It takes the creation of a whole new ball game in which the government claims its sovereign right to the monetary currency system in order to establish a system in which every single unit of currency is associated with a unique owner of that currency in an owner account.
New Ball Game:
The master unit of currency record is owned by the government.
The master account record for each unique owner of each uniquely serialized currency unit in the government owned currency record is the domain of private enterprise.
An unique private account relates directly to the currency units owned by that account existing in the government currency account. Changes in private ownership of currency as a function of the medium of exchange transferring money from one account to another cause a change in relationship of who owns what specific units of currency.
The government has absolute information relating to all money in the system at both the macro and micro levels.
Private accounting agencies have, in aggregate, total information of all current owners of money. The total of all owners accounts equals as all times, traceable to the unique secure serialized dollar unit the total of all government currency in the system. Private accounting agencies also own the ownership change history record.
When the government has probable cause it can access private agency current and history information for any given account.
Rule: Every entity that uses money as a medium of exchange must have an account identity to use the money. Account identity rules enforce identity information requirements.
Total Currency Awareness: There is always a finite amount of money currency in the system. At any given time it can be known who owns what currency units in the system and all the accounts that units of currency in the system that previously owned that unit. Total accountability.
The system requires that money be shifted from a debt base bank creation system to an asset based government creation system.
The controlling balance in the asset based system is this:
All government owned and controlled currency assets (public money) equals, to the unit dollar, the total of currency money in all privately held account records.
The law: Public money is the only money for the settlement of debts public and private.
What about loans and debts, the banking business? That is simply another business transaction like buying a 6 pack except money buys money. Banking, aside from its accounting function, which leaves only finance, I suppose is a sub system dealing with debt and all its debit and credit ideas and systems that currently and dysfuntionally are the basis for the entire system. Finance is just another thing that money buys among a multitude of other things. The system is rigged when finance creates money rather than use perpetually existing asset money.
"Total Currency Information" is a conceptual phrase that I hereby plant my flag on today and claim it as my own discovery with bragging rights of author ownership today documented by the public posting of this blog entry. A google search on those words in quotes returns no results. If it is not in the Big Data google cloud then it does not exist.
Now it does. I created it. I brought it into existence. Mine!
Big Thrill!
What is this novel conceptual term?
Glad you asked.
This is the conceptual structure for Total Currency Awareness:
Background to this conceptual structure set up
It is founded on the absolute sovereign right of the USA government (of the people) to create its own Sovereign Currency. with laws of the land to make it the one and only "monopoly currency" to used as a medium of exchange. The USA sub-contracted the right to create money used as currency to the Federal Reserve, a centralized private banking system. The money system is all smoke and mirrors to hide the fact that it sucks as a money system and benefits beyond belief or reason those private business plays that have captured control of money as currency.
This is a de facto statment: Banks totally own and control both what money is and a majority control what money does. Banks own the whole system.
There are only two parts to any system. The system "thing" is one. What that thing "does" is the other. It is a very fundamental binary relationship but it is not a system until there are "two things that interaction called "doing something" in relationship to each other. It is a natural law. Think about it. What is the sound of one hand clapping?
Restructure the Currency Monetary system: Separate what money is from what money does. Currently the nature of what money is and what it does is bundled and both are under the control of banks in a single thing called an Account. That is bad information engineering.
Bad information engineering from the very start. That of course was engineered by the banking system to create a dysfunctional system for their benefit and protect it with smoke and mirrors confusion.
Watch the movie "In Time"
Time is money. Units of time. Time is centrally controlled. Time is earned. Time is spent. It is the medium of exchange. When people run out of time they die. The central controller knows how much time each person has. Each person knows, they are their own accountant.
It is a thought provoking movie.
The central controller of time restricts it, determines its value, manipulates it for its own benefit.
If the central controller is a government that controls it for the benefit of the people it is an entirely different movie. Time becomes a resource to benefit all.
Let the good times roll!
Debt must be moved from the driver seat of the monetary system structure design to a position of just another use sector of the monetary system and the system relationship of what money is and what money does must be managed by two separate entities. What money is becomes a exclusively public governmental domain and what money does is the private domain. The government keeps the record of every single uniquely identified, serialized unit of digital money in "circulation". The private domain keeps the record of accounts owning those dollars.
In the prior paragraph "circulation" is in quotes to ironically call attention to the fact that currency does not circulate. It is a fixed record that never changes or moves except that it can be expanded or contracted in magnitude for monetary system control. The only thing that moves is changing ownership of the currency from one account to another in a medium of exchange transaction.
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