
The Center for Information Analysis and Response and the Steering Committee shall terminate ten years after the date of the enactment of this Act.
Looks like government management of the Truth to me.
What foreign government is the greatest producer of propaganda?
Looks like Israel to me. Israel should be the main focus of the Truth to counter propaganda dangerous to our national security.
Ooops! They get a pass on propaganda. Israel is an ally? With friends like this.....
Saturday, December 24, 2016
Peace On Earth - Palestine and Israel - UN Resolution - Trump - Christmas Eve 2016
Sometime in the later 1950's I remember my father saying something that has remained with me throughout my life time. It was said at a time of Christmas. Dad prefaced what he said with these exact words as far as I recall:
"Peace on earth, good will towards men is what we are told the the angels proclaimed. However their words are also said to have been: Peace on earth to men of good will is what was really said".
We never really ever discussed points of view with dad. There was no discussion of this one. Simply my unspoken agreement that I got the logic and reason truth of what he said when I thought about the subtle rearrangement of the words.
Peace only comes to men of good will.
The other thing my dad said in the 1950's was that there will never be peace in the middle east until Palestine has a homeland. Is a sovereign territory with its associated status among nations. That was long before the continued acquisition of its land by Israel.
Maybe the Christmas birth brought forth what some believe to be a God/man messenger to give or spread the seed of good will toward men to establish peace on earth.
The true key to peace is that all men first have the conceptual attribute of Good Will. A SuperParent object in my ObjectOriented way of thinking from which all children descend inheriting the attributes, messages and methods of their highest level Parent.
The full lyrics are at the link. This is the crux of Longfellow's original poem:
Then from each black, accursed mouth
The cannon thundered in the South,
It was as if an earthquake rent
The hearth-stones of a continent,
And in despair I bowed my head;
"There is no peace on earth," I said;
Then pealed the bells more loud and deep:
"God is not dead, nor doth He sleep;
Last year, and maybe in past Christmas days I wrote of the Christmas Truce.
Both had a common base: The fundamental one to one person conceptual relationship expression of good will I call the most granular foundation on which to construct from the bottom up an entire conceptual operating system and all the things that it does to serve us all. From a single instance of all of us, that is what each of us are, relating socially to another instance of all of us. Applying this most fundamental one to one relationship upward through all of the increasingly social conceptual structures we create that are composed of each and every one of us to all of us.
Yes, I really do find the one to one relationship of physical and conceptual things to be a foundation to the understanding of all things. The universal rock upon which to build in either the natural world or all the conceptual ones we create. Even the world of monetary systems which which much of this blog focuses on but sees the implementation of other fundamental exclusive one to one relationships as the corner stone of our Social Operating Systems foundation of........everything really. It is the universal solvent to decompose any and all of them to their common one = one denominator on unity in the end.........
At the top......
At the bottom......
Starting anywhere in between and working either or both ways.....
This blog entry starts our looking at money and monetary systems and then take the bigger view of it in the bigger picture with a different way of expressing one to one, many to many, all to all relationships:
I recall it now simply for this lyric embedded in what I wrote:
Your mind will take you far
The rest is just pure heart
You’ll find your fate is all your own creation
Every boy and girl
As they come into this world
They bring the gift of hope and inspiration
Feel the flame forever burn
Teaching lessons we must learn
To bring us closer to the power of the dream
The world unites in hope and peace
We pray that it will always be
It is the power of the dream that brings us here
This Christmas Eve is the darkest I have ever known. There is not yet "Peace on Earth to Men of Goodwill". Good Will among all men is on the decline as our Information Age shifts the trending nature and expressions of our actions from the physical domain to the conceptual domain. The trend shift from physical war as a means to acquire land, assets and power thru inflicting death and destruction to a conceptual war inflicting analogous injury of which the victims survive but at increasingly lower levels of survival. They are needed to survive rather than being exterminated because they serve the purpose of men that have and absence of Good Will.
Side bar here:
In this blog I start with the old school term meaning of "men" just because that is the way it was used by those conceptual angels as words placed in their whoever originated the words. New school is not to use the gender word men as a universal encompassing all humans. In the last paragraph I fully intend the word phrase: "serve the purpose of men that have and absence of Good Will" to explicitly men "men". More explicitly the man named Trump. Men are, as my best friend consistently tells me, the ones that cause all the problems. That conceptual Operating System structure and its application with a gun in its hand is another matter.
"Then from each black, accursed mouth
The cannon thundered in the South,
It was as if an earthquake rent
The hearth-stones of a continent,
Trump: 23 December 2016: And with the sound the carols (to be sung two days later across the land) drowned....
But hark the herald! A weak bleat is heard at the same time related to the same place where the dream of Peace on Earth was born. The weak bleat of abstention that has become the extent of proclaiming truth. A weak bleat over telephones. Not even with the dignity of a sit down public conference statement on such a vital and important matter. The world could well end with a similar bleated whimper. A word that may be both a noun or a verb.
This whimper made on a Friday. The chosen day to release news that is intended to be no news. If news falls in the woods and nobody hears it...........
The brave stand for the USA to speak the truth of the UN resolution and abstain! I supposed the abstention will be phoned in too!
The position of Trump, reported 22 December:
"Israel rejects this shameful anti-Israel resolution at the UN and will not abide by its terms." said Netanyahu.
We are worried about Putin????
Netanyahu and Trumps new appointment of David Friedman is the real thing to be most concerned about.
This from Uri Avener really exposes Friedman:
Men such as these have no Good Will. Other men that abstain from applying it have an inadequate amount.
The way I see the writing on the wall and hear the herald is that Good Will is on a downward trend. It is at the stage where its proclamation is a whimper and the Siren Song of con men that have Self Interest in the place of Good Will in their hearts is luring us onto the rocks.
Sirens also call warnings of great danger.....The Siren's Dong drowns out the roar of the water on the rocks that beat the drums of war.
The USA bravely defies Israel by abstention at the UN!
A brave whimper! A whimper that hardly beats the sound of silence.
Peace only comes to people of Good Will.
Good Will is not "given" to us.
Good Will is what we conceptually create out of nothing within our hearts and express with our minds by gifting to each other.
Merry Christmas is just a lower level conceptual Child of the Parent:GoodWill.
"Peace on earth, good will towards men is what we are told the the angels proclaimed. However their words are also said to have been: Peace on earth to men of good will is what was really said".
We never really ever discussed points of view with dad. There was no discussion of this one. Simply my unspoken agreement that I got the logic and reason truth of what he said when I thought about the subtle rearrangement of the words.
Peace only comes to men of good will.
The other thing my dad said in the 1950's was that there will never be peace in the middle east until Palestine has a homeland. Is a sovereign territory with its associated status among nations. That was long before the continued acquisition of its land by Israel.
Maybe the Christmas birth brought forth what some believe to be a God/man messenger to give or spread the seed of good will toward men to establish peace on earth.
The true key to peace is that all men first have the conceptual attribute of Good Will. A SuperParent object in my ObjectOriented way of thinking from which all children descend inheriting the attributes, messages and methods of their highest level Parent.
The full lyrics are at the link. This is the crux of Longfellow's original poem:
- A voice, a chime,
- A chant sublime
Then from each black, accursed mouth
The cannon thundered in the South,
- And with the sound
- The carols drowned
It was as if an earthquake rent
The hearth-stones of a continent,
- And made forlorn
- The households born
And in despair I bowed my head;
"There is no peace on earth," I said;
- "For hate is strong,
- And mocks the song
Then pealed the bells more loud and deep:
"God is not dead, nor doth He sleep;
- The Wrong shall fail,
- The Right prevail,
Last year, and maybe in past Christmas days I wrote of the Christmas Truce.
Both had a common base: The fundamental one to one person conceptual relationship expression of good will I call the most granular foundation on which to construct from the bottom up an entire conceptual operating system and all the things that it does to serve us all. From a single instance of all of us, that is what each of us are, relating socially to another instance of all of us. Applying this most fundamental one to one relationship upward through all of the increasingly social conceptual structures we create that are composed of each and every one of us to all of us.
Yes, I really do find the one to one relationship of physical and conceptual things to be a foundation to the understanding of all things. The universal rock upon which to build in either the natural world or all the conceptual ones we create. Even the world of monetary systems which which much of this blog focuses on but sees the implementation of other fundamental exclusive one to one relationships as the corner stone of our Social Operating Systems foundation of........everything really. It is the universal solvent to decompose any and all of them to their common one = one denominator on unity in the end.........
At the top......
At the bottom......
Starting anywhere in between and working either or both ways.....
This blog entry starts our looking at money and monetary systems and then take the bigger view of it in the bigger picture with a different way of expressing one to one, many to many, all to all relationships:
I recall it now simply for this lyric embedded in what I wrote:
Your mind will take you far
The rest is just pure heart
You’ll find your fate is all your own creation
Every boy and girl
As they come into this world
They bring the gift of hope and inspiration
Feel the flame forever burn
Teaching lessons we must learn
To bring us closer to the power of the dream
The world unites in hope and peace
We pray that it will always be
It is the power of the dream that brings us here
This Christmas Eve is the darkest I have ever known. There is not yet "Peace on Earth to Men of Goodwill". Good Will among all men is on the decline as our Information Age shifts the trending nature and expressions of our actions from the physical domain to the conceptual domain. The trend shift from physical war as a means to acquire land, assets and power thru inflicting death and destruction to a conceptual war inflicting analogous injury of which the victims survive but at increasingly lower levels of survival. They are needed to survive rather than being exterminated because they serve the purpose of men that have and absence of Good Will.
Side bar here:
In this blog I start with the old school term meaning of "men" just because that is the way it was used by those conceptual angels as words placed in their whoever originated the words. New school is not to use the gender word men as a universal encompassing all humans. In the last paragraph I fully intend the word phrase: "serve the purpose of men that have and absence of Good Will" to explicitly men "men". More explicitly the man named Trump. Men are, as my best friend consistently tells me, the ones that cause all the problems. That conceptual Operating System structure and its application with a gun in its hand is another matter.
"Then from each black, accursed mouth
The cannon thundered in the South,
- And with the sound
- The carols drowned
It was as if an earthquake rent
The hearth-stones of a continent,
- And made forlorn
- The households born
Trump: 23 December 2016: And with the sound the carols (to be sung two days later across the land) drowned....
But hark the herald! A weak bleat is heard at the same time related to the same place where the dream of Peace on Earth was born. The weak bleat of abstention that has become the extent of proclaiming truth. A weak bleat over telephones. Not even with the dignity of a sit down public conference statement on such a vital and important matter. The world could well end with a similar bleated whimper. A word that may be both a noun or a verb.
This whimper made on a Friday. The chosen day to release news that is intended to be no news. If news falls in the woods and nobody hears it...........
The brave stand for the USA to speak the truth of the UN resolution and abstain! I supposed the abstention will be phoned in too!
The position of Trump, reported 22 December:
"Israel rejects this shameful anti-Israel resolution at the UN and will not abide by its terms." said Netanyahu.
We are worried about Putin????
Netanyahu and Trumps new appointment of David Friedman is the real thing to be most concerned about.
This from Uri Avener really exposes Friedman:
Men such as these have no Good Will. Other men that abstain from applying it have an inadequate amount.
The way I see the writing on the wall and hear the herald is that Good Will is on a downward trend. It is at the stage where its proclamation is a whimper and the Siren Song of con men that have Self Interest in the place of Good Will in their hearts is luring us onto the rocks.
Sirens also call warnings of great danger.....The Siren's Dong drowns out the roar of the water on the rocks that beat the drums of war.
The USA bravely defies Israel by abstention at the UN!
A brave whimper! A whimper that hardly beats the sound of silence.
Peace only comes to people of Good Will.
Good Will is not "given" to us.
Good Will is what we conceptually create out of nothing within our hearts and express with our minds by gifting to each other.
Merry Christmas is just a lower level conceptual Child of the Parent:GoodWill.
Friday, December 23, 2016
Palantir -- Team Rubicon -- Standing Rock
In this October 2014 blog entry I wrote about Palantir:
Today this renewed my interest in Palantir:
With these two links as food for thought about what Palantir is and does I wondered about any connection Between Team Rubicon and Standing Rock veterans?
Yes some vets with connection to Team Rubicon went to Standing Rock. An organizational membership participation or simply a personal altruistic motivation by individual veterans that were previously motivated to join Team Rubicon based on answering the "call of duty"?
Team Rubicon staffing: Interesting viewing...
Today this renewed my interest in Palantir:
With these two links as food for thought about what Palantir is and does I wondered about any connection Between Team Rubicon and Standing Rock veterans?
Yes some vets with connection to Team Rubicon went to Standing Rock. An organizational membership participation or simply a personal altruistic motivation by individual veterans that were previously motivated to join Team Rubicon based on answering the "call of duty"?
Team Rubicon staffing: Interesting viewing...
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Trump Trip Wires - Tom Engelhardt -
The USA has Trip Wires throughout the world by virtue of alliances and military bases embassies, American business interests abroad, etc.
Trump will be president and an new Trip Wire is introduced to the equation: Trump Enterprises.
Tom Engelhardt writes about this new Trip Wire and its vulnerability abroad.
Not all the discontent is abroad but they are more vulnerable. Those in the USA are less vulnerable because they will be protected by militarized police forces under domestic command and control. Where governmental militarized police forces do not exert domestic tax funded protection then Privatized Security Forces will. The growth of Private Security abroad funded by the USA is a model that has come home to roost. Standing Rock and Tiger Swan for example.
An indicator of what is coming? This, I think. Oligarchs do not have to depend on the tax payer to fund their security. Privatize it at public expense if possible. Pay for it out of pocket as a cost of doing business. Presidential protection will protect the Private Protectors!
Tom Engelhardt presents Trip Wire scenarios involving Trump enterprises.
Trump himself is the biggest Trip Wire that would set the world on fire.
I admire Tom Engelhardt, everything he writes and all the guest writers he chooses.
I am fearful that Tom has looked into the future and told us a probable truth that he sees written on the wall.
Independently I see the same thing and Tom has expressed it for me.
This from Two people I admire the most have the same view. "Is all too Plausible' = Writing on the Wall!
"Yves here. The scenario of Trump properties being targeted (both domestically as well as internationally) is all too plausible."
Trump will be president and an new Trip Wire is introduced to the equation: Trump Enterprises.
Tom Engelhardt writes about this new Trip Wire and its vulnerability abroad.
Not all the discontent is abroad but they are more vulnerable. Those in the USA are less vulnerable because they will be protected by militarized police forces under domestic command and control. Where governmental militarized police forces do not exert domestic tax funded protection then Privatized Security Forces will. The growth of Private Security abroad funded by the USA is a model that has come home to roost. Standing Rock and Tiger Swan for example.
An indicator of what is coming? This, I think. Oligarchs do not have to depend on the tax payer to fund their security. Privatize it at public expense if possible. Pay for it out of pocket as a cost of doing business. Presidential protection will protect the Private Protectors!
Tom Engelhardt presents Trip Wire scenarios involving Trump enterprises.
Trump himself is the biggest Trip Wire that would set the world on fire.
I admire Tom Engelhardt, everything he writes and all the guest writers he chooses.
I am fearful that Tom has looked into the future and told us a probable truth that he sees written on the wall.
Independently I see the same thing and Tom has expressed it for me.
This from Two people I admire the most have the same view. "Is all too Plausible' = Writing on the Wall!
"Yves here. The scenario of Trump properties being targeted (both domestically as well as internationally) is all too plausible."
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Earth In Human Hands
This is an excellent extremely long range view big picture on the Grand Scale of Time (BigTime) projecting where we are going in terms of humans beings as a shaping force of our own planet. Unlike the shaping forces of the past that were inherently natural like us, we are thinking, conscious self aware things, individually at the granular level, collectively at social levels, that are aware of our environment like every other natural thing.....trees, rocks, air...but have the capacity to act in response to our environment and change it rapidly as a function of our intelligence rather than over spans of billions of years.
Where we are going does not look good.
This offers the multitude of riffs on what was said but they all convey the same meaning:
Then God blessed them and said, "Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground."
The author of Earth in Human Hands asked when did our epoch start?
Maybe when the SelfEndowed ability Methods and Messages to do it were "given" to us as a divine right by our Common Parent ObjectMyth from which we as All Children of the Parent inherit all Its Attributes and Methods with the sole (Soul) exception of Its SuperNatural Attributes that transcend SpaceTime of our existence in a NaturalWorld?
We declared the Truths of Endowment to be SelfEvident, InalienableRights.
Perhaps in our rapidly Changing Environment we need a new "Declaration of Dependence"?
Or maybe.....maybe.....maybe just change the name of the old Declaration from Independence to Dependence? The content of the Declaration would be the same but have a HigherOrder meaning in the "Course of Human Events"?
This blog entry has legs to go somewhere but that is about as far as I can run with it applying my ObjectOriented view of the World and expressing it the way I see it through my own EntryPoint to the ProblemDomain.
I find these images to be prophetic. Pick a favorite!
Click on this one. I like the addition of the leave as the granular lowest level object gathering the light that grants the existence of life.
David's Ted talk give new meaning to the leaf in the image above.
My recent journey to Standing Rock weaves through the thoughts of this blog entry.
This is an excellent extremely long range view big picture on the Grand Scale of Time (BigTime) projecting where we are going in terms of humans beings as a shaping force of our own planet. Unlike the shaping forces of the past that were inherently natural like us, we are thinking, conscious self aware things, individually at the granular level, collectively at social levels, that are aware of our environment like every other natural thing.....trees, rocks, air...but have the capacity to act in response to our environment and change it rapidly as a function of our intelligence rather than over spans of billions of years.
Where we are going does not look good.
This offers the multitude of riffs on what was said but they all convey the same meaning:
Then God blessed them and said, "Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground."
The author of Earth in Human Hands asked when did our epoch start?
Maybe when the SelfEndowed ability Methods and Messages to do it were "given" to us as a divine right by our Common Parent ObjectMyth from which we as All Children of the Parent inherit all Its Attributes and Methods with the sole (Soul) exception of Its SuperNatural Attributes that transcend SpaceTime of our existence in a NaturalWorld?
We declared the Truths of Endowment to be SelfEvident, InalienableRights.
Perhaps in our rapidly Changing Environment we need a new "Declaration of Dependence"?
Or maybe.....maybe.....maybe just change the name of the old Declaration from Independence to Dependence? The content of the Declaration would be the same but have a HigherOrder meaning in the "Course of Human Events"?
This blog entry has legs to go somewhere but that is about as far as I can run with it applying my ObjectOriented view of the World and expressing it the way I see it through my own EntryPoint to the ProblemDomain.
I find these images to be prophetic. Pick a favorite!
Click on this one. I like the addition of the leave as the granular lowest level object gathering the light that grants the existence of life.
David's Ted talk give new meaning to the leaf in the image above.
My recent journey to Standing Rock weaves through the thoughts of this blog entry.
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Public Rights of Passive Radio Wave Detection and Identification
It is the Information Age and with it come new interpretations of rights, responsibilities and accountability.
I believe that the one of those interpretations and applications of old established Rights based on self evident truths is that we have the right to passively detect and know certain information about the physical location origin and nature of radio wave communications. Not their content but their meta data.
Active mode radio waves have the potential for surveillance that may violate constitutional rights to privacy. They may also be justified by law on a specific granular target case by case court approved basis premised on justifiable cause.
On the other hand if the public has the right and means to simply identify the physical location of the origin of radio wave transmission and identification of the transmission protocols it to a great degree insures the right to know the difference between locations and protocols that may violate rights to privacy and those that do not.
It appears true that every radio wave transmission is geographically sourced to an exact physical location. It may channel hop but unless the signal is also geographically hopped from one source to another it can be pinned to an exact (perhaps mobile but exact in real time gps traceablility) location and signal type can be identified.
Every personal communication device should have the ability to passively detect all and any physical location sources of radio wave transmission location as well as technical nature meta data. It should also have the ability to certify trusted communication sites. Spoofing of trusted sites by any means by anyone should be a violation of Federal Law with severe penalties including immediate physical destruction of originating uncertified origins of public communications nodes by law enforcement entities. Those uncertified communication entities should be reported by any citizen passively detecting them with their personal communication device and reporting it via a 911 text that includes the IMSI of the reporting device, its GPS location and the IMSI of the uncertified transmitting device and its GPS location. It is the equivalent of a citizen video documention of the commission of crime.
Public safety and persona rights protected by the public!
Protection and rights at the granular personal level. This same model should extend upward to collective entity levels of the Internet.
I believe that the one of those interpretations and applications of old established Rights based on self evident truths is that we have the right to passively detect and know certain information about the physical location origin and nature of radio wave communications. Not their content but their meta data.
Active mode radio waves have the potential for surveillance that may violate constitutional rights to privacy. They may also be justified by law on a specific granular target case by case court approved basis premised on justifiable cause.
On the other hand if the public has the right and means to simply identify the physical location of the origin of radio wave transmission and identification of the transmission protocols it to a great degree insures the right to know the difference between locations and protocols that may violate rights to privacy and those that do not.
It appears true that every radio wave transmission is geographically sourced to an exact physical location. It may channel hop but unless the signal is also geographically hopped from one source to another it can be pinned to an exact (perhaps mobile but exact in real time gps traceablility) location and signal type can be identified.
Every personal communication device should have the ability to passively detect all and any physical location sources of radio wave transmission location as well as technical nature meta data. It should also have the ability to certify trusted communication sites. Spoofing of trusted sites by any means by anyone should be a violation of Federal Law with severe penalties including immediate physical destruction of originating uncertified origins of public communications nodes by law enforcement entities. Those uncertified communication entities should be reported by any citizen passively detecting them with their personal communication device and reporting it via a 911 text that includes the IMSI of the reporting device, its GPS location and the IMSI of the uncertified transmitting device and its GPS location. It is the equivalent of a citizen video documention of the commission of crime.
Public safety and persona rights protected by the public!
Protection and rights at the granular personal level. This same model should extend upward to collective entity levels of the Internet.
Standing Rock - Tiger Swan - Trump ---Private Security -- Turtle Island
December 6th Standing Rock Bridge: A small group of maybe 10 vets went to the bridge barricades to cut razor wire. The video is on Youtube. Police had withdrawn from the other side at the time the easement was denied on the 4th of December. Since then only a couple of guys had been seen on the other side.
After the vets started cutting wire guys quickly arrived on the other side. Shouting from both sides ensued. No bullhorn as the police had been using. The vet video is not clear but the other side does not appear to be nor act like official police forces. I think they were Tiger Swan. Unprofessional goons hired for muscle more than mind. Hammers where everything they apply themselves to is a nail.
Trump employs the same kind of private security force.
Guns for hire. Mercenaries. A lucrative business that has emerged from the shadows of global unrest and war. Mercenaries well trained at the expense of the government and well equipped with knowledge and tools of their trade. Those tools are not simply old school truncheons from the days of labor unrest but sophisticated intelligence gathering, communications, command and control of the the modern battle space.
I think that growing public unrest during the Trump administration will be increasingly met with Private Security Forces. Forces that are ex-judicially detached from official governmental law enforcement agencies but acting along side them with a mantel of official appearance and sanction until such time as they begin to act independently and alone as a protection and enforcement entity acting as and agent of those that are paying them. Business entities with deep pockets.,_life%27s_no_picnic_in_trump%27s_secret_%28service%29_garden/
Both official police and private security forces were in my opinion operating electronic intercept, surveillance and attack methods at standing rock. EFF is investigating that. My cell battery was drained and cellular connections were functioning in strange ways. Tiger Swan claims area denial of cellular ability for area communications but it was probably better not to do that but to intercept communications. Police have the same ability but neither would use it since it is better to intercept communications spoofing a cell tower. That takes some special equipment and electronic intelligence ability and the professional knowledge to operate it. I wonder if Tiger Swan was better equipped than the police forces?
The situation at Standing Rock was also an excellent domestic test opportunity for Federal level agencies to test the latest and greatest secret level surveillance and control equipment, abilities and techniques. Surveillance that I foresee will become increasingly important for domestic application in the future.
On the good guy side of the razor wire the use of drones was an excellent tool to watch the other side and gather video intelligence for public showing on Youtube. The next level of public use of video recording and documentation of truth.
There is a substantial asymmetry of intelligence gathering ability between OfficialPublicLawEnforcemt/PrivateSecurity entities and the public. Cell phones are pea shooters compared to what abilities of the other side to conduct sanctioned or unsanctioned covert and overt video, electronic or old school human intelligence gathering and analysis and actions. It is essentially an OfficialArmedPublic/Private entity force vs an UnarmedPublic conflict. Non-violence is the weapon of the UnarmedPublic. Lurking in the background of that UnarmedPublic weapon is the treat that it could and would become Violent. Without that it has no teeth only the the moral high ground advantage. Moral high ground advantage does not count much external to the USA and its foreign relations. It is counting for less domestically.
Kennedy spoke eloquently of conflict and peace in the world. Framed mostly in the context of external US relationships but with a passing reference to domestic relationships. The payload essence of what he said is the quote that was the first thing he said.
JFK also said this but do your own research on his words:
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable"
JFK also said this but do your own research on his words:
I will not give it the credibility of a true quote, in so many words he did say this:
Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived...
He had a mystery about him in the way that he lived and in the manner of his death that will live and grow after him.
He had in him the stuff of which legends are made.
- John F. Kennedy,
It is interpreted to mean that to some Kennedy admired Hitler. Some would have us believe that today. Not admired any more than Trump was chosen to be "Person of the Year" for his impact on our times. All the things that may be attributed to what JFK said about Hitler are applicable to Trump today. Anyone saying that JFK "admired" Hitler is spewing propaganda. Look at the slime that says that:
Look at who is back...It is Trump:
Hitler said:
I think that "war, hate and oppression" has come home to the USA. Strange that Standing Rock is the internal USA internal site that pits one invading Sovereign Nation against another established Sovereign Nation within "our own" sea to shining sea boarders that we have claim some divine right to rule not just those that originally inhabited it but all that was "owned" by the NaturalEnvironment.
We do not own the land, the land owns us. Not the exact quote of Chief Seattle but the essence of what he said and often repeated as a statement of aboriginal peoples. The quote I heard at Standing Rock.
One sovereign nation we call the USA has ownership claim of the land by right of Eminent Domain. Another sovereign nation existing within the boarders of "Turtle Island" claims the land owns us.
It is ironic that there is an island at Standing Rock called Turtle Island. Perhaps an iconic proxy for the greater Turtle Island that is the native North America. A bridge was built to that small Turtle Island that was denied by militarized police forces to the native inhabitants.
I think we are internalizing and focusing the nature and structure and actions of our foreign policy relations and their enforcement with militarized police forces aimed at an internal sovereign nation within our borders.
After the vets started cutting wire guys quickly arrived on the other side. Shouting from both sides ensued. No bullhorn as the police had been using. The vet video is not clear but the other side does not appear to be nor act like official police forces. I think they were Tiger Swan. Unprofessional goons hired for muscle more than mind. Hammers where everything they apply themselves to is a nail.
Trump employs the same kind of private security force.
Guns for hire. Mercenaries. A lucrative business that has emerged from the shadows of global unrest and war. Mercenaries well trained at the expense of the government and well equipped with knowledge and tools of their trade. Those tools are not simply old school truncheons from the days of labor unrest but sophisticated intelligence gathering, communications, command and control of the the modern battle space.
I think that growing public unrest during the Trump administration will be increasingly met with Private Security Forces. Forces that are ex-judicially detached from official governmental law enforcement agencies but acting along side them with a mantel of official appearance and sanction until such time as they begin to act independently and alone as a protection and enforcement entity acting as and agent of those that are paying them. Business entities with deep pockets.,_life%27s_no_picnic_in_trump%27s_secret_%28service%29_garden/
Both official police and private security forces were in my opinion operating electronic intercept, surveillance and attack methods at standing rock. EFF is investigating that. My cell battery was drained and cellular connections were functioning in strange ways. Tiger Swan claims area denial of cellular ability for area communications but it was probably better not to do that but to intercept communications. Police have the same ability but neither would use it since it is better to intercept communications spoofing a cell tower. That takes some special equipment and electronic intelligence ability and the professional knowledge to operate it. I wonder if Tiger Swan was better equipped than the police forces?
The situation at Standing Rock was also an excellent domestic test opportunity for Federal level agencies to test the latest and greatest secret level surveillance and control equipment, abilities and techniques. Surveillance that I foresee will become increasingly important for domestic application in the future.
On the good guy side of the razor wire the use of drones was an excellent tool to watch the other side and gather video intelligence for public showing on Youtube. The next level of public use of video recording and documentation of truth.
There is a substantial asymmetry of intelligence gathering ability between OfficialPublicLawEnforcemt/PrivateSecurity entities and the public. Cell phones are pea shooters compared to what abilities of the other side to conduct sanctioned or unsanctioned covert and overt video, electronic or old school human intelligence gathering and analysis and actions. It is essentially an OfficialArmedPublic/Private entity force vs an UnarmedPublic conflict. Non-violence is the weapon of the UnarmedPublic. Lurking in the background of that UnarmedPublic weapon is the treat that it could and would become Violent. Without that it has no teeth only the the moral high ground advantage. Moral high ground advantage does not count much external to the USA and its foreign relations. It is counting for less domestically.
Kennedy spoke eloquently of conflict and peace in the world. Framed mostly in the context of external US relationships but with a passing reference to domestic relationships. The payload essence of what he said is the quote that was the first thing he said.
JFK also said this but do your own research on his words:
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable"
JFK also said this but do your own research on his words:
I will not give it the credibility of a true quote, in so many words he did say this:
Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived...
He had a mystery about him in the way that he lived and in the manner of his death that will live and grow after him.
He had in him the stuff of which legends are made.
- John F. Kennedy,
It is interpreted to mean that to some Kennedy admired Hitler. Some would have us believe that today. Not admired any more than Trump was chosen to be "Person of the Year" for his impact on our times. All the things that may be attributed to what JFK said about Hitler are applicable to Trump today. Anyone saying that JFK "admired" Hitler is spewing propaganda. Look at the slime that says that:
Look at who is back...It is Trump:
Hitler said:
I think that "war, hate and oppression" has come home to the USA. Strange that Standing Rock is the internal USA internal site that pits one invading Sovereign Nation against another established Sovereign Nation within "our own" sea to shining sea boarders that we have claim some divine right to rule not just those that originally inhabited it but all that was "owned" by the NaturalEnvironment.
We do not own the land, the land owns us. Not the exact quote of Chief Seattle but the essence of what he said and often repeated as a statement of aboriginal peoples. The quote I heard at Standing Rock.
One sovereign nation we call the USA has ownership claim of the land by right of Eminent Domain. Another sovereign nation existing within the boarders of "Turtle Island" claims the land owns us.
It is ironic that there is an island at Standing Rock called Turtle Island. Perhaps an iconic proxy for the greater Turtle Island that is the native North America. A bridge was built to that small Turtle Island that was denied by militarized police forces to the native inhabitants.
I think we are internalizing and focusing the nature and structure and actions of our foreign policy relations and their enforcement with militarized police forces aimed at an internal sovereign nation within our borders.
Friday, December 16, 2016
Diogenes of Sinope
Sometimes in my wandering and meandering blog I come to an end that wraps it up. Then I move the end to the beginning: This is one of those times.
Diogenes wandered with a lamp holding up to each face to find an honest man. In the Information Age the lamp is the World Wide Web. It has the power of light to shed on the truth. It also has the power to shed light on the fake, the false. Light is the action word. What it reveals is up to us to see. The fake, the false will not identify itself other than proclaiming that is the truth. Reason, logic and investigations of facts lead to judgment. Emotions lead elsewhere. The WWW tends toward emotion. I think that people generally tend to be influenced by emotion rather than reason? Good thing. Bad thing.
Premise it initially on Israel/Palestine. Carry it on to our election, Syria, Afghanistan, CIA, FBI, Russia, Aleppo, etc. What is the truth? Diogenes said something about look at what is done as a function of the Truth....or False.
It seems to me that beginning with an Not-True (False) product of a function its examination will lead to the Truth of a matter. It is like a reverse engineering to discover where Higher Order Truth undergoes a function twisting it to Lower Level False to hide the over arcing Truth.
Conceptual Operating System Truth undergoes an Application Function that converts it to Un-Truth that serves as fact to support a sub-optimized objective of a Lower Level Operating System Objective.
I hope the preceding reminds me of what I intended to think about!
This is what started the thought this morning:
Also the Russia hacking stories as well as White Helmets and Tulsi Gabbard, Aleppo and False News.
False News seems to be the News of the Day!
I am on the trail of something with this entry but I only had a vague idea of its substance and direction. The trail seemed to reveal itself in a scenario of handing out dollar bills to people on the street downtown during this Christmas season and asking them to give the single dollar to someone in need of it or keep it if they need it. This, of course would be offered to the upstream foot traffic of a downstream Salvation Army bell ringer. How often would special interest of the receiver result in not putting the dollar to the pot? And for what reasons? I would only know if I could trace the specific unique dollar to a recipient. Follow the money to where it either followed the intention to do good, found an alternate good or simply served the self interest of the recipient contrary to the intent it was given.
Aha: Maybe this on a much grander scale is what I intend to illustrate by my plan to give $100 dollars downtown to the Salvation Army (or a guy sitting on the sidewalk with a dog and a sign).
Strange that this link was the next thing I looked at after initiating this blog entry!
Many a Slip between the Cup and the Lip!
The SubjectInitiator "Cup" and the intended ObjectReceiver of its MessageMethod as expressed by a Message transmitted by a SubjectInitiator conveying a function to implement a functional relationship between Cup and Lip subject to condition an "Many a Slip" serving an intention other than the intent of the SubjectInitiator (or in fact serve it if it is sub-obtimized intention of a higher ParentLevel SubjectInitiator CoffeeDrinker to twist the intent of a proclaimed Child Level entities to serve an alternate recipient of the action CupToLip.
Bait and Switch? Switch horses in midstream by design as the best way to get across the river but make it appear that the same horse carried the rider the entire way?
A slip between SubjectDonorDollar and intended RecipientObjectPot to a different ReceipientPot?
That is a relationship that can work both ways. Benefiting a higher order Parent level for a GreaterGood:Common or an alternate LesserGood:SelfInterest.
The Philosophy:FreePrivateEnterprise:Republican is of course that each granular level SubjectInitiator through Methods to serve OwnSelfInterest implemented by functions MarketHand benefits the OperatingSystem:BestForAll.
What about Interests:Conflict???????
That is a big issue: Conflicts of Interests. Those conflicts may be resolved by Truth but what is the Truth when the truth of a lower order Thing and its actions does not serve the highest order Thing and its functions by virtue (???to whom) of Cup:Slip:Lip?
Sometimes in my wandering and meandering blog I come to an end that wraps it up. Then I move the end to the beginning: This is one of those times.
Diogenes wandered with a lamp holding up to each face to find an honest man. In the Information Age the lamp is the World Wide Web. It has the power of light to shed on the truth. It also has the power to shed light on the fake, the false. Light is the action word. What it reveals is up to us to see. The fake, the false will not identify itself other than proclaiming that is the truth. Reason, logic and investigations of facts lead to judgment. Emotions lead elsewhere. The WWW tends toward emotion. I think that people generally tend to be influenced by emotion rather than reason? Good thing. Bad thing.
Premise it initially on Israel/Palestine. Carry it on to our election, Syria, Afghanistan, CIA, FBI, Russia, Aleppo, etc. What is the truth? Diogenes said something about look at what is done as a function of the Truth....or False.
It seems to me that beginning with an Not-True (False) product of a function its examination will lead to the Truth of a matter. It is like a reverse engineering to discover where Higher Order Truth undergoes a function twisting it to Lower Level False to hide the over arcing Truth.
Conceptual Operating System Truth undergoes an Application Function that converts it to Un-Truth that serves as fact to support a sub-optimized objective of a Lower Level Operating System Objective.
I hope the preceding reminds me of what I intended to think about!
This is what started the thought this morning:
Also the Russia hacking stories as well as White Helmets and Tulsi Gabbard, Aleppo and False News.
False News seems to be the News of the Day!
I am on the trail of something with this entry but I only had a vague idea of its substance and direction. The trail seemed to reveal itself in a scenario of handing out dollar bills to people on the street downtown during this Christmas season and asking them to give the single dollar to someone in need of it or keep it if they need it. This, of course would be offered to the upstream foot traffic of a downstream Salvation Army bell ringer. How often would special interest of the receiver result in not putting the dollar to the pot? And for what reasons? I would only know if I could trace the specific unique dollar to a recipient. Follow the money to where it either followed the intention to do good, found an alternate good or simply served the self interest of the recipient contrary to the intent it was given.
Aha: Maybe this on a much grander scale is what I intend to illustrate by my plan to give $100 dollars downtown to the Salvation Army (or a guy sitting on the sidewalk with a dog and a sign).
Strange that this link was the next thing I looked at after initiating this blog entry!
Many a Slip between the Cup and the Lip!
The SubjectInitiator "Cup" and the intended ObjectReceiver of its MessageMethod as expressed by a Message transmitted by a SubjectInitiator conveying a function to implement a functional relationship between Cup and Lip subject to condition an "Many a Slip" serving an intention other than the intent of the SubjectInitiator (or in fact serve it if it is sub-obtimized intention of a higher ParentLevel SubjectInitiator CoffeeDrinker to twist the intent of a proclaimed Child Level entities to serve an alternate recipient of the action CupToLip.
Bait and Switch? Switch horses in midstream by design as the best way to get across the river but make it appear that the same horse carried the rider the entire way?
A slip between SubjectDonorDollar and intended RecipientObjectPot to a different ReceipientPot?
That is a relationship that can work both ways. Benefiting a higher order Parent level for a GreaterGood:Common or an alternate LesserGood:SelfInterest.
The Philosophy:FreePrivateEnterprise:Republican is of course that each granular level SubjectInitiator through Methods to serve OwnSelfInterest implemented by functions MarketHand benefits the OperatingSystem:BestForAll.
What about Interests:Conflict???????
That is a big issue: Conflicts of Interests. Those conflicts may be resolved by Truth but what is the Truth when the truth of a lower order Thing and its actions does not serve the highest order Thing and its functions by virtue (???to whom) of Cup:Slip:Lip?
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Eva Bartlett - Truth Teller - Tulsi Gabbard
25 May 2017:
2 Jan 2017:
It is still difficult to find the truth but the more it is told the more likely we are to hear.
22 Dec: It is difficult to find the Truth:
George Clooney will present the truth? Careful George!
13 December 2016:
Eva Bartlett has something to say that is important. I watched her address to the UN regarding Syria.
Tulsi Gabbard has something important to say about Syria:
I sent an email to Tulsi urging her to contact Eva Bartlett. I believe that Eva has important creditable information and experience that support Tulsi's postion.
The more I research what both Eva and Tulsi have to say the more I become convinced that it is truth based and presents clear courses of action based on truth.
Note: Eva is published at RT! - Russian Truth? The world is turning upside down.....or right side up? Who would have thought..........
She makes definite statements about "White Helmets". What is the truth about White Helmets?
That is an extremely good question and worth investigating to find out what the truth is........
Good guys?
Bad guys:
These are simply a few links from each perspective.
What is the truth?
Moon of Alabama is an observer, he looks at things on the internet, asks questions. That has my confidence in presenting reasoned things in the blog.
One way to find reality, if not truth is to follow the money:
This has a substantial amount of information to research:
2 Jan 2017:
It is still difficult to find the truth but the more it is told the more likely we are to hear.
22 Dec: It is difficult to find the Truth:
George Clooney will present the truth? Careful George!
13 December 2016:
Eva Bartlett has something to say that is important. I watched her address to the UN regarding Syria.
Tulsi Gabbard has something important to say about Syria:
I sent an email to Tulsi urging her to contact Eva Bartlett. I believe that Eva has important creditable information and experience that support Tulsi's postion.
The more I research what both Eva and Tulsi have to say the more I become convinced that it is truth based and presents clear courses of action based on truth.
Note: Eva is published at RT! - Russian Truth? The world is turning upside down.....or right side up? Who would have thought..........
She makes definite statements about "White Helmets". What is the truth about White Helmets?
That is an extremely good question and worth investigating to find out what the truth is........
Good guys?
Bad guys:
These are simply a few links from each perspective.
What is the truth?
Moon of Alabama is an observer, he looks at things on the internet, asks questions. That has my confidence in presenting reasoned things in the blog.
One way to find reality, if not truth is to follow the money:
This has a substantial amount of information to research:
Standing at Standing Rock - Reflections
Post Script: Nobody really reads this blog. That is OK. It is not written for anyone but myself. It organizes my object oriented thinking to focus on the conceptual structure of money, social structures like politics......Truth. The latter is scarce and hard to see or even find as a product of reason and logic driven research. Simple Truth as a reduction of complexity is not so simple to accomplish but the paradox is that our Information Age is structured on absolute natural laws in the physical domain that make computers and networked communication systems among them that work flawlessly built on the simple truth of the binary presence or absence of a real physical granular digital level entity that has properties the electrical, wave length, chemical, orientational...etc. domains.
Then we take that scientific knowledge of the physical universe to engineer science based systems to which we can apply and manage the entire range of conceptual abstractions of our minds that go so far beyond the bounds of the physical world to leap beyond the bounds of any constraints imposed by any natural law that would otherwise constrain what we................
1: Think
2. Do
Looks to me that the Self Evident Truth is this: We become individually and collectively what we Think and what we Do. Unless our purely conceptual abstract Thoughts and Actions are based on and derived as a guiding analogy from the model of the environmental structural truths of the physical world we live in then the higher level collective orders in the structure of our "Artificial" conceptual world become detached and diverges from the conceptual principles analogous to the fundamental physical science upon which the entire conceptual social system is constructed.
Our social conceptual systemm structures have diverged from the foundational conceptual Truths that we intended to build them upon.
The Operating System of our Society must be restructured.
Standing Rock, upon reflection, and my time spent there is a microcosm of the Problem Domain called our conceptual American Social Structure Operating System and the Applications that run on that Operating System.
What follows is a day and wake up before the preceding post script. It seems to have assembled itself in my mind while my mind went wherever it goes when I sleep to put things together and present them to me when I wake up with an improved understanding of the structural nature of the Big Marshmallow social, conceptual scheme of things environment that we have created in our minds with which we co-exist in this natural physical world.
This is what I heard my mind saying to me when I woke this morning that conveyed the essence of what it wanted to tell me as the link to all the things it was examining all night long. It is something said by an Elder at Standing Rock that was transparently only something said by his Elders before him and only his to pass on as a truth upon which to build an entire social structure upon:
The Earth does not belong to Us,
We belong to the Earth.
In my Object Oriented view of things I would say it this way:
We are Children of the Parent:Earth and inherit all its physical attribute properties, methods and messages of being in the natural world. At the highest level we share these attributes with all other things in the physical world at the atomic level and become more increasingly unique Children at each lower Parent:Child level. All the way down to the most granular level of the individual person in the physical world domain. Going beyond that we uniquely exist and operate in another Parent:Child domain that is entirely founded our own conceptual design with no physical structural attributes in its design but with ultimate physical expression of methods and messages in the natural world.
The fundamental non-physical granular level building block of our human conceptually created social environmental universe is.....well, I guess it is the Truth. The granular level of Truth where, like our Information Age systems, there is a presence or absence of a condition. One condition is the presence of Truth. The other condition is the absence of Truth.
The dilemma we face in our social system is the ambiguity of distinguishing between the presence or absence of Truth at the granular or collective level.
Our Information Age systems are structured on the reduction of ambiguity. As our Information Age systems evolve rapidly to higher order levels of reduction of ambiguity it is emerging as an Artificial Intelligence. What is beyond the Information Age that followed the Industrial Age?
Who is buried in Grants Tomb?
It is the Age of Artificial Intelligence. The machine become conceptually more intelligent than us.
I have returned from Standing Rock where I stood with fellow veterans as a Protector of the Water Protectors. There are so many personal stories to tell about what I experienced there, what I did. What I did was many small things. Helped put up and army tent, carried wood, water, gasoline, passed food boxes hand to hand in a line. Shoveled snow. Talked with a wide variety of people there. Walked with the veterans followed by the members of the Indian tribes on the 5th of December to the bridge and stood in prayer for almost an hour in the falling snow.
Summing up my personal experience I was simply one body putting itself on the line for my own reasons. Generally shared reasons that bonded us. Extended private reasons shared with fewer that were there. Some reasons totally from my own past and its relationship to my moral beliefs of right and wrong.
The stories I could tell of my time at Standing Rock are my granular level experiences. Interesting stories of fact and deep emotion. Summed up in one word perhaps: Redemption. The Elder called it "Healing" in his context. The concepts are beautifully related. I have done journeys from a navy career to hundreds of thousands of miles on a bicycle to multiple Ironman races to discover myself. My own truths of who I am and what I do. Every journey teaches more. The journey to Standing Rock was in retrospect a summing up and extension of all the previous ones. It built upon them. If I ever get to the point where I am doing the same old mile again on a treadmill going nowhere fast then it will be time to get a rocking chair and point it at the past and its stories. That is all I will have left.
No little stories of Standing Rock here. They are mine. There may be some polite interest of family and friends but it is passing, forgotten. Remembered perhaps in the few good words said while I am gone, along with the stories I told. The most I hope is that some inspiration lingers after me. That is my contribution to the future.
Consistent with my conceptual view of things from bottom to top, from the granular personal level to the top collective conceptual level and its particular object name I will skip the little stories of this journey to Standing Rock and attempt to present what I see as the Big Picture that all the granular individual level things called a Person and their actions sum up to collectively in two inseparable ways at the very top level: Physically, and Conceptually.
The terms "Tribe" and "Tribes" popped into my mind at Standing Rock as a way to look at things physically and conceptually with an appropriate singular and plural word. It popped into my mind while deep within my (claimed) -60 degree sleeping bag in my van at an actual 10 degree temperature waiting to go to sleep but thoughts prevented that. Everything was warm except my nose. My down jacket around my head created a small breathing tube but the nose was still cold. It gets dark early and the camp withdraws to its shelters. It was only 6 pm. Lot of time to think.
Tribe was an excellent point of entry to the Problem Domain considering where I was so I ran with the idea. Human Beings are all one Tribe. The higher order Tribe is Animals. Obvious and an easy physical and conceptual scheme of things step up to the next level. The step above that? Maybe all Living Things? That is still an easy upward Parent Level of which we are Children. A Parent Level above Living Things and its equal level sibling Non-Living Things in the Physical Domain? Cut to the chase and it is All Things.
The Oceti Sakowin camp now called the Ocheti Oate (SP?) since the Oceti Sakowin camp Sacred Fire was extinguished by the Elders and a new Sacred Fire was lighted. Chase IronEyes, saying of himself that he is not an older Elder but a younger one, expressed deep respect for the Elders now speaks for the new camp. Not as a leader since all are leaders. It is a younger generation camp but following the traditional ways of the respected Elders. Chase Ironeyes called it the "People's Camp"
The Youtube video: Watch it and hear not only what Chase IronEyes says but the meaning of the message.
Chase Iron Eyes On Birth Of New Standing Rock Sacred Fire
I stood at the Oceti Sakowin camp Sacred Fire early one morning. It was around 4 am. In the sack at 6 pm the previous night I got early. There were only 4 or 5 Elders seated on benches around the fire tending it through the night. I was the only one standing behind them. I had learned the ritual meaning and respect of the Sacred Fire. Each joining the inner circle performed a ceremony. It was dark. It was cold. Soon I was moving from foot to foot. I smiled at the thought of the same foot to foot dance we did in a circle when I happened to be at the Sacred Fire after forming a Prayer Circle around the camp the previous day. It was in response to the announcement that the easement had been denied by the Army Corps of Engineers. The immediate response was one of joy and a circle dance. I learned that the dance was two steps sideways on each foot rather than my awkward one step side step!
Weaving in a personal story here: While I was standing alone behind the few seated Indians at the Sacred Fire an Indian guy that I had seen the previous day working around the nearby donations tent and pile of donations outside came up to me and asked for some help getting gas to a cook tent. I took a 5 gallon can to the tent and with the help of a volunteer at the tent got a generator that had run out of gas during the night going again.
The guy from the donations tent arrived with a woman in a van to get the empty gas can and other cans there to add to the empty cans in the van for refill. So many times during my stay at the camp I saw so many simply spontaneously cooperate doing whatever needed to be done. Pushing cars, stacking wood, etc. The spirit of the the Sacred Fire radiated out to the entire camp and warmed us all together. I said to him that gas was life too, unfortunately and money that I offered to buy the gas was also life, unfortunately. He had not asked for it but said that it was slow to get money through the tribal procedures and I think he might be going to pay for the gas himself and may have not had enough. There were maybe a dozen cans in the van. The spirit of the camp was sharing whatever we had whenever we could contribute.
A second generation Sacred Fire now burns at the Oceti camp where I was. Often I heard reference to the 7th generation. The responsibility of the current generation to think and do things in a tradition that considers their purpose and benefit to the 7th generation.
Of all the places I have been in my life and things that I have done there are many that relate to current major events and milestones as well as past ones. A sort of Forrest Gump thing. This 7 December 75th anniversary reminds me that on the 50th anniversary of Pearl Harbor I was taking off from Hickam Field in a C-141 that began its take off roll at precisely 8 am. The day happened to be a Sunday morning too! Standing Rock is a place where history was being made that will be remembered by the 7th generation. I was a witness participant to the history made there. I walked with the Vets and Indians in a Healing Prayer walk to the bridge on 5th of December and silently stood in the falling snow for almost an hour at the same time that Wesley Clark Jr. apologized for past wrongs done to the Indian nation. I wished I could in both of these places and times at the same time!
While at the Oceti Sakowin camp I had time to learn more on the internet using my IPhone. Either the police or Tiger Swan was attacking internet cellular devices. Mine drained its battery rapidly. I discovered that the push up from the bottom did not give me the expected flashlight but a push up music screen. I had also noticed that there was no audio on Youtube video. State Police aircraft of the type that carried Stingrays circled overhead. I am sure they were probably collecting IMSI IDs and perhaps conducting other electronic surveillance.
In spite of cellular disruption I learned much then and continue to learn more now that I have returned home. One of the sites I found to be a greater value for far more than what it intended to present (that being the real truth) was this one:
While it spins the truth from mild to wild and includes a few things that are most likely maybe even absolutely true it picks and chooses among the "Truths" to present it to the advantage of its agenda.
Another site that proclaimed the truth about Standing Rock took a more legalistic approach of making the legal case for the right of the DAPL citing all the agreements, laws, meetings, required procedural steps, etc that grant DAPL legality. Looks like a good legal case. It is however all presented in the "frame" of law. So was segregation. The strategy of "framing" is to move the issue into a framework box that has set of conceptual ideas in its design that favors the "framers", the ones that move the issue to their frame of reference, their set of meanings and their set of terms and language. The "Law" is a strong frame to move any issue into.
The "Law" has been bought and paid for. On one hand by those that defended it with their lives in the highest traditions of our country. On the other hand by those that buy it with money, the power of money, the power to influence or outright create "Laws" with money as well as eliminate regulatory power to enforce existing "Law" that they did not buy that was not in their best interest.
Indian reservations are products of the Law. Legal entities called Sovereign Nations yet the citizens of those Sovereign Nations have all the rights of all citizens of the USA. This matter of Indian Nation Sovereignty is something that I started to study and now continue to investigate and learn about.
At this point this free range blog entry that is wandering around various things is coming back to reflecting on Tribalism that was covered earlier. That started out to frame the nature of "Tribe" in its broadest concept. All things belong to the big top level collective all encompassing thing called "Tribe" far beyond the frame of defined collections of human beings or even the total collective of all human beings. Animals are a tribe. The rivers are a tribe. The air is a tribe. Conceptual things like the past and the future are a tribe. The earth is a tribe.
More to add to this later.........
This covers why vets went. I agree it works for me. I was at some of the places, did some of the same things, had the same experienced. Shared it with other vets.
Then we take that scientific knowledge of the physical universe to engineer science based systems to which we can apply and manage the entire range of conceptual abstractions of our minds that go so far beyond the bounds of the physical world to leap beyond the bounds of any constraints imposed by any natural law that would otherwise constrain what we................
1: Think
2. Do
Looks to me that the Self Evident Truth is this: We become individually and collectively what we Think and what we Do. Unless our purely conceptual abstract Thoughts and Actions are based on and derived as a guiding analogy from the model of the environmental structural truths of the physical world we live in then the higher level collective orders in the structure of our "Artificial" conceptual world become detached and diverges from the conceptual principles analogous to the fundamental physical science upon which the entire conceptual social system is constructed.
Our social conceptual systemm structures have diverged from the foundational conceptual Truths that we intended to build them upon.
The Operating System of our Society must be restructured.
Standing Rock, upon reflection, and my time spent there is a microcosm of the Problem Domain called our conceptual American Social Structure Operating System and the Applications that run on that Operating System.
What follows is a day and wake up before the preceding post script. It seems to have assembled itself in my mind while my mind went wherever it goes when I sleep to put things together and present them to me when I wake up with an improved understanding of the structural nature of the Big Marshmallow social, conceptual scheme of things environment that we have created in our minds with which we co-exist in this natural physical world.
This is what I heard my mind saying to me when I woke this morning that conveyed the essence of what it wanted to tell me as the link to all the things it was examining all night long. It is something said by an Elder at Standing Rock that was transparently only something said by his Elders before him and only his to pass on as a truth upon which to build an entire social structure upon:
The Earth does not belong to Us,
We belong to the Earth.
In my Object Oriented view of things I would say it this way:
We are Children of the Parent:Earth and inherit all its physical attribute properties, methods and messages of being in the natural world. At the highest level we share these attributes with all other things in the physical world at the atomic level and become more increasingly unique Children at each lower Parent:Child level. All the way down to the most granular level of the individual person in the physical world domain. Going beyond that we uniquely exist and operate in another Parent:Child domain that is entirely founded our own conceptual design with no physical structural attributes in its design but with ultimate physical expression of methods and messages in the natural world.
The fundamental non-physical granular level building block of our human conceptually created social environmental universe is.....well, I guess it is the Truth. The granular level of Truth where, like our Information Age systems, there is a presence or absence of a condition. One condition is the presence of Truth. The other condition is the absence of Truth.
The dilemma we face in our social system is the ambiguity of distinguishing between the presence or absence of Truth at the granular or collective level.
Our Information Age systems are structured on the reduction of ambiguity. As our Information Age systems evolve rapidly to higher order levels of reduction of ambiguity it is emerging as an Artificial Intelligence. What is beyond the Information Age that followed the Industrial Age?
Who is buried in Grants Tomb?
It is the Age of Artificial Intelligence. The machine become conceptually more intelligent than us.
I have returned from Standing Rock where I stood with fellow veterans as a Protector of the Water Protectors. There are so many personal stories to tell about what I experienced there, what I did. What I did was many small things. Helped put up and army tent, carried wood, water, gasoline, passed food boxes hand to hand in a line. Shoveled snow. Talked with a wide variety of people there. Walked with the veterans followed by the members of the Indian tribes on the 5th of December to the bridge and stood in prayer for almost an hour in the falling snow.
Summing up my personal experience I was simply one body putting itself on the line for my own reasons. Generally shared reasons that bonded us. Extended private reasons shared with fewer that were there. Some reasons totally from my own past and its relationship to my moral beliefs of right and wrong.
The stories I could tell of my time at Standing Rock are my granular level experiences. Interesting stories of fact and deep emotion. Summed up in one word perhaps: Redemption. The Elder called it "Healing" in his context. The concepts are beautifully related. I have done journeys from a navy career to hundreds of thousands of miles on a bicycle to multiple Ironman races to discover myself. My own truths of who I am and what I do. Every journey teaches more. The journey to Standing Rock was in retrospect a summing up and extension of all the previous ones. It built upon them. If I ever get to the point where I am doing the same old mile again on a treadmill going nowhere fast then it will be time to get a rocking chair and point it at the past and its stories. That is all I will have left.
No little stories of Standing Rock here. They are mine. There may be some polite interest of family and friends but it is passing, forgotten. Remembered perhaps in the few good words said while I am gone, along with the stories I told. The most I hope is that some inspiration lingers after me. That is my contribution to the future.
Consistent with my conceptual view of things from bottom to top, from the granular personal level to the top collective conceptual level and its particular object name I will skip the little stories of this journey to Standing Rock and attempt to present what I see as the Big Picture that all the granular individual level things called a Person and their actions sum up to collectively in two inseparable ways at the very top level: Physically, and Conceptually.
The terms "Tribe" and "Tribes" popped into my mind at Standing Rock as a way to look at things physically and conceptually with an appropriate singular and plural word. It popped into my mind while deep within my (claimed) -60 degree sleeping bag in my van at an actual 10 degree temperature waiting to go to sleep but thoughts prevented that. Everything was warm except my nose. My down jacket around my head created a small breathing tube but the nose was still cold. It gets dark early and the camp withdraws to its shelters. It was only 6 pm. Lot of time to think.
Tribe was an excellent point of entry to the Problem Domain considering where I was so I ran with the idea. Human Beings are all one Tribe. The higher order Tribe is Animals. Obvious and an easy physical and conceptual scheme of things step up to the next level. The step above that? Maybe all Living Things? That is still an easy upward Parent Level of which we are Children. A Parent Level above Living Things and its equal level sibling Non-Living Things in the Physical Domain? Cut to the chase and it is All Things.
The Oceti Sakowin camp now called the Ocheti Oate (SP?) since the Oceti Sakowin camp Sacred Fire was extinguished by the Elders and a new Sacred Fire was lighted. Chase IronEyes, saying of himself that he is not an older Elder but a younger one, expressed deep respect for the Elders now speaks for the new camp. Not as a leader since all are leaders. It is a younger generation camp but following the traditional ways of the respected Elders. Chase Ironeyes called it the "People's Camp"
The Youtube video: Watch it and hear not only what Chase IronEyes says but the meaning of the message.
Chase Iron Eyes On Birth Of New Standing Rock Sacred Fire
I stood at the Oceti Sakowin camp Sacred Fire early one morning. It was around 4 am. In the sack at 6 pm the previous night I got early. There were only 4 or 5 Elders seated on benches around the fire tending it through the night. I was the only one standing behind them. I had learned the ritual meaning and respect of the Sacred Fire. Each joining the inner circle performed a ceremony. It was dark. It was cold. Soon I was moving from foot to foot. I smiled at the thought of the same foot to foot dance we did in a circle when I happened to be at the Sacred Fire after forming a Prayer Circle around the camp the previous day. It was in response to the announcement that the easement had been denied by the Army Corps of Engineers. The immediate response was one of joy and a circle dance. I learned that the dance was two steps sideways on each foot rather than my awkward one step side step!
Weaving in a personal story here: While I was standing alone behind the few seated Indians at the Sacred Fire an Indian guy that I had seen the previous day working around the nearby donations tent and pile of donations outside came up to me and asked for some help getting gas to a cook tent. I took a 5 gallon can to the tent and with the help of a volunteer at the tent got a generator that had run out of gas during the night going again.
The guy from the donations tent arrived with a woman in a van to get the empty gas can and other cans there to add to the empty cans in the van for refill. So many times during my stay at the camp I saw so many simply spontaneously cooperate doing whatever needed to be done. Pushing cars, stacking wood, etc. The spirit of the the Sacred Fire radiated out to the entire camp and warmed us all together. I said to him that gas was life too, unfortunately and money that I offered to buy the gas was also life, unfortunately. He had not asked for it but said that it was slow to get money through the tribal procedures and I think he might be going to pay for the gas himself and may have not had enough. There were maybe a dozen cans in the van. The spirit of the camp was sharing whatever we had whenever we could contribute.
A second generation Sacred Fire now burns at the Oceti camp where I was. Often I heard reference to the 7th generation. The responsibility of the current generation to think and do things in a tradition that considers their purpose and benefit to the 7th generation.
Of all the places I have been in my life and things that I have done there are many that relate to current major events and milestones as well as past ones. A sort of Forrest Gump thing. This 7 December 75th anniversary reminds me that on the 50th anniversary of Pearl Harbor I was taking off from Hickam Field in a C-141 that began its take off roll at precisely 8 am. The day happened to be a Sunday morning too! Standing Rock is a place where history was being made that will be remembered by the 7th generation. I was a witness participant to the history made there. I walked with the Vets and Indians in a Healing Prayer walk to the bridge on 5th of December and silently stood in the falling snow for almost an hour at the same time that Wesley Clark Jr. apologized for past wrongs done to the Indian nation. I wished I could in both of these places and times at the same time!
While at the Oceti Sakowin camp I had time to learn more on the internet using my IPhone. Either the police or Tiger Swan was attacking internet cellular devices. Mine drained its battery rapidly. I discovered that the push up from the bottom did not give me the expected flashlight but a push up music screen. I had also noticed that there was no audio on Youtube video. State Police aircraft of the type that carried Stingrays circled overhead. I am sure they were probably collecting IMSI IDs and perhaps conducting other electronic surveillance.
In spite of cellular disruption I learned much then and continue to learn more now that I have returned home. One of the sites I found to be a greater value for far more than what it intended to present (that being the real truth) was this one:
While it spins the truth from mild to wild and includes a few things that are most likely maybe even absolutely true it picks and chooses among the "Truths" to present it to the advantage of its agenda.
Another site that proclaimed the truth about Standing Rock took a more legalistic approach of making the legal case for the right of the DAPL citing all the agreements, laws, meetings, required procedural steps, etc that grant DAPL legality. Looks like a good legal case. It is however all presented in the "frame" of law. So was segregation. The strategy of "framing" is to move the issue into a framework box that has set of conceptual ideas in its design that favors the "framers", the ones that move the issue to their frame of reference, their set of meanings and their set of terms and language. The "Law" is a strong frame to move any issue into.
The "Law" has been bought and paid for. On one hand by those that defended it with their lives in the highest traditions of our country. On the other hand by those that buy it with money, the power of money, the power to influence or outright create "Laws" with money as well as eliminate regulatory power to enforce existing "Law" that they did not buy that was not in their best interest.
Indian reservations are products of the Law. Legal entities called Sovereign Nations yet the citizens of those Sovereign Nations have all the rights of all citizens of the USA. This matter of Indian Nation Sovereignty is something that I started to study and now continue to investigate and learn about.
At this point this free range blog entry that is wandering around various things is coming back to reflecting on Tribalism that was covered earlier. That started out to frame the nature of "Tribe" in its broadest concept. All things belong to the big top level collective all encompassing thing called "Tribe" far beyond the frame of defined collections of human beings or even the total collective of all human beings. Animals are a tribe. The rivers are a tribe. The air is a tribe. Conceptual things like the past and the future are a tribe. The earth is a tribe.
More to add to this later.........
This covers why vets went. I agree it works for me. I was at some of the places, did some of the same things, had the same experienced. Shared it with other vets.