Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Telephone Number Mapping System

If I was the person in charge of assigning telephone numbers to everyone in the USA that wanted one then I would give myself the first number.

My telephone number would be 1-000-000-0000.  It could not just be the number 1 because the system requires that all digit positions be filled with something.  You could not expect to just enter the number 1 in order to call me.

I could be number 1!

For what that is worth.

Try it dialing that full telephone number.  The recording says error.

Somebody really is in charge of handing out all telephone numbers in the USA but apparently they have not thought of this "Vanity Plate" of the telephone number world yet.  They would probably have to filter their callers somehow.

Since 1 is the country code perhaps it should be the President's number?  Maybe remind him he has job #1 as well.

It is really a system established by formal standards for operation that manages the numbers.  A very interesting system.  One that operates in the unknown background as fr as we are concerned (like so many other information age systems) to enable us to speak to one another.  What it is and what it does can be known to those of us who care to know.  Probably not many.

The Telephone Number Mapping System is described here:

There has been a great change in the behind the curtain system of telephone numbers.  The change, while great in magnitude (total system transition/restructure) was (by design)  transparent to the users of the system.  The tree fell in the information structure and management forest and we never heard it.  Maybe it caused a drop out in somebody's conversation?

From the previous Wikipedia link:

"Being able to dial telephone numbers the way customers have come to expect is considered crucial for the convergence of classic telephone service (PSTN) and Internet telephony (Voice over IP, or VoIP), and for the development of new IP multimedia services. The problem of a single universal personal identifier for multiple communication services can be solved with different approaches. One simple approach is the Electronic Number Mapping System (ENUM, also known as Telephone Number Mapping), developed by the IETF, using existing E.164 telephone numbers, protocols and infrastructure to indirectly access different services available under a single personal identifier. ENUM also permits connecting the IP world to the telephone system in a seamless manner."

This is the Wikipedia explanation of the Domain Name System:

Another case of design by geniuses for the use of the common person.  Totally changed by geniuses and the common person perceives no change except in new services and abilities added to the old system (and an increase to basic cost) when added services are bought).

Telephone numbers now map to internet addresses.

Now I can make a telephone call to anyone's computer device using applications programs that enable that.  Skype for example.

Most entities, government, business and individuals have telephone numbers and IP addresses as well as devices that connect them to the services of the system.  Services that they pay for.  Any entity that has a telephone number or IP address is a financial entity because the have the common attribute of a financial entity called "BillPayer" or as the seller of these services like to identify them: "Customer"

If holders of telephone and IP numbers are financial entities how many financial entities are there that do not have telephone or IP numbers?  All financial entities have a common characteristic that they receive and pay money.  Unless they are on a cash and coin only system they must have money in an account and associated account number to do this. Note that credit spends the same as money.

So, where is this academic exercise in information structures going?????

That is a rhetorical question to myself at this point and I have to think about it.  There was a point, an objective that I intended to get to.......thinking.....thinking.

 A Universal Financial Entity Identification System.   A system where every human being is a financial entity and every collection of human beings joined together as a business enterprise, or government agency is also a financial entity.

It seems to me that we are close to that information structure and could transition to that structure with little or no impact perceived by those that are users of the existing  financial stucture.

Perhaps we are already there?

When all the discrete entities in a system (whatever they may be) are uniquely identified by various primary identification systems (car ownership or driver's license for example) and mapped to an exclusive universal identifying number that associates them (who they exactly are) to the things they relate to and the actions that implement those relationships then Total Information about that entity is possible within the domain of the universal ID system.  That may exist without our knowing it.  What rule says that if we are a person that has been assigned a universal number (Map all primary personal ID assignment schemes to this one single number) that the system has to tell us our number?  Perhaps the Universal ID System is designed to make that number visible only to the system administrators and secret to everyone else.  That, of course, would protect privacy rights?  Only if that Universal ID number that is ours is anonymized.  That is an entire new filed of Information management.

The financial domain with money as the medium of exchange has a domain range encompassing of all people as well as the institutions they create.

We and all our institutions may be already be uniquely mapped to a single identifier for the purpose of integrated system management.  Something that telephone numbers, IP numbers are only a part of other primary identifying numbers that are integrated by standards and procedures to a higher level of consolidation, integration and relationship mapping beyond IP that we are unaware of and not explained by Wikipedia?

IPv6 establishes the magnitude of numerical capability to uniquely identifies an number of discrete entities to the tune of number starting with 1 followed by 35 zeros.

The beauty of an empty bowl is in the space it contains.

IPv6 is an empty bowl that can contain a lot of things.

The thing that I am most interested in is the requirement for every financial entity to be uniquely identified by a numerical assignment and management system analogous to the Telephone/IP system.  When that is accomplished, digitized, serialized dollars in an debt free money system can become the static record on which ownership changes as opposed to the static account record debt money system we now have where money balances are a changing variable.

It reverses the fundamental relationship between what is the fixed and what is the variable record by defining money as an object, not an action related only to the properties and methods owned by the class of objects called "Number" expressed in  cell called Balance.

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