Thursday, July 28, 2016

Free Trade Agreement Massacre and Hillary Clinton

This link dated 2014

"Five years ago (meaning 2009) last week, Peruvian police opened fire on indigenous people protesting the implementation of U.S.-Peru Free Trade Agreement (FTA) terms providing new access to exploit their Amazonian lands for oil, gas and logging..............The protestors were demanding revocation of decrees enacted to conform Peruvian law to FTA requirements.............The FTA’s foreign investor privileges also allowed a U.S. firm to pressure Peru’s government to reopen a smelter that had severely lead-poisoned hundreds of children in La Oroya, Peru — a story revealed in a Bloomberg exposé.................The Baguazo, as Peruvians call the 2009 massacre, was caused in part by Peruvian President Alan Garcia. His decrees implementing the FTA violated the rights of indigenous people established both under the Peruvian Constitution and treaties Peru had signed guaranteeing prior informed consent by indigenous communities on projects involving their land........Thanks to WikiLeaks, we can now see that the U.S. government was urging Garcia on.......Four days before the killings, a State Department cable addressed the growing indigenous protests, stating, “Should Congress and President Garcia give in to the pressure, there would be implications for the recently implemented Peru-US Free Trade Agreement........What has become known as the “Amazon’s Tiananmen” brought the realities of the U.S.-Peru FTA into sharp relief. Rather than being a new trade agreement model, as it was sold, at the FTA’s heart were the same extreme investor rights that animated the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)."

Read the entire link.  Good example not only of things to come but the hidden truth of past deeds revealed by Wikileaks.  Trump may be guilty of "Espionage" by asking Putin to reveal Hillary's emails, if he has them, I would bet he does, but revelation of the truth of what our people in government are doing is a good thing.  If the end justifies the means of asking an enemy to reveal the truth of what is being done by the politicians and agencies of our own countries then let it be done.   Those same people and agencies may take the position that we don't really want to know how the sausage is made and for whom and therefore keep it secret.  We have a right to know what our government is doing.  Does that only apply to what the government does domestically?  What our government does internationally affects us in a most serious manner domestically!  Does he have to go to Putin to get the truth?  Trump is despicable and repugnant but this situation is bizarre.

It is a weird situation where Trump asks Putin to cyber attack to discover the truth of Hillary's emails on her private server.  What if he had asked the NSA instead?  Would that be treason?
"he called for state-sponsored Russian hackers to conduct cyber espionage on the United States for his electoral benefit."

More on the massacre from Wikipedia: a wealth of linking info at the end.  "Years later, thanks to WikiLeaks, it was shown that Washington shares responsibility for the bloodshed as a U.S. State Department cable warned Garcia that "there would be implications for the recently implemented Peru-US Free Trade Agreement” if the protests aren't dealt with. Another cable actually blames the violence on the Indigenous communities."  “At the root of this crisis are social movement leaders seeking to make political hay by manipulating underlying grievances — mostly entrenched poverty and encroachment on traditional lifestyles by the modern world,” a leaked cable read.

Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State 2009-2013.  On January 21, 2009, Clinton was confirmed in the full Senate by a vote of 94–2.  The massacre was June, 2009. Activists Expose Hillary Clinton's Complicity in Bagua Massacre, Support for TPP and Other Job-Killing Trade Deals At Book Tour Kickoff.

From the link:
Read Hillary Clinton's article in Foreign Affairs on the Asian-Pacific Pivot,the Korea-US FTA, and the TPP.
Hillary Clinton Touts Korea, Panama, Colombia, FTAs, TPP at Speech to Council on Foreign Relations on Last Day in Office as Secretary of State

This link of April 2016:  Hillary evidently paved the way as Secretary of State.  As President I believe most certainly that she will support and pass TPP with some cosmetic changes claimed to be major changes that makes TPP a good thing for all of us.

Mark my words.  Time will tell.
"But I'm in the same position where Senator [Tim] Kaine is," he continued, referring to Clinton's running mate, who came out against TPP in its current form after previously speaking positively about the deal without explicitly endorsing it. "We don't support it unless she says the changes that she wants are made. So unless the changes are made, she doesn't support it. President [Barack] Obama does want this, as you know."

Make some cosmetic changes and pass it!

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Arms Merchant to the World

Two consecutive posts appearing under Imperial Watch at Naked Capitalism from my favorite websites:

It is the macro level situation of the national level gun problem:  The solution is that everyone must have a gun.  The bigger the better and the more possessed the better.  Better armed for profit to the USA which has half the market.  Big business.

Why is there so much violence?

The amusing situation where every good guy has a gun and one bad guy starts shooting and not knowing where the shooting is coming from everybody pulls out their gun and starts shooting at everyone else that pulled out their gun.  Ripe for a false flag fuse.  Sarajevo?  WWI?

Tom and Juan.  I trust them and respect their observations.

Bitcoin Identity Data Base

The link references Bitcoin but is exactly what is required for the digital currency system architecture I propose in this blog.  The absolutely known real identity of every single entity (person or corporate entity) that transacts with a digital currency.  That identity to be crypto protected but to be known when necessary in accordance with rules of law.  User identity to be linked to a universal single granular level entity identity used for all purposes to link persons and non-person entities to their real world associations.

Total Information.  Protected as necessary or required but known without exception subject to control.  By whom? That is the crux question of freedom and democracy.

The structure of the digital monetary system proposed in bits and pieces throughout this entire blog is a data base of digital dollars at the granular single dollar with a value of one maintained by the government or government chartered agency linked to the owner's account or accounts maintained by an authorized bank that in total equals the sum of all uniquely identified (IPv6) unit value digital dollars in the data base managed by the government or its agency. 

The uniquely identified debt free digital dollars with a unit value of one each in the government controlled data base never "move".   They are static records linked to changes in ownership as a function of monetary transactions between owning user accounts.

The total amount of all digital dollars in this national monetary system is equal to the revolving portion of the national debt.  That portion of the national debt that is our national saving that actually is in use for monetary transactions.  Maybe around 12 trillion dollars.  That is our gross national spending money.

Total Information:  At any given time it is exactly known what entity owns how much in their wallet account as well as which unique unit value dollars they are related to in the government digital dollar data base on an individual digital dollar level.  As transactions take place between accounts a block chain maintains the total history at both the unit dollar level in the government data base and owning accounts at the bank level. 

Every single uniquely identified digital dollar is traceable in block chain history from current owner entity to all past owner entity and between their related accounts and their block chain history at authorized system banks.  Associated transaction data such as time and location of transaction for example and perhaps specific item identification for items over a certain dollar value is also recorded.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Watt4Bob Comments on a Suspicion
Watt4Bob comments on one of his suspicions with some clearly probable ideas that Big USA oil is sucking up foreign supplies so that the USA will have the corner on the market when all is reduced elsewhere.  Seems too reasonable.  Like writing on the wall.  What are his other pet theories?  I hope to find comment on them in the future.  There is a general meme that companies do not plan any farther ahead than immediate future returns on investment.  Maybe not so for Big Oil or Big anything like Big Pharma or Big Finance.  For example:  Planning for Regulatory Capture by a primary business sector probably has a long time frame?  10 years?  20 Years?  Look how it has benefited Big Business in the USA as well as being on the threshold of benefiting Big Business globally with TPP.

A significant feature of TPP is regulatory capture called Investor State Dispute Settlement.  Note: This is a .gov site!

If Big Business entities have a long range plans then why has the Big Business Party taken such a drastic turn??????  The grass is greener on the other side of the fence?  Leave the old name behind to be claimed by "The People" as represented by Trump?  Talk about regulatory capture!  It is like pirates capturing an enemy ship and transferring operations to it because it is better armed  and faster!

Does that sound like a reasonable suspicion?

How about this for confirmation:  When the Chamber of Commerce jumps ship maybe there is a plan for the new ship to steer a new course in service of Big Privateers??????

"The president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday signaled that the big-business community is still undecided between newly minted Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton. Chamber President Tom Donohue’s statements to Fox Business News on Wednesday morning represented an astonishing break from the organization’s nearly invariable support for Republican candidates...........Chief among Donohue’s complaints about Trump was his opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).........The Chamber spent tens of millions of dollars backing GOP candidates and attacking President Barack Obama during the 2010 and 2012 election cycles..........Donohue has also suggested that presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton would implement the TPP — a major chamber priority — despite her current position of opposing the agreement.........The Chamber has been almost invisible at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland."

How visible will the CofC be at the Democratic Convention.  Who will be in the smoke filled backroom?

The fix is in????????

What Would Watt4Bob say is the writing on the wall here?

How about this for a turn of position for the GOP?  Jumping to a new ship?

The more I look at the Jump Ship Strategy the more it looks like the Writing on the Wall is emerging from the Fog of War!
"One other thing to think about is what effect this has on the Republican base. In the past few days I have heard from three different longtime Republicans, in three different states, that they had switched their party registration from "Republican" to "no party." That's a major psychological step, and it can be the first step on the road to voting for the other party."

I think "The Base" never really mattered anyhow.  It only mattered to get the vote and the base of choice was the collective "whoever" that could be pandered to in order to get the vote.  Haters are as good as Conservative Christians.

What is the real Base the GOP wants to appeal to?  Maybe the view from afar nails it:  The politics of fear.  Proven to work on the masses to serve agenda.  9/11 for example.

Big Oil says this????  A public statement revealing the secret plan to jump ship?
"That may sound strange considering the two parties’ diverse platforms when it comes to energy. The Republican party is touting deregulation and has said that it does not support the Paris Climate Accords. Going a few steps further, the party has plans to defund renewable energy, and open public lands and the outer continental shelf to drilling. Additionally, the party also wants to leave the regulation of fracking and drilling to the states, and increase oil and gas exports.
Conversely, the Democrats are calling for an 80 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and oppose the expansion of oil and gas production. They also want to phase down energy production on public lands. The party supports the inquiries into the alleged “climate change cover-up” by Exxon Mobil, and wants to see the nation using only renewable energy by the middle of the century."

WTF??  Watch what is being done not what is being said.  What is being said today by the Democrats is not what will be done to satisfy Big Oil in the future.  Bait to get the vote then switch to get the Special Interest contributions?

Big Finance jumping the GOP ship and bringing their "dual class voting" strategy with them to the Democratic Party?  Perhaps the dual class voting strategy works better when there is really only one party.  That is the step beyond "bi-partisanship"?  Dual class stock voting?  Already been there done that for the political vote system.  Big Money in one class, everyone else in the other.
Update on this:  NYT pulled it!!!!  It was secret strategy??!!

Maybe it all makes simple sense?

Why should Big Special Interests Sectors pay off contributions to both parties to hedge their bets on one party.  Why not set it up to just pay one political party by completely abolishing the possibility of the other party to elect a president?  However, what about all the other elected officials of the Republican party in the Legislative Branch?  What is the plan for them?  Do they become more "bi-partisan" to the Big Business agenda of the Democratic headed by Hillary?

The fix is in?

TPP will tell...........

It can be a win-win for Hillary.  She can cave on the ISDS and claim the bi-partisan support that Obama never had to pass TPP.  As long as she caves with the secret provision of weasel words or plan to have ISDS become some de-facto after the fact accomplishment.  Having the cake and eating it too.  That is what being the one and only party in a two party political system is all about.

When Michael Hudson says there has been a roll reversal in the Republican Party and Democratic Party politics from a party of Big Business vs a party of the People then I have to believe it is true!

Watt4Bob does not have suspicions.... ....he has a crystal ball.  Michael Hudson too.

Hudson says:

"And when he wrote this, quote, Trump is decimating the things Republicans stood for: NATO, entitlement reform, in other words winding back Social Security, and support of the corporatist Trans-Pacific Partnership. So it’s almost hilarious to see what happens. And Trump also has reversed the traditional Republican fiscal responsibility austerity policy, that not a word about balanced budgets anymore. And he said he was going to run at policy to employ American labor and put it back to work on infrastructure. Again, he’s made a left runaround Hillary. He says he wants to reinstate Glass-Steagall, whereas the Clintons were the people that got rid of it.............So this is really the class war. And it’s the class war of Wall Street and the corporate sector of the Democratic side against Trump on the populist side."

OMG: Trump favors all the same things I do!!!!  But it is only in what he says.

Bill Moyers, who is my hero says:
"Donald Trump has hitched his presidential wagon to the pain of the white working class, though far more rhetorically than substantively................But the sad reality is that his campaign represents nothing more than yet another cynical political ploy to tap the racial anxiety and economic despair felt by white working-class men. It is a salve to soothe with no real medicine for healing the underlying wound................For despite the platform language and Hillary Clinton’s stated positions, the Democratic Party hasn’t been talking to the working class. The words “working class” seem all but erased from the Democratic lexicon — "

The Koch brothers support Clinton?

Both political parties are saying one thing but will do another.  Saying anything to get the vote.

Watt4Bob does indeed see the writing on the wall and reads it clearly:

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Science and Engineering and a Load of Conflated Crap

Science defined by Wikipedia.

Engineering defined by Wikipedia.

Relationship of Science to Engineering described by Wikipedia.

This is a load of confused thinking conflating Science and

My perception of Science and Engineering:

Science discovers objects, their attributes, methods, messages and relationships. 

Engineering applies what Science discovers.

Engineering is the verb in the Subject/Verb/Object relationship that implements the relationship between Science and the result of applying Engineering to create a receiving Object result.

Science discovers the natural world Operating System.

Engineering creates Application Programs utilizing the Operating System to produce conceptual conceptual structure designs for builders to implement in the construction of real and conceptual objects for use.

It is a high level abstract model that to me is a simple fundamental "truth" in the Object Oriented way I look at things.  My belief.  Works for me.

I am amazed when I look at how others structure the objects of Science and Engineering to come up with so much confusion and ambiguity.  The Problem Domain of our world is Confusion and Ambiguity.

Science Education as a Cause of Political Stupidity?  That is an absolutely ignorant statement.  The problem is not Science Education nor Engineering.  It is the application of what is created by geniuses to create things to be run by idiots.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Hillary, Federal Spending

This is a place holder for future comment.......parsing ambiguity of the content might be more accurate.  What is the meaning of what Hillary says?  Why, it can mean anything you want it to mean!  Yes, but what is she saying with the direct intentional intention, (just to emphasize planned intent!) of creating wiggle room in a wide degree of ambiguity what become a past statement that after the fact can be interpreted to mean exactly what she meant it to mean?

At first reading it looks to me like the "revenue stream" she talks about means coming from private enterprise.  Big Private Enterprise.  Qui Bono? Maybe on the other hand she means something in the nature of the common welfare of benefit to to the public, we the people?

Hillary Clinton:
"I have put forth ways of paying for all the investments that I make, because we do have the entitlement issues out there that we can’t ignore. But we are failing to make investments that will make us richer and stronger in the future. And that’s where I think our biggest gap is.
I think it’s important that we look for ways to pay for our investments. But I think there can be short-term decisions about the kind of federal dollars that are available now, with a revenue stream to pay them back in the future that would bridge the gap if we can’t do everything we need to do to really give the economy and job creation the kind of boost that it needs.
But I’m not going to commit myself to that because I would like first to figure out what we’re going to do, because I think we’ve had a period where the gains have gone to the wealthy."

Thursday, July 14, 2016

The Protected Privacy Rights of a Computer? and Follow-Up Decision

Follow on to the prior link:

"According to Vice’s Jason Koebler, the prosecution’s case relied on a clause in the U.S. Computer Fraud and Abuse Act that stated that made it a criminal act to “knowingly and with intent to defraud access a protected computer without authorization.”

Several things to comment on here!

What is a "protected computer"?  It could be the computer itself.  My mac is protected by my password.  I own a protected password entry computer hardware device.  Call it a thing on the Internet of Things IoT.  Like I am a thing object physical body human being on the internet of people.  I am protected by rights that cannot be infringed upon.  Some apply to my body others apply to my being, the part of me that is software in my brain as a separate distinct unique entity attribute of Me.

I may say that a any violation of my Civil Rights is a violation of me.  If it is a violation of my right to life in the strict definition of "living breathing" it is a violation of my physical body.  Violation of my right to Free Speech would be a violation of my consciousness.... What gets violated in this situation.  An expression made by my body in some fashion like speaking, and therefore my body or an expression of my mind.

Mind and Body.  Substance and spirit.  A binary one to one exclusive relationship of a human being.  By definition I think that it would be generally agreed that all living breathing human beings have a mind spirit as long as they are living breathing unless by definition they are brain dead.  Pre-natal is another category but that is another matter.

What exactly is the entity relationship between hardware and software.  Computer and Operating system.  Body and mind.  As Artificial Intelligence emerges it is becoming a more interesting question.  It looks like the model for Intelligence has been established already by Natural Intelligence.  Broader definitions of Intelligence are being made that say all things have a natural intelligence.  All matter has its associated link to information content that enables it to be an object with attributes, methods and means of communicating messages to other objects.

Human Rights are exclusively human.  Duh.  Animal Rights, Environmental Rights.  The "Rights of things are an evolving definition challenging the human centric notion of all rights revolve around us.  Some say God said so when he told us to go forth, multiply and dominate the earth.  Earth was once the center of the universe.  Now it is the USA.  We just tend to perceive things in a natural discriminating way...

To make a Misrepresentation of an existing material fact, knowing it to be false or making it recklessly without regard to whether it is true or false, intending for someone to rely on the misrepresentation and under circumstances in which such person does rely on it to his or her damage. To practice Fraud; to cheat or trick. To deprive a person of property or any interest, estate, or right by fraud, deceit, or artifice.
Intent to defraud means an intention to deceive another person, and to induce such other person, in reliance upon such deception, to assume, create, transfer, alter, or terminate a right, obligation, or power with reference to property."

Fraud is the noun.  Defraud is a verb.  Fraud as the subject of a phrase is perpetrated (defraud) upon an object of the subject (fraud) "Someone".  Someone being anyone who we define as a "Person" because they have certain ascribed attribute entities of Person.

A company is a Person my friend.

Is a computer a Person?  It owns conceptual things.  Those conceptual things that have attributes of Ownership Rights.  


Is the conceptual thing called Software on the physical device called Computer the essence of the entity we have given the name Computer that is technically the physical device but commonly used to mean not what the physical device is or does  but what the Software is or does for us.  Analogous to calling a thing and Internet when we really mean what is actually the World Wide Web.  The information content residing on a computer.

One way of looking at it is that computers have no rights.  It is the software residing on computers that have rights.  "Person" entities own rights to the software.  The privacy protection and authorizations associated with a "Key" to a computer is actually a key to the software content on a hardware device.  A "Computer" is a hardware device!

More precisely....computing loves precision...Protected Privacy Rights relate in a Object Oriented conceptual structure to the Conceptual Software Entity residing on and in relationship to a Physical Hardware Device Entity.

I think that the accurate frame of reference for this this Problem Domain of Protected Privacy Rights is the Conceptual Software existing on the Hardware Device we commonly call a Computer.  

As an example perhaps:  Cars are becoming endowed with Artificial Intelligence.  A conceptual entity with attributes of Natural Intelligence.  Ownership and access to a car is one thing but ownership rights and access to the artificial intelligence software that operates the car is distinct from rights to ownership of the car itself.  That situation is a matter that is evolving toward resolution resolved by the legal system. 

The principal Object Problem Domain to solve the problem is in the frame of Software, not Hardware.  Addressing the problem domain technically in terms of  "Protected Privacy Rights of a Computer" when "Software" is the meaning confuses the issue.

This MIT review conflates the meaning of Computer (the hardware device) with Software.  It is a technical matter but fortunately we know what the review means when it uses the term Computer loosely to mean Software.  It is a Software war.  We are so used to Hardware war that it will be a long time before we see it as a battle of minds rather than a battle of bodies.

The essence of the Information Age is that we have created the ability to detach the physical binding of conceptual things from their physical representation and manage them better in a conceptual domain free from their binding to a related physical domain.  The general way we think and express things in the Information Age continues to be a manner of associating the conceptual essence of a thing to its physical expression relationship even when we are, to be precise talking about the Conceptual nature detached from but directly associated with its physical expression.  

Apple and oranges are both fruits.  Physical and Conceptual are both Entity Objects.  Talking about Apples when we mean Oranges is the definition of confusion by conflation.   The Information Age requires us to be more precise yet for example we continue to identify what is really the World Wide Web (Conceptual Stuff) using the term Internet (Hardware stuff).  Fortunately most of us also recognize the difference between our cell phones and its software operating system and the software apps that run on that operating system.

Detachment of the tight Physical binding to its Conceptual attributes is the essence of the Information Age?  Yes, indeed.  That is what we will do with driverless cars.  The physical binding connection of a human to a car is detached and a conceptual essence of the relationship is therefore freed to undertaken by a non human conceptual entity software abstract of human intelligence called Artificial Intelligence implemented in software to drive the car.  What happens to the human driver?  It goes to the back seat.  Or even farther removed to not being in the vehicle at all when the intent is not to convey a physical human but to convey things.

The follow up decsion:

Good thing.  This deserves an better examination of the situation at the higher macro Object Oriented level of Information Organization rights of ownership.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Human Biometric ID and Artificial Intelligence Machine ID

Based on thoughts in the prior blog entry regarding Biometric ID of uniquely identified human beings with the attribute of Natural Intelligence and entities having Artificial Intelligence it helps to look at this relationship:  Biometric ID (many types but all applicable to a living or dead human being entity)  is applicable at the unique granular to single Human Being.  In the Artificial Intelligence domain what is the analog of Biometric ID?

The Internet of Things is the physical entity that holds data, information, knowledge and creation of new knowledge.  The IoT at the granular object level is an IPV6 unique identifier.  Might that the the equal of a uniquely identifying Biometric Human ID.

Look at it this way:  Driverless cars are driven by Artificial Intelligence robots that are currently the focus of popular attention.  Each car will be a uniquely identified entity in the IoT possessing its own Artificial Intelligence.  Note that it will be superior in performance to a Natural Intelligence Driver entity.  Back seat drivers too.  Artificial Intelligence is now smart enough to get that joke that involves a higher degree of literal amibuity!

Look at what the court is ruling.

Then look at it in the frame of how I am presenting my view of Biometric Human ID and IoT Machine Entity ID.  How closely are the two the same?  In what ways?  How are they different in the Object Oriented view of the relationship of entities, attributes, methods and messages?

This gives something to think about for subsequent blog exploration!

One possible relationship is that every IoT device with an IPV6 ID must have an exclusive link to a uniquely Biometric identified Human Being that interacts with it?  Then there is no doubt or ambiguity as to who is interacting with the IoT device.  Artificial Intelligence eschews ambiguity.

A day later:

Thinking about all of the preceding thoughts trying to distill it:  Perhaps by a comparative list of attributes of two SuperClass Objects:

1.  Human Beings (Aggregate Class: All Human Beings)  Unique instance Child of the Class: single Human Being.

2  Internet.  (Aggregate Class:  All Things on the Internet of Things)  Unique instance Child of the Class: single Device.

Create a matrix of these two SuperClassObjects by applying two aspects to each of them:

1.  Physical Attributes (Analogous to Body)

2.  Conceptual Attributes (Analogous to Mind)

Then really complicate the view of the Problem Domain by adding two more things to the 4 part matrix view:

1.  Operating System

2.  Application Programs

I would expect the result to be a great amount of parallelism.  1 to 1 relationships.  Things that look the same are the same?

If the Point of Entry view to the Problem Domain is from the Human Centric standpoint then the picture is one of Machines becoming more like Humans.

If the Point of Entry to the Problem Domain is from the Machine Centric standpoint then the picture is one of Humans becoming more like Machines (that Humans create by investing/projecting both their Physical and Conceptual Class Attributes, Methods and Messages into a Machine Analog.

At some point of investing/projecting Human SuperClass Object Structure into Machine SuperClass Object Structure there is emergence of Intelligence Transfer.

At this point of Intelligance Transfer at the unique instance of the SuperClass:Human Being called "Me" (or you depending on view) there is a Mini-Me doppleganger mirror of Me on the Machine side.  For example: the mirror machine image of me that will drive my car.

Another Point of Entry View to the Problem Domain:

Call  HumanBeing (in aggregate SuperClass or unique InstanceofClass):  "Feet"  or "Foot".
Make: HumanBeings = Feet (SuperClassAggregate)  and Human Being = Foot (ClassInstance)

Call Internet (in aggregate SuperClass or unique InstanceofClass:  "Internet of Things" or "Device".
Make IoT = Feet and Device = Foot.

If the 16 part matrix of Human or Internet (Inclusive of all of its  ObjectOriented Physical/Logical and OperatingSystem/ApplicationProgram matrixes reduced to a higher conceptual ParentClass level of Foot and Shoe then...

Fit the Shoe to the Foot or the Foot to the Shoe and to which level and instances of the level does each approach to the Problem Domain apply?

And like the reductionism of hands on a baseball bat to make a binary choice:  Which one is the final hand on top?

If our collective intelligence with all its bugs and features is filtered through reason and logic processes (Artificial Intelligence) to exclude ambiguity then that product is the best model to guide a Plan?

What is "Artificial" about Artificial Intelligence except the predisposition to call it that because from the Human Centric approach to which we are likely predisposed to use?  It is our own intelligence run through filters that in the past was locked into physical representation implemented by pen to paper.

Our modern day paper upon which we write our logic and reason has been given the ability to "Speak" by us to us because we gave it voice.  Literally.  Endowed with our best logic and reason ability of our intelligence it can refine what it says to us and does for us as it gains the ability to independently implement conceptual relationships through both physical and conceptual means to serve us in our image and likeness?

Returning to the foot and shoe fitting problem:

I think we must design to fit ourselves into the requirements of the Artificial Intelligence Machine System shoe to the extent that we must all have our own established mandatory Human Biometric ID to interact with the Intelligent System we are creating.  Beyond that we fit the System Shoes to our own Feet.

That is about as far as the logic and reason of my intelligence takes me on this matter.

Biometric Identification

A couple of links today to add to my view and thoughts Biometric Identification (BI) that I have commented on many times in this blog.

Capture it all.  Total Information.

Vacuuming up Biometric Information of all types while it is free and available and unrestricted.  Not only the government but any non-government entity as well.  The government has the biggest big data base but when there is a profit motive then private enterprise will probably consolidate its silos into a single data base service managed by a "business associate" matrix.  One that will grow to be so large that perhaps the government will simply outsource its maintenance of the data base to private industry.  Probably in response to privacy laws applicable to government Biometric Information.  That outsourcing model was established by outsourcing the maintenance of internet communications entities that maintain it as a matter of business practice.  No need to tap in to the system from secret rooms.  On the other hand what are the server/storage farms like the one in Utah going to store/manage and provide to clients?

All this ID information about the most granular entity, the single unique human being,  are attributes of that human being.  The entity itself, the unique human being, needs its own unique indentifier linked to the attributes its owns.  Just because that is the way information is manage.  Because information.  One master ID number per every single person.  Other countries are doing it.  India for example. 

Once every single human being is uniquely identified then behavior can be associated with that person. 

I have no doubt that there is a single unique Master Identifier Number already established by the government for every known person of government interest.  By definition that includes all citizens.  Because information.  What is unknown is what attributes and behaviors are associated with that Master ID?  How will it be used?  How will it be controlled?

I should submit a FOIA request to know what my Master ID number is.  Just want to know the number.  Perhaps I should be able to look at what attributes and behaviors are associated with my ID?  Like the credit card model. 

Who would I submit that request to?

Data is gathered to produce information.  Information is processed to produce knowledge.  Knowledge is the basis for intelligent structure and action by an entity.  Artificial Intelligence can increasingly form its own Knowledge structure and actions.  An Artificial Intelligence based entity/agency must exactly know the Identity of each and every Natural Intelligence Entity (uniquely identified human being).

What is my Master ID number?  The one to which all information about me is associated?

Perhaps I must submit my request to know my number to an Artificial Intelligent entity.  I will probably get a form reply by text addressed to one of my listed attributes like telephone number telling me I have no need to know.  All is lovingly taken care of by machines.

Used to be that only St. Peter had all that info and it only became known in a different place than the natural world.  Perhaps we should identify the Artificial Intelligence Entity maintaining all that info about me in the real world with a unique ID.........St. Peter?  Santa Clause?  The State?

In the Object Oriented social structure what entity is the one that will be the single Super Class Object from which all child object classes inherit its attributes.  A refinement of our Natural Intelligence called Artificial Intelligence or our Natural Intelligence from which Artificial Intelligence inherits our attributes as our child object?

Monday, July 11, 2016

Hillary is Guilty - Hubris and Nemisis

The link is an excellent examination of the legal case as well as the relative alternative law and justice environment in which Comey presented it.  That relative environment being so far outside the established justice for all and equal treatment under the law of our national system.

Bonus points Seth Abramson for bringing in the national context of the polar opposite alternate law and justice system applicable to those that are less privileged.

I admire his professional analysis that honors his profession.  The unwritten law of honorable judgment is the Higher Standard of professional performance.  As a career navy officer I held myself responsible and accountable to perform to a higher standard.  My superiors expected of me, I expected it from my subordinates.  That situation never changed over the course of my career.  I choose not to advance beyond the minimum retirement age but many I know did.  They carried the tradition of a higher standard.  A few did not.  Those however were the notable exception and were judged by the informal standard and did not in most all cases advance.  The senior military officer level is in my opinion very different today.  Sadly.  Honor amongst them has eroded.  Courage atrophies when it is not used.

Abramson presented the legal frame for analysis.  There is another frame of reference and that is the security of our nation and its Constitution.  I emphasize here the United States Uniform Services Oath of Office.  "I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic".  There is a formal security system established to do that.  Wikipedia suffices to generally explain it.  It is the system in which Hillary Clinton was required to operate.

Hillary is guilty of mis-handling Top Secret information.  Beyond Top Secret is Sensitive Compartmented Information.  (SCI).  I was cleared to that level during my career.  Hillary certainly functioned as Secretary of State with SCI information.   Serious stuff!  There is some reason to believe that SCI Special Access Program information was included in her email system.
It is public knowledge and only obviously true that there is a web of cover stories within SCI/SAP that explain to any given person within a compartment believes they are doing in support of compartment objectives.  The ultimate truth of what the actual objectives of the compartment are is held at the top level.  A level that Hillary operated at.  It is not simply extremely serious that she mishandled Top Secret information but most likely did so in a manner that may have divulged the true nature, intent and structure of an SCI/SAP compartmented structure that was only known to a very select few.
That is extremely serious!
I can only speculate on the number of SCI/SAP "cover stories" told to those in the compartment at various levels of "need to know" but as it gets closer to the top the real truth of the program structure and its intent must be known.  That is what has to be protected against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

It scares me to think what arbitrary "enemies" Clinton may have believed that the truth had to be protected from.  Enemies of what agenda.  Privileged agenda.  Class privileges and the downside of their application seem to be a vital concern of our nation today at the ends of the extremely few as well as the many.
To what extent does the intent of this nation executed by the top political/executive leadership of our nation serve us all or a privileged few that it is true intent and structure by official design is to be so securely protected to serve what may be the true ends of two opposed agenda????

I do not know exactly, we do not know.  It is by design.  "Trust me" ??  

I don't know the truth of what is being done at the top level to serve us or serve narrow sector agenda contrary to the general welfare.  I do know who I belief merits the trust and faith to know and protect whatever agenda is truly in our best interest as known by us and our system of determining with controls what is done by those that will serve us all and our constitution best.

Hillary Clinton does not deserve that trust and faith of Americans.  I do believe that she will do what she thinks best and knows how to keep that Top Secret which includes hiding it in plain sight with the help of her friends in the compartment.

A large part of secrecy is deception.

Hillary Clinton is guilty!

Of What?

Using her privileged status to further her own agenda, not ours.  A status that was near the top of the political/financial pyramid where there were no controlling laws, ethics or dominating social structure obligations to the general welfare to control the exercise of her ambitions and agenda.  If and when she takes the oath of office it will be a mockery, her presidency will end in tragedy she is so arrogant she will not see it coming.



The U.S. Department of State is the United States federal executive department responsible for the international relations of the United States. 

It is there that Hillary's hubris and our national hubris met as one coalescing to focusing externally as Secretary of State.  A position where there are no rules.  The US is a super power to the world.  There has been a progressive shift to turn the external focus of international hubris to internal affairs.  It is the same few in the political/financial power structure that projected hubris externally as the agenda of the USA that will project internally as their agenda for the USA.

Who is to be Nemisis, the inescapable agent of someone's or something's downfall?

Hillary will be her own nemisis.  The cat that skins itself.  The agency of Nemisis will be speaking truth to power.  Ironic that the people will elect her. 

Hillary is good at compartmented cover stories to hide the real truth as well as take advantage of those involved in the operations that believe the cover story is the truth of what they are actually contributing to through their efforts.  They are being used and duped.

Hillary is guilty.  The FBI not only failed in its mission to investigate but is complicate in her guilt.  One thing that is a common shared by both Hillary and the FBI as well as the Justice Department is Hubris.

Excellent analysis:

Our shadow investigative and presecutorial agency is the media.  Counterpunch presents and excellent investigatory case.  Who will prosecute?  What will be the sentence of justice?

Smell Test: Its a fundamental investigatory tool.  The FBI and the DoJ fail the test.  Within their own system however, they pass by their own standards, design and intent.

Hillary's emails were probably hacked.  No evidence of course but very reasonable conclusion that there would be no evidence and the capability is generally known. 

Hillary and Peak Hubris: