Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Sunday, October 28, 2018
Location Information by Constructed Serendipity
Holy Cow! The compilation of information is amazing but what is more amazing is the online user feedback comment that can be directed to an individual neighbor.
This link provided links to nearest neighbors. I went to this link because a previous link that I had looked at was a nearest neighbor to this address.
A fantastic intelligence tool that looks at a specific location and says things about that location and the people related to it.
There is no privacy anymore.. Good thing? Bad thing? It all depends!
Some would say this is an invasion of privacy. The website that presents it would certainly be subject to violation. The website is documents the fact of violation if there is a violation......or not. The website owner must be very confident that there is not and that fact is defensible in court!
Wow! The magnitude of this is immense. On the micro level it goes from a specifically identified geo location to all public information related to it. On the macro aggregation level it compiles higher levels of aggregated data for data mining that have the linkage ability to go back down to the micro level and collect all specific data elements that may be related to it.
It aggregates public information found in public silos. Of course! How elegant!
It is a cross silo cutter. This takes me back to Robert Steele!
As an example of cross silo cutting there is linkage of this website to this website:
Might there be an aggregator of a collection of independent websites using the location information business model that uses or sells aggregated data?
What business entity might that be? For what purpose?
The cat is out of the bag. The horse is out of the barn. The genie is out of the bottle and Pandora is out of the box. There is no going back but the inalienable privacy rule says there should be a remedy to take it back.
Sorry about that. It is not inalienable anymore. It was undermined at the most basic level. The citizen that owned it by right owns it no more. What is left of that right that a citizen still owns.
My father explained Freedom of speech to me at a very young age. Maybe the age of reason which was a major concept in a Catholic family. At what age did I become reasonable? Good question. I will evade it with the generality that most get there about 8 or 9 which I think was also the age of Confirmation?
This is how dad explained Free Speech to me: Your right to express yourself with your fist ends at my nose!
Where does personal harm to a person stand today and the protection of society of that right that shall not be infringed in relationship to expressing the personal right of another to express themselves by waving their fist or any other portion of their anatomy like a.......wagging tongue or the an open (unlisted) hand on the most personal private part of a woman?
I have made a huge conceptual leap from the Micro level that started at the beginning of this blog entry to the Macro level that has an address of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington DC.
There is a meta structure of conceptual Middle Ware in that leap from the micro to the macro level that begs the question: How did thing ever come to this? Maybe the truth is found with intelligence and wisdom. Maybe those are a privilege not a right? The inalienable conceptual nature of the Right exists but the right to use it is on offered privilege to get where we want to go like the privilege of a drivers license?
Interesting conceptual idea there but I will put it in the PlaceHolder cell of my mind.
Backdown the chain of conceptual linkage that I forged in my free range mind this morning to something that is not so big that I can't wrap my mind around it......
The parent website:
There must obviously be a full range of website legal protection?
Ya think!
This is a look at all the small print at the bottom where the groundwork of a get out of jail free card is laid down. There is where the analyst grunt work is done chopping wood and carrying water.
Chop, chop!
This is at the bottom of the website:
"Neighbor.Report collects publicly available data about addresses, residents, and phone numbers. Neighbor.Report is not a consumer reporting agency. Neighbor.Report records cannot be used to make decisions about employment (including background checks), insurance, housing or tenant screening, or any purpose covered by the FCRA" (I added the link to FCRA)
OK. I self certify that I will not use it for that purpose because I looked at the subjective content of what information is available on the website contributed by anonymous entities. Entities that may or may not be people.....or could be because by definition Companies = People. That is a branch of thought for later thinking!
When it comes to a branch in the road.....take it!
Here is more at the bottom of the website that will take me down those branches.
Genealogy research is so binary compared to this kind of research. If your parents did not have any children then you can't have any either!
This boils down to presenting the justification reason, logic and intent of Neighbor.Report. It looks to me like Mission Statement but one based on Fear and protection. Create the Fear and Protection becomes an Opportunity. It is a business model of the Insurance Sector. One that is adopted as and effective leverage tool b other entities.
We live in an increasingly Fear Based world. That is something to be afraid of! Mostly afraid of those that would use it as a manipulative tool for private gain at the expense of creating unreasonable Public Fear.
Good place for a reminder here.
We have nothing to fear but the fear monger business model!
Fear justifies response related to risk. Make the appearance of risk appear to be big and bigger response is necessary. It is simple risk analysis. There is real objective computational risk analysis projection based on historical data and there is subjective risk analysis based on whatever can be chosen to base that subjective analysis.
Is it objectively reasonable and logical to fear something that presents itself as a subjective risk?
I was absolutely terrified as a child of a thing that would come out of the closet in the night that was hiding in the far corner closet of my bedroom. Maybe something that resides down in our reptilian brainstem. We are vulnerable when we sleep and seek protective places to take refuge and sleep. In general I was afraid of the dark. One night when I was 14 (with my parents permission) I went out on my motor bike to a wooded property we owned miles away and slept alone in the woods in an army surplus hammock. I told them it was an adventure for me to go camping. I still love such adventures. Most of my adventures in life have been founded in conquering fear!
My adventures have been big ones!
Back to the woods at age 14.
I knew there was nothing to fear in the woods like ai knew there was nothing to fear in the closet. I could look in it when the lights were on in the bedroom. Nothing there. Nothing would be there. The thing I feared was "The Thing". Really. The real Thing that I had seen in the 1951 movie I saw in 1951. I was 8 years old. There was no Netflix then. Movies were seen in the time period they were produced and not likely to find an audience then after running their course. Why I had seen it then? Alone in a movie at age 8? I went to the movies alone to see the Saturday matinee cliff hangers for 15 cents. Times have changed. They were series then. Perhaps it was a trailer for the "Thing" I saw.
Don't know. Doesn't matter.
I survived sleeping in the woods that night. Kids had more freedom to free range than. We would go out into the woods with our BB guns to hunt bears all day long. Ride our bikes anywhere around the city.
I conquered my fear of the Thing in the closet but was never comfortable sleeping facing the wall until several years later when somehow ai felt more conceptually comfortable in that position. Even if I dd not see the Thing I had once feared, if it was any thing behind my back I could handle it.
I free ranged far and wide on a bike as a kid. I would go into neighborhoods I had never been in before to face the fear of getting lost. I always found the way out. I was never really lost. Since retirement I have actually traveled maybe a couple hundred miles on a bike and was never really lost. Conceptually I sit down at this time in life and ask myself "Where am I in time and space (conceptually, physically) where am I going from that point. Where do I want to go and how am I going to get there.
A good thing to know. How do I know looking ahead?
I don't often look back unless it is a big picture view that is useful to extrapolate future physical and conceptual paths of choice. Generally I avoid the "Been there done that, got the T-Shirt things" unless the places and/or experiences related to them are not simply going to the same place and doing the same thing in the same way over again without any change from the last time I did it.
Where am I at in time and space with the future of what I will write in this blog entry?
Back to bringing the Future I want it to go in into the present and make it mean something in history.....it is all about time travel:
Back to the fork in the road at the bottom of this website
Also at the bottom which is unusual place to put a basic search which is the utility the website was created for. The following is in fact what the website was created by some entity to do:
Under "Find" at the bottom:
Find People links to this website: http://www.gew3.org/
Search on "gew3"
Find Address links to this website: https://neighbor.report/d/
http://www.gew3.org/ "Not Secure" look to the left of the website address bar (http://www.gew3.org/)
From above site: Page views per day: 2.26 K per day 3.48 K per day returned when Update was pressed.
People search directory containing addresses, phone numbers, and public records on millions of Americans"
Server IP
Server Location
Clearwater Beach,FL,United States
Data Subsystems
Popularity: 775 visitors per day
Owner Address: 161 Brightwater Dr Apt 1, Clearwater, FL
Data Subsystems
https://www.zoominfo.com/c/data-subsystems-inc/347537991 Revenue:$10 million
Sem 360: http://www.sem360.com
Very interesting results when going to this Google Search:
Note that the search results return
Holy Cow! The compilation of information is amazing but what is more amazing is the online user feedback comment that can be directed to an individual neighbor.
This link provided links to nearest neighbors. I went to this link because a previous link that I had looked at was a nearest neighbor to this address.
A fantastic intelligence tool that looks at a specific location and says things about that location and the people related to it.
There is no privacy anymore.. Good thing? Bad thing? It all depends!
Some would say this is an invasion of privacy. The website that presents it would certainly be subject to violation. The website is documents the fact of violation if there is a violation......or not. The website owner must be very confident that there is not and that fact is defensible in court!
Wow! The magnitude of this is immense. On the micro level it goes from a specifically identified geo location to all public information related to it. On the macro aggregation level it compiles higher levels of aggregated data for data mining that have the linkage ability to go back down to the micro level and collect all specific data elements that may be related to it.
It aggregates public information found in public silos. Of course! How elegant!
It is a cross silo cutter. This takes me back to Robert Steele!
As an example of cross silo cutting there is linkage of this website to this website:
Might there be an aggregator of a collection of independent websites using the location information business model that uses or sells aggregated data?
What business entity might that be? For what purpose?
The cat is out of the bag. The horse is out of the barn. The genie is out of the bottle and Pandora is out of the box. There is no going back but the inalienable privacy rule says there should be a remedy to take it back.
Sorry about that. It is not inalienable anymore. It was undermined at the most basic level. The citizen that owned it by right owns it no more. What is left of that right that a citizen still owns.
My father explained Freedom of speech to me at a very young age. Maybe the age of reason which was a major concept in a Catholic family. At what age did I become reasonable? Good question. I will evade it with the generality that most get there about 8 or 9 which I think was also the age of Confirmation?
This is how dad explained Free Speech to me: Your right to express yourself with your fist ends at my nose!
Where does personal harm to a person stand today and the protection of society of that right that shall not be infringed in relationship to expressing the personal right of another to express themselves by waving their fist or any other portion of their anatomy like a.......wagging tongue or the an open (unlisted) hand on the most personal private part of a woman?
I have made a huge conceptual leap from the Micro level that started at the beginning of this blog entry to the Macro level that has an address of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington DC.
There is a meta structure of conceptual Middle Ware in that leap from the micro to the macro level that begs the question: How did thing ever come to this? Maybe the truth is found with intelligence and wisdom. Maybe those are a privilege not a right? The inalienable conceptual nature of the Right exists but the right to use it is on offered privilege to get where we want to go like the privilege of a drivers license?
Interesting conceptual idea there but I will put it in the PlaceHolder cell of my mind.
Backdown the chain of conceptual linkage that I forged in my free range mind this morning to something that is not so big that I can't wrap my mind around it......
The parent website:
There must obviously be a full range of website legal protection?
Ya think!
This is a look at all the small print at the bottom where the groundwork of a get out of jail free card is laid down. There is where the analyst grunt work is done chopping wood and carrying water.
Chop, chop!
This is at the bottom of the website:
"Neighbor.Report collects publicly available data about addresses, residents, and phone numbers. Neighbor.Report is not a consumer reporting agency. Neighbor.Report records cannot be used to make decisions about employment (including background checks), insurance, housing or tenant screening, or any purpose covered by the FCRA" (I added the link to FCRA)
OK. I self certify that I will not use it for that purpose because I looked at the subjective content of what information is available on the website contributed by anonymous entities. Entities that may or may not be people.....or could be because by definition Companies = People. That is a branch of thought for later thinking!
When it comes to a branch in the road.....take it!
Here is more at the bottom of the website that will take me down those branches.
Genealogy research is so binary compared to this kind of research. If your parents did not have any children then you can't have any either!
This boils down to presenting the justification reason, logic and intent of Neighbor.Report. It looks to me like Mission Statement but one based on Fear and protection. Create the Fear and Protection becomes an Opportunity. It is a business model of the Insurance Sector. One that is adopted as and effective leverage tool b other entities.
We live in an increasingly Fear Based world. That is something to be afraid of! Mostly afraid of those that would use it as a manipulative tool for private gain at the expense of creating unreasonable Public Fear.
Good place for a reminder here.
We have nothing to fear but the fear monger business model!
Fear justifies response related to risk. Make the appearance of risk appear to be big and bigger response is necessary. It is simple risk analysis. There is real objective computational risk analysis projection based on historical data and there is subjective risk analysis based on whatever can be chosen to base that subjective analysis.
Is it objectively reasonable and logical to fear something that presents itself as a subjective risk?
I was absolutely terrified as a child of a thing that would come out of the closet in the night that was hiding in the far corner closet of my bedroom. Maybe something that resides down in our reptilian brainstem. We are vulnerable when we sleep and seek protective places to take refuge and sleep. In general I was afraid of the dark. One night when I was 14 (with my parents permission) I went out on my motor bike to a wooded property we owned miles away and slept alone in the woods in an army surplus hammock. I told them it was an adventure for me to go camping. I still love such adventures. Most of my adventures in life have been founded in conquering fear!
My adventures have been big ones!
Back to the woods at age 14.
I knew there was nothing to fear in the woods like ai knew there was nothing to fear in the closet. I could look in it when the lights were on in the bedroom. Nothing there. Nothing would be there. The thing I feared was "The Thing". Really. The real Thing that I had seen in the 1951 movie I saw in 1951. I was 8 years old. There was no Netflix then. Movies were seen in the time period they were produced and not likely to find an audience then after running their course. Why I had seen it then? Alone in a movie at age 8? I went to the movies alone to see the Saturday matinee cliff hangers for 15 cents. Times have changed. They were series then. Perhaps it was a trailer for the "Thing" I saw.
Don't know. Doesn't matter.
I survived sleeping in the woods that night. Kids had more freedom to free range than. We would go out into the woods with our BB guns to hunt bears all day long. Ride our bikes anywhere around the city.
I conquered my fear of the Thing in the closet but was never comfortable sleeping facing the wall until several years later when somehow ai felt more conceptually comfortable in that position. Even if I dd not see the Thing I had once feared, if it was any thing behind my back I could handle it.
I free ranged far and wide on a bike as a kid. I would go into neighborhoods I had never been in before to face the fear of getting lost. I always found the way out. I was never really lost. Since retirement I have actually traveled maybe a couple hundred miles on a bike and was never really lost. Conceptually I sit down at this time in life and ask myself "Where am I in time and space (conceptually, physically) where am I going from that point. Where do I want to go and how am I going to get there.
A good thing to know. How do I know looking ahead?
I don't often look back unless it is a big picture view that is useful to extrapolate future physical and conceptual paths of choice. Generally I avoid the "Been there done that, got the T-Shirt things" unless the places and/or experiences related to them are not simply going to the same place and doing the same thing in the same way over again without any change from the last time I did it.
Where am I at in time and space with the future of what I will write in this blog entry?
Back to bringing the Future I want it to go in into the present and make it mean something in history.....it is all about time travel:
Back to the fork in the road at the bottom of this website
Also at the bottom which is unusual place to put a basic search which is the utility the website was created for. The following is in fact what the website was created by some entity to do:
Under "Find" at the bottom:
Find People links to this website: http://www.gew3.org/
Search on "gew3"
Find Address links to this website: https://neighbor.report/d/
http://www.gew3.org/ "Not Secure" look to the left of the website address bar (http://www.gew3.org/)
From above site: Page views per day: 2.26 K per day 3.48 K per day returned when Update was pressed.
People search directory containing addresses, phone numbers, and public records on millions of Americans"
Server IP
Server Location
Clearwater Beach,FL,United States
Data Subsystems
Popularity: 775 visitors per day
Owner Address: 161 Brightwater Dr Apt 1, Clearwater, FL
Data Subsystems
https://www.zoominfo.com/c/data-subsystems-inc/347537991 Revenue:$10 million
Sem 360: http://www.sem360.com
Very interesting results when going to this Google Search:
Note that the search results return
Saturday, October 27, 2018
Public Benefit Of Tax Exemption
There are matters of Public Benefit related to the performance of Assessor duties. Public benefit related to tax on a single tax lot or some number of collective tax lots all having a common benefit.
In Oregon the Forestland Assessment of $79.38 per acre in Eastern Oregon, including Deschutes County, is an incentive to protect Forestland from Urban Encroachment and support the economic value of land use to grow timber for commercial harvest. Forestland preservation also has environmental importance. $79 per acre is a strong incentive if contiguous properties are valued at $250,000 per acre!
Washington also has forest and manages the Public benefit of property tax incentives in a way that may be a mode for Oregon.
This is a King County Washington link to the Public Benefit aspect of property tax incentives. In this case the benefit of Open Space.
Current Use Taxation Program King County Washington
In Oregon there are various ORS, OAR, and local level government rules and regulations aim at promoting the public benefit. The benefit of the "at large" benefit to everyone at the state and local level. The tax assessment value of $79.38 for all of Eastern Oregon applies in a Forestland Classification Program to every property owner in the program regardless of county or city location.
Is the incentive worth it? An excellent question. If the incentive was not granted what would be the various real and conceptual loss. If the incentive is granted then it is granted at the expense of revenue for other pruposes in a zero sum game.
It is simply a cost/benefit analysis based on quantitative and qualitative evaluation.
It is important that this evaluation be at the local level, county and city.
Blanket centralized state incentives broadly applied fail to consider local public benefit.
In Oregon the Forestland Assessment of $79.38 per acre in Eastern Oregon, including Deschutes County, is an incentive to protect Forestland from Urban Encroachment and support the economic value of land use to grow timber for commercial harvest. Forestland preservation also has environmental importance. $79 per acre is a strong incentive if contiguous properties are valued at $250,000 per acre!
Washington also has forest and manages the Public benefit of property tax incentives in a way that may be a mode for Oregon.
This is a King County Washington link to the Public Benefit aspect of property tax incentives. In this case the benefit of Open Space.
Current Use Taxation Program King County Washington
In Oregon there are various ORS, OAR, and local level government rules and regulations aim at promoting the public benefit. The benefit of the "at large" benefit to everyone at the state and local level. The tax assessment value of $79.38 for all of Eastern Oregon applies in a Forestland Classification Program to every property owner in the program regardless of county or city location.
Is the incentive worth it? An excellent question. If the incentive was not granted what would be the various real and conceptual loss. If the incentive is granted then it is granted at the expense of revenue for other pruposes in a zero sum game.
It is simply a cost/benefit analysis based on quantitative and qualitative evaluation.
It is important that this evaluation be at the local level, county and city.
Blanket centralized state incentives broadly applied fail to consider local public benefit.
Friday, October 26, 2018
Deschutes County Fraternal Organizations Property Tax Exemptions
Property Class codes
980 Benevolent/Charitable, Fraternal Ownership Vacant
981 Benevolent/Charitable, Fraternal Ownership Improved
983 Property Leased to Benevolent/Charitable, Fraternal Ownership
985 Benevolent/Charitable/Fraternal Ownership - Temporarily Exempt
989 Benevolent/Charitable/Fraternal Organization with a Manufactured Structure
Deschutes County Assessor assigns Property Class: 981 -- MUNICIPAL OR OTHER EXEMPT to (by sample) all Fraternal Organizations
Might there be a report of all property classification values for the county?
A work in progress:
Assessment of Stat Class Applicability for
Building a Statewide Land Use Data Layer
Property Tax Exemptions For Specified Organizations
Deschutes Dial Table 3 2018-19:

Social Welfare Exemptions:
138 Fraternal Organizations in Deschutes County are tax exempt
Taxable Assessed Value: $86,413,293
RMV: $386,280,095
Assessed Value Exempt: $86,413,293
171 Churches and Religious Organizations:
Taxable Assessed Value: 0
RMV: $101,633,269
Assessed Value Exempt: $25,222,374
St. Francis of Assisi
Property Class: 910 -- MUNICIPAL OR OTHER EXEMPT
No Tax
RMV: Land only $1,389,450
AV: 0
Tax: 0
Oregon has over 100 Exemption Programs
Property Tax Exemptions for Specified Organizations
Fraternal organizations (ORS 307.136)
A fraternal organization must be organized as a not- for-profit corporation and regularly provide financial support for a charitable activity with the purpose of doing good to others rather than for the convenience of its members. It is not solely a social club and college fraternities or sororities don’t qualify.
“Fraternal organizations” include, but are not limited to: the Masons, the Knights of Pythias, the Knights of Columbus, and Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, the Fraternal Order Of Eagles, the Loyal Order of Moose, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Oregon State Grange, the American Legion, the Veter- ans of Foreign Wars, the International Association of Lions Clubs, the Soroptimist International, the Rotary International, and the Kiwanis International.
To qualify for the property tax exemption, the property must be actively occupied and used in lodge or fraternal work, or for entertainment and recreational purposes. It is not exempt if it is rented to others for sums greater than reasonable expenses for heat, lights, water, janito- rial services, supplies, facility repair, and rehabilitation.
Additional ORS 307.136
Account: 269700
Site Address: 1041 NE 9TH ST, BEND, OR 97701
Class ID: 610
Mailing Address:
PO BOX 7589
BEND, OR 97708
980 Benevolent/Charitable, Fraternal Ownership Vacant
981 Benevolent/Charitable, Fraternal Ownership Improved
983 Property Leased to Benevolent/Charitable, Fraternal Ownership
985 Benevolent/Charitable/Fraternal Ownership - Temporarily Exempt
989 Benevolent/Charitable/Fraternal Organization with a Manufactured Structure
Deschutes County Assessor assigns Property Class: 981 -- MUNICIPAL OR OTHER EXEMPT to (by sample) all Fraternal Organizations
Might there be a report of all property classification values for the county?
A work in progress:
Assessment of Stat Class Applicability for
Building a Statewide Land Use Data Layer
Property Tax Exemptions For Specified Organizations
ORS 307.136
Definition of Fraternal Orgnization;
Definition of Fraternal Orgnization;
Application for Real and Personal Property Tax Exemption
For lease, sublease, or lease-purchased property owned by a taxable owner and leased to an exempt public body, institution, or organization, other than the state of Oregon or the U.S. Government, ORS 307.112.
Just a guess: The approved application is an official document supporting the tax exemption. Reasonable to think that a supporting document evidence exists to substantiate the tax exemption. Somewhere to be found unless the dog ate it.
138 Fraternal Organizations in Deschutes County should have some record on file of their approved application for this tax exemption of $86,413,293
In the Course of a meeting with the Deschutes County Assessor 26 he replied to my question about the amount by saying disregard it, it means nothing,.
Deschutes Dial TAble 3 is a document that does not appear in the public Sal record like it does in other counties. It was provided to me by the Deschutes County Assessor at my request.
For lease, sublease, or lease-purchased property owned by a taxable owner and leased to an exempt public body, institution, or organization, other than the state of Oregon or the U.S. Government, ORS 307.112.
Just a guess: The approved application is an official document supporting the tax exemption. Reasonable to think that a supporting document evidence exists to substantiate the tax exemption. Somewhere to be found unless the dog ate it.
138 Fraternal Organizations in Deschutes County should have some record on file of their approved application for this tax exemption of $86,413,293
In the Course of a meeting with the Deschutes County Assessor 26 he replied to my question about the amount by saying disregard it, it means nothing,.
Deschutes Dial TAble 3 is a document that does not appear in the public Sal record like it does in other counties. It was provided to me by the Deschutes County Assessor at my request.
Deschutes Dial Table 3 2018-19:
Social Welfare Exemptions:
138 Fraternal Organizations in Deschutes County are tax exempt
Taxable Assessed Value: $86,413,293
RMV: $386,280,095
Assessed Value Exempt: $86,413,293
171 Churches and Religious Organizations:
Taxable Assessed Value: 0
RMV: $101,633,269
Assessed Value Exempt: $25,222,374
St. Francis of Assisi
Property Class: 910 -- MUNICIPAL OR OTHER EXEMPT
No Tax
RMV: Land only $1,389,450
AV: 0
Tax: 0
Oregon has over 100 Exemption Programs
Property Tax Exemptions for Specified Organizations
Fraternal organizations (ORS 307.136)
A fraternal organization must be organized as a not- for-profit corporation and regularly provide financial support for a charitable activity with the purpose of doing good to others rather than for the convenience of its members. It is not solely a social club and college fraternities or sororities don’t qualify.
“Fraternal organizations” include, but are not limited to: the Masons, the Knights of Pythias, the Knights of Columbus, and Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, the Fraternal Order Of Eagles, the Loyal Order of Moose, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Oregon State Grange, the American Legion, the Veter- ans of Foreign Wars, the International Association of Lions Clubs, the Soroptimist International, the Rotary International, and the Kiwanis International.
To qualify for the property tax exemption, the property must be actively occupied and used in lodge or fraternal work, or for entertainment and recreational purposes. It is not exempt if it is rented to others for sums greater than reasonable expenses for heat, lights, water, janito- rial services, supplies, facility repair, and rehabilitation.
Additional ORS 307.136
Account: 269700
Site Address: 1041 NE 9TH ST, BEND, OR 97701
Class ID: 610
Mailing Address:
PO BOX 7589
BEND, OR 97708
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Oregon County Assessor Reports Sal Table 3 Fraternal Organizations
Email inquiring about the validity of Fraternal Organization Exemption is provided following this info related to other county reports. Note that the stated value of RMV in the email is $691,025,800 which is intentionally incorrect. I did not expect a reply to the email confirming that he received it but may have gotten a reply if he corrected the amount.
Jefferson County SAL Report 2018-19 Contains Table 3 Summary of Specially Assessed and Tax Exempt Properties - Fraternal Organizatins
Accounts: 3
TAV: 0
RMV: 1,698,520
Assessed Value Exempt: 1,658,985
Jackson County SAL Report 2017-18 Table 3 2017-18 Sal Report
Lane County Sal Report Table 3 2018-19
Accounts: 82
TAV: 186,041
RMV: 38,353,326
Assessed Value Exempt: 21,293,407
Email sent to the Deschutes County Assessor 24 October 2018
MR. Langton,
Deschutes County SAL Table 3 2018-19 SOCIAL WELFARE EXEMPTIONS 2018-19
Accounts: 138
RMV: 691,025,800
Assessed Value Exempt; 691,025,800
Other Counties for comparison:
Accounts: 98
TAV: 0
RMV: 42,429,390
Assessed Value Exempt: 832,000
Josephine County SAL Report 2018-19 Table 3 2018-19 Sal Report
Accounts: 19
TAV: 411,170
RMV: 4,167,330
Assessed Value Exempt: 3,549,220
Douglas County SAL Report Table 3 2018-19 Sal Report
Accounts: 66
TAV: 0
RMV: 5,708,392
Assessed Value Exempt: 5,708,392
TAV: 186,041
RMV: 38,353,326
Assessed Value Exempt: 21,293,407
Email sent to the Deschutes County Assessor 24 October 2018
MR. Langton,
A review of Sal Table 3 produces what seems to be abnormal values for Fraternal Organization Exemptions.
Are these values correct? Computationally derived? Manually entered perhaps?
Jefferson County SAL Report 2018-19 Table 3 Summary of Specially Assessed and Tax Exempt Properties - Fraternal Organizations
Accounts: 3
TAV: 0
RMV: 1,698,520
Assessed Value Exempt: 1,658,985
Jackson County SAL Report 2017-18 Table 3 2017-18 Sal Report
Lane County Sal Report Table 3 2018-19
Accounts: 82
TAV: 186,041
RMV: 38,353,326
Assessed Value Exempt: 21,293,407
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
China Requires Blockchain Based Information Service Providers Obtain Real Names Of Users
At first glance this looks big.
A good thing or a bad thing?
Good I think. It requires a much deeper look. All the way down to the rock bottom of Freedom of Speech and Accountability.
This Wikipedia "Accountability" link explains the word in the broad contextual framework of Governance. Individual Accountability related to their Responsibility
This analysis that I am doing is structured on a definition of terms and their precise as possible meanings. The model is, of course, a Data Element Dictionary. The application of that Dictionary model is a Data Element Encyclopedia. In the more precise domain of computing Meta Data (metadata) structures everything as Data about Data. What we call an Encyclopedia in our Natural Language is Middle Ware Data about Data in computer terms.
Expressed precisely in the Language of Mathematics it looks like this:
Encyclopedia = Middle Ware Data
Both are Information
At first glance this looks big.
A good thing or a bad thing?
Good I think. It requires a much deeper look. All the way down to the rock bottom of Freedom of Speech and Accountability.
This Wikipedia "Accountability" link explains the word in the broad contextual framework of Governance. Individual Accountability related to their Responsibility
This analysis that I am doing is structured on a definition of terms and their precise as possible meanings. The model is, of course, a Data Element Dictionary. The application of that Dictionary model is a Data Element Encyclopedia. In the more precise domain of computing Meta Data (metadata) structures everything as Data about Data. What we call an Encyclopedia in our Natural Language is Middle Ware Data about Data in computer terms.
Expressed precisely in the Language of Mathematics it looks like this:
Encyclopedia = Middle Ware Data
Both are Information
Monday, October 22, 2018
Builders Exchange Bend Oregon is an excellent Model for City Planning and Operation
An unusual entity relationship model was in my dreaming mind when I woke up this morning. I grabbed it just before it fled into the nowhere it came from just to get something vague to associate what had been a clear conversation with it that would not be remembered. A key to open that conversation and reconstruct it at the keyboard.
The path of progress from the Industrial Age to the Information Age is a fascinating big picture thing to look at. My own view is this: The Industrial Age built things. It was preceded by the Industrial Revolution that kick started it. The Information Age builds conceptual things. An Information Revolution preceded it.
Revolutions aren't what they used to be when Paul Revere took his famous ride and pinned a date to the start:
On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-Five:
Hardly a man is now alive
Who remembers that famous day and year.
The Information Age is expressed as a relationship among Conceptual, Logical and Physical models. The Industrial Age expressed itself the same way. The product of that Age was real world physical stuff. The "Physical Model" of the Information Age is a conceptual object thing that functions as a tool to build real enduser physical things but is also as a conceptual tool to build enduser conceptual things.
Builders Exchange is an excellent business model that functions to Construct real things using labor and materials.
That is key thing I grasped to remember what I had so clearly seen in high definition as it faded away: Builders Exchange for the Information Age. That is all I needed to grasp and then run with at the keyboard at 4:00 int the morning and reconstruct logically what I had just seen so clearly but intuitively with my eyes still closed.
Score bragging rights!
Most of my million dollar ideas have already been thought. A search on the exact phrase term "Builders Exchange for the Information Age" returned no results. Bragging rights are worth more than a million bucks. The size of self important bragging rights are judged by their uniqueness. They can't merely be essentially a restatement of an existing idea in different terms. However, seeing what everyone else sees but seeing beyond it to something nobody has yet seen is genius!
Maybe, maybe not. To me it is a gold nugget in plain sight glimmering only to me. Oh, joy!
The general concept of a Builders Exchange for the Information Age to build conceptual things for end use can be seen in some examples.
Github for instance. It is like an Open Source Builders Exchange. The "Builders" in Github are called Developers. Builders Exchange builds to cost as well. Different code. Code applied to construct a building for private or public use.
In the construction world the building function begins with creating a conceptual design based on a conceptual purpose then implementing an Architectural Plan to create a real world thing.
Software building is not fundamentally different except it results in utilization to build conceptual things as well as range of real things like buildings or end use conceptual things like Financial Management Programs or Hollywood movies.
Learning or doing something new is easier when it is built upon something we already know about and/or know how to do. This is like that model of learning and doing.
The Information Age has expanded so far so fast that it is almost as hard to comprehend as the Big Bang Model. When can be easily seen and understood is when time and space contract to a Time:Now and Place:Bend. That is where conceptual world information meets the road on our own Wall Street. When a conceptual map on an iPhone guide us to Home Depot to buy something that the website said was not only in stock but how many units at what price.
We are building conceptual things in Bend to implement as real and conceptual end use things in Bend. To some or perhaps a great extent we are using legacy systems to build them in the Public, Private and Non-Profit Domains. Did I leave any major domain out? They all interface in a total system with different relationships.
This is where it all gets as murky as the thing that eluded me when I woke up. At this point I have gone as far as I can go climbing a tree to the moon.
The challenge is to put together real and conceptual things to build our community Bend. We see the building going on all over town from streets to new buildings. We see Builders doing that, hear the sounds of new construction. Enjoy the use of things already built and operating.
Construction trades go to a Builders Exchange to participate in building our city. What kind of an Exchange might be established as a place to go to participate in building and fixing the governance systems and public plans that serve us?
Really, how are Conceptual Systems of this nature built and maintained?
Getting real murky in the deep water here but it is a good question.
The challenge is to reduce complexity to simplicity. It is a complex thing to build things and maintain them in our City. We do it well in Bend employing many skilled people among us.
Designing conceptually from the top down and building from the bottom up is a good model. Github builds from the bottom up knowing the end purpose Application in an Operating System. We are all becoming more aware of the Operating System and Application Program relationship. It provides a good model. We comprehend the relationship in use of our computing devices (old school perception of what they really are) that are Information Devices.
Gotta bring this whole thing home to some pay off for spending time trying to flesh out what seemed so simply written on an intuitive wall.
Think and do about more building more purely conceptual things in our city that will serve us all better just like we thing and do about building and maintaining the physical things in our city.
The Information Age is built upon establishing a highly structured Operating System for equally highly structured Applications Programs to run on. The basic Operating of
Governance remains our foundation. The computer world started out with a simple fundamental Operating System to connect real hardware operation to core conceptual abstractions in software. Then the whole hardware/software system expanded to the point to both higher order as well as lower order relationships until it became difficult to distinguish the line between Operating System and Application Programs. The line might be drawn by what a buyer pays for but the truth is that the higher level always serves the lower level client.
A nice idea but dysfunction is a bug and bugs are corrected by Feedback for correction at its own or higher level.
Effective Feedback, positive and negative is essential to system operation.
Perhaps the key to any system's health is operational Feedback.
There is no ambiguity in the Natural Real World.
Loop holes in conceptual systems like law are ambiguities that that offer self serving opportunities for private exploitation gain at public expense.
We know the oldest profession but the oldest game is private gain at someone else expense.
Private gain at someone else's expense on a one to one basis is done with a gun.
Private gain at public expense is cleverly done by tilting the playing field.
The path of progress from the Industrial Age to the Information Age is a fascinating big picture thing to look at. My own view is this: The Industrial Age built things. It was preceded by the Industrial Revolution that kick started it. The Information Age builds conceptual things. An Information Revolution preceded it.
Revolutions aren't what they used to be when Paul Revere took his famous ride and pinned a date to the start:
On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-Five:
Hardly a man is now alive
Who remembers that famous day and year.
The Information Age is expressed as a relationship among Conceptual, Logical and Physical models. The Industrial Age expressed itself the same way. The product of that Age was real world physical stuff. The "Physical Model" of the Information Age is a conceptual object thing that functions as a tool to build real enduser physical things but is also as a conceptual tool to build enduser conceptual things.
That is key thing I grasped to remember what I had so clearly seen in high definition as it faded away: Builders Exchange for the Information Age. That is all I needed to grasp and then run with at the keyboard at 4:00 int the morning and reconstruct logically what I had just seen so clearly but intuitively with my eyes still closed.
Score bragging rights!
Most of my million dollar ideas have already been thought. A search on the exact phrase term "Builders Exchange for the Information Age" returned no results. Bragging rights are worth more than a million bucks. The size of self important bragging rights are judged by their uniqueness. They can't merely be essentially a restatement of an existing idea in different terms. However, seeing what everyone else sees but seeing beyond it to something nobody has yet seen is genius!
Maybe, maybe not. To me it is a gold nugget in plain sight glimmering only to me. Oh, joy!
The general concept of a Builders Exchange for the Information Age to build conceptual things for end use can be seen in some examples.
Github for instance. It is like an Open Source Builders Exchange. The "Builders" in Github are called Developers. Builders Exchange builds to cost as well. Different code. Code applied to construct a building for private or public use.
In the construction world the building function begins with creating a conceptual design based on a conceptual purpose then implementing an Architectural Plan to create a real world thing.
Software building is not fundamentally different except it results in utilization to build conceptual things as well as range of real things like buildings or end use conceptual things like Financial Management Programs or Hollywood movies.
Learning or doing something new is easier when it is built upon something we already know about and/or know how to do. This is like that model of learning and doing.
The Information Age has expanded so far so fast that it is almost as hard to comprehend as the Big Bang Model. When can be easily seen and understood is when time and space contract to a Time:Now and Place:Bend. That is where conceptual world information meets the road on our own Wall Street. When a conceptual map on an iPhone guide us to Home Depot to buy something that the website said was not only in stock but how many units at what price.
We are building conceptual things in Bend to implement as real and conceptual end use things in Bend. To some or perhaps a great extent we are using legacy systems to build them in the Public, Private and Non-Profit Domains. Did I leave any major domain out? They all interface in a total system with different relationships.
This is where it all gets as murky as the thing that eluded me when I woke up. At this point I have gone as far as I can go climbing a tree to the moon.
The challenge is to put together real and conceptual things to build our community Bend. We see the building going on all over town from streets to new buildings. We see Builders doing that, hear the sounds of new construction. Enjoy the use of things already built and operating.
Construction trades go to a Builders Exchange to participate in building our city. What kind of an Exchange might be established as a place to go to participate in building and fixing the governance systems and public plans that serve us?
Really, how are Conceptual Systems of this nature built and maintained?
Getting real murky in the deep water here but it is a good question.
The challenge is to reduce complexity to simplicity. It is a complex thing to build things and maintain them in our City. We do it well in Bend employing many skilled people among us.
Designing conceptually from the top down and building from the bottom up is a good model. Github builds from the bottom up knowing the end purpose Application in an Operating System. We are all becoming more aware of the Operating System and Application Program relationship. It provides a good model. We comprehend the relationship in use of our computing devices (old school perception of what they really are) that are Information Devices.
Gotta bring this whole thing home to some pay off for spending time trying to flesh out what seemed so simply written on an intuitive wall.
Think and do about more building more purely conceptual things in our city that will serve us all better just like we thing and do about building and maintaining the physical things in our city.
The Information Age is built upon establishing a highly structured Operating System for equally highly structured Applications Programs to run on. The basic Operating of
Governance remains our foundation. The computer world started out with a simple fundamental Operating System to connect real hardware operation to core conceptual abstractions in software. Then the whole hardware/software system expanded to the point to both higher order as well as lower order relationships until it became difficult to distinguish the line between Operating System and Application Programs. The line might be drawn by what a buyer pays for but the truth is that the higher level always serves the lower level client.
A nice idea but dysfunction is a bug and bugs are corrected by Feedback for correction at its own or higher level.
Effective Feedback, positive and negative is essential to system operation.
Perhaps the key to any system's health is operational Feedback.
There is no ambiguity in the Natural Real World.
Loop holes in conceptual systems like law are ambiguities that that offer self serving opportunities for private exploitation gain at public expense.
We know the oldest profession but the oldest game is private gain at someone else expense.
Private gain at someone else's expense on a one to one basis is done with a gun.
Private gain at public expense is cleverly done by tilting the playing field.
Sunday, October 21, 2018
Comment Submission to ODF
ODF protects our vast and vital forest resources in a multitude of ways to promote their benefit to our citizens and maintain the environment we live in. Accomplishment of that purpose requires an "administrative forest" of policy intent, ORS, OAR, etc. The "trees" in that forest are the basic regulating rules necessary to serve the health of the administrative forest designed to protect the health of the real forests of Oregon.
Protection is essential in both forest environments.
I report the following abuse of the ODF administrative forest. Predatory fungus is sucking life out of good Forest Practices at basic rule/tree level for private gain at public expense. The problem is systemic.
There are 12 residential zoned taxlot properties within the City of Bend having 40 acres classified as Designated Forestland. It was not the intent of the legislature nor ODF that these properties benefit from Forestland protection programs.
One Example: 2.89 acres
RMV: $868,110.00
AV: $229
Tax: $3.56
Who is benefitting from the Eastern Oregon 2018 Forestland assessment of 79.38 per acre? The Forest or the Fungus?
Assessment and taxing was designed to protect Forestland from urban encroachment. Mis-application of a land value assessment where not intended calls into question the intent, policy and administrative integrity of ODF management.
Does ODF officially sanction the validity of the example?
The remaining City Forest Land taxlot data can be provided as well as full Deschutes County Data.
Protection is essential in both forest environments.
I report the following abuse of the ODF administrative forest. Predatory fungus is sucking life out of good Forest Practices at basic rule/tree level for private gain at public expense. The problem is systemic.
There are 12 residential zoned taxlot properties within the City of Bend having 40 acres classified as Designated Forestland. It was not the intent of the legislature nor ODF that these properties benefit from Forestland protection programs.
One Example: 2.89 acres
RMV: $868,110.00
AV: $229
Tax: $3.56
Who is benefitting from the Eastern Oregon 2018 Forestland assessment of 79.38 per acre? The Forest or the Fungus?
Assessment and taxing was designed to protect Forestland from urban encroachment. Mis-application of a land value assessment where not intended calls into question the intent, policy and administrative integrity of ODF management.
Does ODF officially sanction the validity of the example?
The remaining City Forest Land taxlot data can be provided as well as full Deschutes County Data.
Saturday, October 20, 2018
Fire Patrol Revenue Reduction Deschutes 2017 to 2018 Computation
Fire Patrol Revenue reduced from 2017 to 2018. $450,355.18
2018-19 Annual Report page 14:
Fire Patrol: $666,452.91
Fire Patrol Surcharge: $932,320.50
Total: $1,598,773.41
2017-18 Annual Report page 14
Fire Patrol: $813,271.89
Fire Patrol Surcharge: $1,234,857.70
Total: $2,048,128.59
Reduction in total Assessment Revenue from 2017-18 to 2018-19
2017-18. $2,048,128.59
2018-19. - $1,598,774.41
Total reduction in Fire Patrol Revenue: $450,355.18
Fire Patrol Reduction from 2017-18 to 2018-19
Fire Patrol 2017-18 $813,271.89
2018-19 - $666,452.91
Reduction $146,818.98
Fire Patrol Surcharge Reduction from 2017-17 to 2018-19
Surcharge 2017-18. $1,234,857.70
Surcharge 2017-18. - $932,320.00
Reduction. $302,537.50
Total Fire Patrol Reduction from 2017-18 to 2018-19
+ $302.537.50
Total Revenue Reduction $450,355.18
Fire Patrol Revenue reduced from 2017 to 2018. $450,355.18
2018-19 Annual Report page 14:
Fire Patrol: $666,452.91
Fire Patrol Surcharge: $932,320.50
Total: $1,598,773.41
2017-18 Annual Report page 14
Fire Patrol: $813,271.89
Fire Patrol Surcharge: $1,234,857.70
Total: $2,048,128.59
Reduction in total Assessment Revenue from 2017-18 to 2018-19
2017-18. $2,048,128.59
2018-19. - $1,598,774.41
Total reduction in Fire Patrol Revenue: $450,355.18
Fire Patrol Reduction from 2017-18 to 2018-19
Fire Patrol 2017-18 $813,271.89
2018-19 - $666,452.91
Reduction $146,818.98
Fire Patrol Surcharge Reduction from 2017-17 to 2018-19
Surcharge 2017-18. $1,234,857.70
Surcharge 2017-18. - $932,320.00
Reduction. $302,537.50
Total Fire Patrol Reduction from 2017-18 to 2018-19
+ $302.537.50
Total Revenue Reduction $450,355.18
Thursday, October 18, 2018
Traffic System Management State of the Art? Austin Texas
I copied this from the last blog entry to give it the status it deserves!
A traffic manager's dream?
Usually best in breed systems are evaluated for their scale up potential.
Can this one scale down well? I think it should.
Check out the system site maintenance where the rubber meets the road.
A traffic manager's dream?
Usually best in breed systems are evaluated for their scale up potential.
Can this one scale down well? I think it should.
A real time traffic count example
What IOT devices do they get this from?
looks like state of the art!
But what is this .io domain name?
"In computer science, "IO" or "I/O" (pronounced I O) is commonly used as an abbreviation for input/output, which makes the .io domain useful for services that want to be associated with technology. .io domains are often used for open source projects, application programming interfaces ("APIs") (such as put.io API and pen.io API), startup companies, video games, and other online services.[10][11]"
Check out the system site maintenance where the rubber meets the road.
http://transportation.austintexas.io has a Github link!
A bicycle iPhone Android App! (scroll down to bike pic)
Another vendor offering bike detection and stop light management also for pedestrians!
A bicycle iPhone Android App! (scroll down to bike pic)
Another vendor offering bike detection and stop light management also for pedestrians!
Bend Traffic Intersection Cameras
The city of Salem has an intersection video camera system that streams live video to this website:
The city of Salem has an intersection video camera system that streams live video to this website:
Salem Traffic Count map. Not recent data no real time count.
A real time traffic count example
What IOT devices do they get this from?
looks like state of the art!
But what is this .io domain name?
"In computer science, "IO" or "I/O" (pronounced I O) is commonly used as an abbreviation for input/output, which makes the .io domain useful for services that want to be associated with technology. .io domains are often used for open source projects, application programming interfaces ("APIs") (such as put.io API and pen.io API), startup companies, video games, and other online services.[10][11]"
Check out the system site maintenance where the rubber meets the road.
http://transportation.austintexas.io/ops-map/ http://transportation.austintexas.iohas a Github link!
News: dated 2014:
Salem Traffic Count map. Not recent data no real time count.
A real time traffic count example
What IOT devices do they get this from?
looks like state of the art!
But what is this .io domain name?
"In computer science, "IO" or "I/O" (pronounced I O) is commonly used as an abbreviation for input/output, which makes the .io domain useful for services that want to be associated with technology. .io domains are often used for open source projects, application programming interfaces ("APIs") (such as put.io API and pen.io API), startup companies, video games, and other online services.[10][11]"
Check out the system site maintenance where the rubber meets the road.
http://transportation.austintexas.io/ops-map/ http://transportation.austintexas.iohas a Github link!
News: dated 2014:
"Mike Gotterba, a spokesman for the city’s public works department, said the cameras were financed as part of a 2008 “Keep Salem Moving!” streets and bridges bond. The cameras are designed to ease congestion and make traveling safer by allowing people to check the cameras and plan their commutes around trouble spots, city officials said.”
City of Salem November 2008 Streets and Bridges General Obligation Bond Measure Total Proposed Bonding Authority: $99.8 million
Project Summary:
Regional Traffic Control Center, Motorist Information Systems, and Traffic Signal Communications Projects
Project Description:
Upgrade Regional Traffic Control Center
Remodel and expand the existing Lewis H. Garrison Regional Traffic Control Center to handle coordination of growing inventory of traffic signals, upgrade to handle improved technologies including, but not limited to, video detection, video and automated traffic counting, traffic monitoring cameras, and to serve as a traffic incident response and motorist information coordination center.
Traffic Monitoring Cameras/Motorist Information Systems
Install and network up to 24 traffic monitoring video cameras on key citywide arterial
street locations to provide motorist information and traffic incident response coordination capabilities.
Traffic Signal Communications
Upgrade and install traffic signal interconnect system with fiber optic ring to accommodate communication with additional signals, video detection, automated traffic counting, and other traffic monitoring capabilities.
The City of Salem is responsible for maintaining, timing, and coordinating the traffic signals of 258 intersections. The majority of signals are connected to a central control computer located at the City’s Regional Traffic Control Center.
Salem New Traffic Cameras Show Commercial Street at City Hall and Boise dated 2014
Project Summary:
Regional Traffic Control Center, Motorist Information Systems, and Traffic Signal Communications Projects
Project Description:
Upgrade Regional Traffic Control Center
Remodel and expand the existing Lewis H. Garrison Regional Traffic Control Center to handle coordination of growing inventory of traffic signals, upgrade to handle improved technologies including, but not limited to, video detection, video and automated traffic counting, traffic monitoring cameras, and to serve as a traffic incident response and motorist information coordination center.
Traffic Monitoring Cameras/Motorist Information Systems
Install and network up to 24 traffic monitoring video cameras on key citywide arterial
street locations to provide motorist information and traffic incident response coordination capabilities.
Traffic Signal Communications
Upgrade and install traffic signal interconnect system with fiber optic ring to accommodate communication with additional signals, video detection, automated traffic counting, and other traffic monitoring capabilities.
The City of Salem is responsible for maintaining, timing, and coordinating the traffic signals of 258 intersections. The majority of signals are connected to a central control computer located at the City’s Regional Traffic Control Center.
Salem New Traffic Cameras Show Commercial Street at City Hall and Boise dated 2014
"At Council on Monday, during the update on the Road Bond, City Staff discussed the cameras and revealed that they are actually part of the $1.4 million "Regional Traffic Control Center, Motorist Information Systems, and Traffic Signal Communications Projects," 21 cameras scattered around the city.”
To view this document:
Lidar Bend Oregon
Mobile Lidar:
KTVZ report Oregon lidar map shows new way to see familiar places
It's online for all to try out. October 2017
The Lidar website
DOGAMI Publications Center
ORCATS System Helion
ORCATS Account Search Tutorial 2010
Deschutes County Assessor Department data which resides in the ORCATs system
From my blog:
Deschutes County Assessor Department data which resides in the ORCATs system
From my blog:
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Big Picture of Bend ArcGis and Ersi
I am finding that ArcGis mapping is an excellent geographical entry or reference point on which to overlay any relational information. I write things to figure out how they work and are informational value to me. The City uses ARC and you probably do too.
Ersi in in the game too.
Neighborhood Associations:
Document format.
Interactive to a limited extent
Deschutes County Provides ArcGis services
This is a far better Deschutes county GIS mapping service:
And it provides a link to real data at the Deschutes County Data Portal
This is where it gets useful and interesting.
One of the data files offered at the link is: “Tables”
Thee are data sets in the Tables
This is where it gets to the data element and data level
Community Thread = Joshua Langlais
I like this! The blog entry is a place holder for a better look and comment.
I like this! The blog entry is a place holder for a better look and comment.
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Municode MCCi Liserfiche Product Used By Deschutes County
MCCi is an Information Technology Company
Municode is part of the MCCi family of companies
LaserFiche is product provided by Municode
Deschutes County Oregon portal website links to a full suite of County service and information web pages designed by Municode.
Laserfiche products offer these Enterprise Content Management Solutions
The extent to which the Laserfiche product is used by Deschutes County is unknown except for these three listed Tax and and Assessment Reports. The LaserFiche product was used to produce the report. It was may have been used by a third party contracted to produce these reports or provided by Municode to Deschutes County for in-house use?
1. 2018-2019 Tax and Assessment Statement Insert, Assessment Summary, and SAL Reports
2. 2017-2018 Tax and Assessment Statement Insert, Assessment Summary, and SAL Reports
3. All Prior Year Summaries and Reports
Examination of the first Report shows two files:
1. SAL Reports
2. 2018-2019 Tax and Assessment Summary
Municode is part of the MCCi family of companies
LaserFiche is product provided by Municode
Deschutes County Oregon portal website links to a full suite of County service and information web pages designed by Municode.
Laserfiche products offer these Enterprise Content Management Solutions
The extent to which the Laserfiche product is used by Deschutes County is unknown except for these three listed Tax and and Assessment Reports. The LaserFiche product was used to produce the report. It was may have been used by a third party contracted to produce these reports or provided by Municode to Deschutes County for in-house use?
1. 2018-2019 Tax and Assessment Statement Insert, Assessment Summary, and SAL Reports
2. 2017-2018 Tax and Assessment Statement Insert, Assessment Summary, and SAL Reports
3. All Prior Year Summaries and Reports
Examination of the first Report shows two files:
1. SAL Reports
2. 2018-2019 Tax and Assessment Summary
This is a website provided to Deschutes County by Municodeweb.com
This is Deschutes County Code designed by Municode
This is Lane County Code designed by CivicLive
This is Clackamas County Code: It is a .us website. Provider unknown.
.us internet country code domain description:
Deschutes County Tax and Assessments Reports: provided by Municode:
This is the 2018 Tax and Assessment Statement: A Laserfiche product of MCCi
2018-2019 Tax and Assessment Statement Insert, Assessment Summary, and SAL Reports
About Municode:
"Fanatical customer support! (99% customer retention rate)"
That is a very high retention rate! Municode is either the best in the business or has a "captive" clientele that does not switch horses in midstream for some reason. What might this other reason be if they are not the best best of breed in a fast moving field of information management? Lack of client awareness of better products? To hard, to much risk or to expensive to switch horses? Lack of client interest in reviewing the information management system vendors for a better service?
This is the Aurora Oregon City Code as provided by Municode:
This is the Bend Oregon City Code as provided by Code Publishing Company:
Compare the two Code Formats. I conclude that Municode 99% retention rate is a function of city management failure to update an old legacy system. That is an interesting situation to investigate.
I have looked at this .org assignment to what would otherwise be a .gov site. In many cases where a .gov site provides a link to an associated .org website that is maintained as a contracted provider there is a warning that the user is going from the .gov site to a non-.gov site.
This explains Federal .gov linking policy to .org pubic/private relationship:
"USA.gov links to many websites created and maintained by other public and/or private organizations as outlined in our Linking Policy. If you click a link to an outside website, you will leave the USA.gov site, and are subject to the privacy and security policies of the owners/sponsors of the outside website."
Is Deschutes County the "owner" or the "sponsor" of the website. Should be owner but might it possibly be the sponsor somewhere in the small print of a privacy statement?
This under Evaluation Criteria at the above link:
"Is the website's approach to the privacy of personal information consistent with the government's privacy and security policies?"
Is the privacy statement a Deschutes County Statement or Municode Statement?
Municode Contact information: (2 other USA offices at this site)
Oregon Office
415 N State Street Suite 138
Lake Oswego, OR 97034
(503) 675-5121
Municode Web Blog:
Municode acquires (2016) AHA Consulting an Oregon Company
This at the previous link:
"MunicodeNEXT. Municode’s subsidiary company, MCCi is the nation’s largest value added reseller of the Laserfiche enterprise content management solution. Since 2003, MCCi has grown to serve over 650 municipalities across the United States."
This is info on AHA Consulting: it employs 2 people.
This is Municode over the top description of acquiring AHA:
"Municode joins forces with the best municipal website development company in the country, Aha Consulting!"
MCCi: MCCI is part of the Municode Family of Companies
MCCi products:
Legislative Mtanagemen
Municode History:
MCCi Solutions:
Lots of Solutions here. How many has Deschutes County adopted? Maybe City of Bend?
"28% Of U.S. Cities and Counties* use our products and services to run smarter."
This is a website provided to Deschutes County by Municodeweb.com
This is Deschutes County Code designed by Municode
This is Lane County Code designed by CivicLive
This is Clackamas County Code: It is a .us website. Provider unknown.
.us internet country code domain description:
Deschutes County Tax and Assessments Reports: provided by Municode:
This is the 2018 Tax and Assessment Statement: A Laserfiche product of MCCi
2018-2019 Tax and Assessment Statement Insert, Assessment Summary, and SAL Reports
About Municode:
"Fanatical customer support! (99% customer retention rate)"
That is a very high retention rate! Municode is either the best in the business or has a "captive" clientele that does not switch horses in midstream for some reason. What might this other reason be if they are not the best best of breed in a fast moving field of information management? Lack of client awareness of better products? To hard, to much risk or to expensive to switch horses? Lack of client interest in reviewing the information management system vendors for a better service?
This is the Aurora Oregon City Code as provided by Municode:
This is the Bend Oregon City Code as provided by Code Publishing Company:
Compare the two Code Formats. I conclude that Municode 99% retention rate is a function of city management failure to update an old legacy system. That is an interesting situation to investigate.
I have looked at this .org assignment to what would otherwise be a .gov site. In many cases where a .gov site provides a link to an associated .org website that is maintained as a contracted provider there is a warning that the user is going from the .gov site to a non-.gov site.
This explains Federal .gov linking policy to .org pubic/private relationship:
"USA.gov links to many websites created and maintained by other public and/or private organizations as outlined in our Linking Policy. If you click a link to an outside website, you will leave the USA.gov site, and are subject to the privacy and security policies of the owners/sponsors of the outside website."
Is Deschutes County the "owner" or the "sponsor" of the website. Should be owner but might it possibly be the sponsor somewhere in the small print of a privacy statement?
This under Evaluation Criteria at the above link:
"Is the website's approach to the privacy of personal information consistent with the government's privacy and security policies?"
Is the privacy statement a Deschutes County Statement or Municode Statement?
Municode Contact information: (2 other USA offices at this site)
Oregon Office
415 N State Street Suite 138
Lake Oswego, OR 97034
(503) 675-5121
Municode Web Blog:
Municode acquires (2016) AHA Consulting an Oregon Company
This at the previous link:
"MunicodeNEXT. Municode’s subsidiary company, MCCi is the nation’s largest value added reseller of the Laserfiche enterprise content management solution. Since 2003, MCCi has grown to serve over 650 municipalities across the United States."
This is info on AHA Consulting: it employs 2 people.
This is Municode over the top description of acquiring AHA:
"Municode joins forces with the best municipal website development company in the country, Aha Consulting!"
MCCi: MCCI is part of the Municode Family of Companies
MCCi products:
Legislative Mtanagemen
Municode History:
MCCi Solutions:
Lots of Solutions here. How many has Deschutes County adopted? Maybe City of Bend?
"28% Of U.S. Cities and Counties* use our products and services to run smarter."