Sunday, July 22, 2012

Monetary System Engineer

From time to time I google the term "Monetary System Engineer"  I got one hit on that today for the European system but the link was dead.  I conclude that there is no such thing.  Nobody seeking the skill or having the skill to design a monetary system of having the need to employ such a skill.

Nobody that wants to specify the purpose, functional requirements and high level abstract conceptual structure of a monetary system for and engineer to create an Object Oriented information model.  Nobody seeking employment to do such work.

Must I conclude there is no need for a replacement of the current model or existence of anyone capable of producing specifications for a new and better model and implementing them in operation?

Engineers are smart people that design and build the things the rest of us use.  Good stuff like cars, TV, our Constitution.  When things don't work well or can work better, engineers design them.  Our politicians are not engineers.

Our Money System?? Where are the engineers?  Where are those that would employ such things called Monetary System Engineers.  Where are the businesses dedicated to Monetary Engineering???

Oh....they are bankers.  Working their engineering designs with their money so well for our benefit.

Looks like a closed shop monopoly for anyone seeking a job in Monetary System Engineering.

Go into Economics.  Become a broadcaster that describes the play of the game the way they see it and think that it is played but never determines what the game is nor how the game is played.  It is the only game in town and totally franchised to the banksters.  They protect their franchise.  That is why there are no search results for a non existent profession call Monetary System Engineer.

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