Friday, December 26, 2014

Aggregating All Money to the Big Data Money Cloud

Banks will never aggregate all their money to a Big Data Money cloud.


Because, by design, bank money is all Debt Money and Debt Money is not an conceptual data object that can exist in the cloud.  Debt Money is an accounting object relationship between a debit and a credit.  Debits and credits are two elements in an Accounting System.

In the current system structure the bank Accounting System is not the product of a Monetary System.

The Monetary System is a product of the bank Accounting system.

The prior entry in this blog described a proposed Monetary System based on the most fundamental structural relationship form of both the natural and conceptual world.  The best example is our language that both describes and creates the structure of our physical and conceptual world.  The structural form is a Trinity:  Logic, Language, Structure or applied to the natural language we use to encapsulate this trinity:  Subject noun, verb, Object noun.

The proposed Monetary System presented in the blog entry prior to this one is what I want to build.  A system to replace the current one.

The current system cannot transition to my proposed one until Money is a Subject noun conceptual object entity possessing a logic employed through an implementing Language to produce a Monetary System structure to serve us.

The banking system of Debt Money obviates this transition because it denies Subject noun Logic to Money as an object entity.  So, what is the Holy Trinity structure of the banking system?  What specific things fill in the conceptual spaces of the Logic, Language, Structure?  Subject noun, verb, Object noun?

This is the banking system Trinity:  Finance, Money, Debt.  In this relationship Money is the Language that implements the relationship between Finance Logic and Debt Structure.

The banking system treats Money as a verb in the system structure.  The entire banking system  is premised on what money does, not what money is as the foundation rock upon which the system is built.  Go figure!  It is Finance that makes money for the banksters and in that role (state of being) money becomes the Object Noun in their narrow view of what the system they created does for them.

Objects come first in Information System Design.  It is the rock upon which the system is built.  Verbs follow to do something with the basic object to create structure.  Elevating what a trinity relationship does for us above the nature of its driving logic gives what it does the dominant structural role.

Structures built on shifting sands do not stand.

The banking structure is built on the shifting sands of money as a verb foundation that makes money a verb because it a debt based creation by the bank to be created and destroyed over and over again through the dominant logic of Finance.

Finance, Money, Debt.

The endless circle because Banksters have created a system founded on chasing our own tails to their great benefit and probable amusement as well.

It will fall to a restructuring of money as a Logic/Subject foundation.

It has got to stop.  There is no easy transition to the Monetary System I propose.  There was no easy transition to establishment of this country that changed the fundamental political implementation of Logic, Language, Structure.

The difference between then and now is that Information Systems can be changed much more easily and quickly because the Information Age has extracted the tight binding of conceptual Information to its physical entity association and therefore has the ability to treat information as a conceptual object not constrained by the dictates of its previous binding physical nature. 

It used to be that physical force was used to separate conceptual structure ideas from those those that held them.  Still works today.  However the more elegant way to do it now is not by force but simply changing the macro conceptual system structure that supported those ideas.  Those that continue to cling to them are simply obviated by a better system.  That pretty much is the idea behind our electoral system change of government.  The American way.  Many however remain old school and would prefer the old way of change using a lamp post to separate the tight binding of information ideas from their physical relationship. 

When we wake up to see the writing on the wall of what the bankster system of debt finance built on money as an implementing verb rather than a controlling Subject noun is doing to us the logical thing to do is to restructure the Debt money system by making Money the positive Logic controlling object on which the system is built to serve us.

It is simple.  The Trinity structure is a beautiful things when each element operates in their natural structural order relationship.  Our current banking system (and many others) are based on an un-natural order where the culprit is dominance of the Verb (Language used to express the Logic) not the facilitating role that the verb should have in implementing the relationship between the Logic and the Structure.  From the system design standpoint, Language can introduce "noise" to the system by ambiguity or poor choice.  It can also be used to dictate what the system does rather than the Logic that should drive it.

Big Data Analytics Moves to the Cloud--

The subject line of this blog entry is the title of an article describing the commercial services of Joyent Manta Storage Service.  

What is this.  A revolutionary surprise service introducing a new paradigm?  Cloud is nothing new and I would guess that doing computing on what is in the cloud is nothing new.  Why download what is stored in the cloud to compute on your own hardware?  The greatest thing since spreadsheet or just near the end of the spreadsheet development evolution where all data, now called big data is on one big store called the cloud and applications in the cloud process it to slice and dice in unlimited ways to structure it for unlimited information purposes.

Nothing new here?  In Australia they would call it mutton dressed as lamb.  More charitably called marketing hype built on the word "new".  What is new as I see it is reaching and recognizing an end point of data aggregation and consolidation in the cloud.  All data in one place.  The NSA wet dream nirvana.  Any and all apps in the cloud run against it to produce information.  Information analyzed to produce knowledge.  

The subject line focuses on the verb "Analytics" and in the article calls the new relationships "the holy trinity of compute, network and data unified into a single offering." That got my attention.  Certainly it is.  It is presented from the primary standpoint of the verb "Analytics" what it does or provides the capability to do on a grand scale but what is the most important in the Trinity relationship is the Subject the Analytics works on and what follows is the resulting Object which is data structure in some fashion that is useful information.

The big idea that strikes me here is that all data is in one place.  Big Data.  It does not move except to the extent it just sits there and grows.  It never goes anywhere.  Never needs to or by design wants to.  It is locked in the cloud.  Never really changes over time, merely is structured by relationship to its data element time which determines history.  

This Big Data in the cloud is examined to do something with it external to the cloud.  At some point what is processed within the cloud and comes to earth as rain, a structured wet thing resource output.  Raw stuff data that produced it remains forever in the cloud.  That is the Trinity.

That Trinity model is exactly the Trinity that I propose as the Monetary System Trinity. 

All money is in the cloud.  It never leaves the cloud.  Money in the digital object form has granular element attributes of unit value of one each and a uniquely serialized identification.  Money in either an aggregate of all money or a unique instance of the aggregate as a raw data cloud object never moves.  It is networked in the cloud to who owns it.  Owners are granular level data objects with attributes of unique account identifiers that always know how many unique units of money they directly relate to in aggregates of money as well as all unique instances in that aggregate.

Money never leaves the cloud.  Information about money as a product of cloud processing that associates Money to Owner does leave the cloud to do something as it falls to earth as Transaction.

The Trinity Structure relationship of the Monetary System in the cloud is therefore:  Money/Transaction Process/Structured Information.  (Subject noun, Verb, Object noun) or expressed as the fundamental ruling relational concept of all things (where the implementing verb between the two nouns while being an action is really at the most fundamental level also a thing)  = (Logic, Language, Structure)

Structure is where stuff in the cloud comes down to earth to do something.

What it does is Economics or the product of decision making to decide what to do with money as the universal tool of resource allocation decisions.

Money is a Big Data thing.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Truce - 1914

Many moving stories of the Christmas Truce of 1914.  100 years ago.

Just one of the stories here.

Men stopped killing each other, came out of their trenches and shook hands in peace.

It was not what their superiors condoned.

It was the Christmas Miracle of 1914.  This is the Time story of what really happened 100 years ago.
Wikipedia description here.

Peace on earth to men of good will.  My father always emphasized that it was the correct way to say what the angels proclaimed, not the alternate proclamation: "Peace on earth good will toward man".

I firmly believe that if all that have died in war could come back to life there would be no more war.

Wave - Particle Duality --- A Christmas Present

Subject line of this blog is a gift from the universe to me on this Christmas Day.  When I open it up I have to figure out what it is.  The joy of difficult challenge!  If I understand it then how do I re-gift it??

This is the link to the gift:  Two quantum mysteries merged into one. 

The full article published in the Nature of Communications.

Fascinating that such a fundamental concept takes on the essence of the nature of information communications.  An appropriate journal in which to publish!

The Holy Trinity of Computation that I have blogged so often about:  also explained here

Logic----Language---Structure  (Subject noun --- Verb---Object Noun)

Structure is merely the implementation of Logic accomplished through the implementing agent of Language

When Subject and Object are the same thing then there is no duality.

Simple or simply complex?

Are the two things: Simple and Complex a Duality or a non-Duality state of being that is a single thing unto itself and not two things at the opposite ends of a spectrum?  A Min/Max entropy situation?  Resolved to a unification.  They call it a superimposition in their research?  Maybe Ultimately Simple and Ultimately Complex are a Mobius strip.  A thing with only one continuous edge?

What a wonderful gift I have been given!

Wrapping my mind around it requires some very special wrapping paper!

Mind boggles Mind. Is that a non-duality?

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Financial Engineering

This blog is about Monetary Engineering.  Discovering what "Money" is as an object design problem, determining if what Money is in the current system design is the best system design structuring what the object "Money" is to support what Money does.  What Money is facilitates the efficiency of what it does.  Much of what it does is finance with debt because the object "Money" is Debt.  Money is created as a function of Debt.

Debt creates Money.  Parsing the structure of this sentence:  Debt is the subject noun, creates is the verb, Money is the object noun, otherwise described as the receiver of the subject noun action that is implemented by the nature of the verb that relates the subject to the object.

Stuff we learned in 3rd grade.  However that fundamental structure is the Trinity Site of our natural language.  The E=M(C squared) of language.

Monetary Engineering establishes the attributes of the object Money in the same way that the object Nature was designed to establish the attributes of the physical world.  Put another way; The physical world is a function of the attributes of Nature.  Laws of Nature define its attributes.  They are fundamentally rigid rules.

In the conceptual world, the one we whip up out of nothing with our imagination, rigid rules do not necessarily have to be a function of natural rules.  It is a good thing if they are modeled on natural rules since they make an excellent environmental model.  On the other hand they are not bound in any way by natural rules.  What can the product of imagination be?  Why, my dear, it can be anything we want it to be to do anything we want it to do.  It all depends on how we want to structure the relationships of the conceptual objects we play with that are products of our unbound imagination.

Play is the verb form action that relates Subject and Object things.  Which thing will be the Subject and which thing will be the Object is arbitrary but that arbitrary choice is the genesis of two very different implementations of a total system structure when they are put into "Play"

Debt chosen as Subject and Money as Object produces one structure to play with.

Money chosen as Subject and Debt as Object produces a different structure to play with.

The nature of the verb that joins them puts Debt/Money or Money/Debt into Play.

The king of the trinity structure of Subject/Verb/Object is Subject.  The Verb?  Without it we might presume some kind of a relationship to the object but that relationship is an action joining the relationship of Subject to Object.  The action itself can be any of a vast number of Verbs while the Subject and Object remain constant.  Like the number of plays on a football field where one team is offense and the other is defense.

What happens if Verb says to Subject, I am the most important thing (an action is a really sub-type of a thing if Think is a universal term that can be applied to any and all things in existence including actions and things like time).

Is time a noun or a verb?  I digress.  Call it a verb.  God made  world.  In this sentence She made it by implementing the relationship of herself to the world through the verb of time.  Time is what we see as her knowledge of eternity.  She had to make it easier for us to understand eternity by knowing time, which is not easy but doable as a work in progress.

When the Verb is king of the Subject/Verb/Object relationship it drives the nature of the trinity.  When we choose to create conceptual systems where the verb drives the system structure design there is greater, almost unlimited, latitude in the nature of the system that can be created.  It is a system where the nature of the verb Play dictates the rules.  Or put another way:  Who controls the nature of Play controls the after the fact establishment of rules to serve nature of whatever the Subject of Play may be and consequently the thing that jumped over the fence last......the Object of Play.

It is an Alice in Wonderland world when Play is King (or the Crazy Queen) that makes the King a Jester Fool that is a puppet Object on the strings of Play.

Finance is a verb.  Finance has been made by Crazy Queen Banksters to be the Jester Fool Object dancing on a string to the tune of Finance to extract resources from the Object of the relationship trinity.

Like all monarchy that "Rules" the structure of a society, Rules is the implementing Verb that subjugates the natural domination of the Object to the power of the Verb to dictate the structure by fooling like a Court Jester the Object of the Ruling Monarchy:  That is everyone that is not Monarchy (by default).  Call them peasants, sheeple, any object of this Alice in Wonderland perversion of the natural order of things that will tolerate the supremacy of the Verb.

Financial Engineering is Engineering based on the supremacy of the Verb in the Trinity Structure: Subject/Verb/Object to dictate the economic system.  It is the verb that dictates that Money must be a Court Jester called Debt and we the Objects of this debt money system are the Fools (as long as we continue to tolerate the perversion and what it does to us believing that There Is No Alternative.

The alternative is written on the wall:  What money is designed to be as the dictating subject creator of the monetary/finance system must be established as the true king of the economic trinity of........

Money/Decisions/Common Good.

Finance is only one of a multitude of variable verb words that maybe be substituted in this sentence for what money does to result in the receiver of its Object action: Common Good.

Money cannot be a subservient product of the verb Finance we call Debt Money.

Money is properly the king subject of the state we call "We the People".  We endow it by choice of a free people to be the controller chosen law of the land chosen to order our social relationship decisions.  It is not a child of Debt and those that rule by Debt creation.  It is a positive Debt Free thing that we create because Freedom to do this is the the antithesis of domination by a Special Interest to create it for us to their greater good of a few.

The term "Financial Engineering" was used in this excellent analysis of why Elizabeth Warren is really fighting so hard against the nomination of  Antonio Weiss.  It is the bigger picture of "Financial Engineering" to which we are subservient to the decision making power of money to serve those that designed the Financial system to have the verb Finance dictate its structure for their perverted private  benefit as the expense of decision making power of money to serve the common good.

"Owned by the richest man in Brazil, billionaire Jorge Lemann, 3G specializes in picking up companies through debt-financed buyouts, and mercilessly cutting costs. Private equity managers get paid hefty fees out of the cash flows, increasing debt as the value of the company slowly gets siphoned off into executives’ pockets. They take the profits, while someone else gets stuck with the losses."...............................

"Through brokering these deals, Weiss facilitated this transformation of American capitalism, as a cog in the wheel of a corporate strategy that has led to a stunning gap between productivity and wages and historic levels of inequality. The deindustrialization of the country has turned us into a nation of financial managers and the service workers who attend to them, virtually eliminating the middle class. Weiss became a very wealthy man from this process, which every Democrat from the president on down likes to decry."

The con game of the flim flam artist is to divert the attention of the mark to the action of the game while the con man controls the objects of the game (by hiding them or their true nature from the mark). Marks are easy to deceive with directing their attention to the action of the game, Those that keep their eye on the ball rather than the play are harder to bamboozle.

Controlling the form of the ball is controlling the game.  Dictate the ball and it determines the action of the game to be played.  Football, baseball, basketball, etc.  The ball is a constant. 

The con artist trick of Finance is to control the ball in play but to make the ball (money) so hard to grasp and our total attention devoted to the the action of grasping it.  Always just enough out of reach and amorphous enough to benefit them greatly as they "help" us to grasp the object they control with great benefit to themselves because it is their ball.  The con artists win.  Set, Game and Match.

When the ball is determined by a third party the two teams (two parties to an exchange) agree on and the ball is known by its persistent object attributes.  Debt money really has no object attributes, its only attribute is a numerical property and that property foundation is negative.

Positive money is an entirely different ball with which to play the game.  A game where we can keep our eye on the ball.  An honest game of fair competition on a level playing field involving what we do with the ball that becomes a decision making object tool in play for both public and private spending decisions.   The decisions on what money does are reflected in changes of ownership of discrete money amounts represented in accounts.  What money the ball.  It does not change is does not come in and out of existence at the command of a bankster.  It is persistent and we own the ball we play with. 

The paradigm shift of Financial Engineering must be from a system structured on the Playing the game to the Object we Play with.  A neutral object that is the basic subject of the game in accordance with the computational trinity and Object Oriented System Design and Implementation methodology of our Information Age.  That is how modern Information Systems are designed an built.

The current Financial system and its dominance of the monetary system is old school from a past that will continue to not just constrain us but fail us in operation until it is restructured on a fundamental object instead of a fundamental action.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

TARP Wasn't Repaid With a Profit

From this link: 

"TARP wasn’t “repaid” with a profit. It was simply perpetuated and  morphed into a new form of destructive state subvention and malinvestment. By David Stockman, David Stockman’s Contra Corner."

It answers the question:  Where did the banks get the money to repay TARP.  It socialized the cost of their crime.  They committed it.  We paid for it. Is that the justice system?

Washington Post stupid meme repetition:

"Warren criticized TARP in 2009 and 2010, arguing (incorrectly, as it turned out) that it would be a taxpayer giveaway to the banks. She hectored Geithner in 2010 to redo his “stress tests” of U.S. banks after a first round indicated that TARP had been effective. “How could you be confident of these financial institutions without rerunning the stress tests?” she asked. As it turned out, TARP made a $15 billion profit, Treasury announced last Friday."

"Has Warren apologized for getting this wrong or conceded that the financial recovery program engineered by Geithner, Summers and then-Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke was a success? Not to my knowledge. But in the process, she disowns a Democratic president’s historic achievement." 

Stockman is right.  Who is WaPo shilling for?

Website of the Year: Naked Capitalism!

Naked Capitalism is my supreme go to site.  Yves is my hero.  She kicks the ball into play and commenters run with it with a more than usual input of ideas and discussion of them among themselves.  It is a joy to follow the thread of comments.  Intelligent, thought provoking.

This might be one of the best balls of the year that Yves has kicked into play:

Why is None Fighting the New Robber Barons?

A great number of the Naked Capitalism regulars have contributed to the discussion of the Bill Moyers interview of historian Steve Fraser that she prefaced with an introduction.  Yves followed the discussion and contributed to it as well.  Excellent stuff.

Bill's full interview of Steve Fraser is here.

Absolutely the best stuff!

I only wish that there had been more focus on Ben Johannsen's comment:

"Free-market religion cannot be shaped to serve the interests of the people without effectively enshrining it. This religion must be torn out by the roots, not by tinkering with tax rates. The good news: the insights needed for doing so already exist, and they begin with the State Theory of Money."

"Where does produced wealth come from? It is created socially and then appropriated for private use. Government and its sovereign currency must exist before private entities can coordinate to produce abundance. The collective political entity is the maker and individuals are always and everywhere the takers."

Monday, December 22, 2014

The Other Torture Report; The Panetta Review

An amazing display of journalism reported by Ali Watkins at Huffington Post.

I had a strong suspicion that there was much more behind the senate staffers investigation of the CIA documents.  That they had somehow gotten something that they should not have gotten.  (Or was it intended by someone?).  Something big was going on behind the scenes of a shift from the Senate Intelligence Committee being an (unwittingly duped?) friend (tool) of the CIA to being its foe but attempting to keep the conflict behind closed doors.

As far as I can see I think that Ali Watkins lays out the full story clearly for everyone to see.  Unfortunate that it took second fiddle to the headliner of the day:  COURT GIVES ORANGUTAN 'NON-HUMAN PERSON' RIGHTS.

Ali had the bigger story but its precedence (lack of) is a sad comment on journalism in general. 

Her report is a blockbuster.  Who exactly in government has the supreme power to dictate orders other branches of government?  When it comes down to who has it f... them all including the Supremes and the check and balance of power among the branches.  It is us, we the people, that have the power to rule and dictate.  We give that power to our representatives.  The system power among of the three branches works as long as it continues to work at our pleasure.  When it does not then the whole thing works at our collective will and dictates.

When one branch demands and the other refuses they all bow to the will of the people or they lose their position power and conceptual Heads of their respective branches of government.  All of them.  Among the equal branches of government the Legislative as representatives of the people is the most equal.  If it does not exercise its prerogative power to demand in a "stand and deliver" showdown then it is far beyond the mechanism of electing representatives of the people to eventually, over years, resolve the power conflict in favor of "we the people".

There is great merit in dissolving a government and immediately calling for an election of the ddissolving issue.  "Going Atomic" is a power of the people.  "Going Atomic" in the squabbles within the Legislative Branch or among branches of government is a firecracker in comparison.  We the people are the power.  To hell with all those security rating and black compartmentalized secrecy and rules for declassification because things are just to secret for anyone in the public to know.  When the overwhelming majority of the public demands to know, by force if necessary, what are all those public servants going to do?  Start burning secret documents before we can storm the walls to capture them by right, WHEN WE DEMAND IT?

What kind of a demand is that and what is its nature?  It is exactly the right of free people to exercise in the manner that is necessary to protect their freedom that would be denied by the government that is held accountable to the people.

Our president has failed us.  Does he have the power to direct the CIA to release the Panetta report?  Exactly what is he Commander in Chief of?

What if the president summoned John Brennan to the Whitehouse and ordered him to bring the Panetta report with him. What would be Brennans response?

Famous line from the movie "A Few Good Men":

Maybe Brennan would summon the President to Langley and tell him who runs this country.

It is a strange situation where so much attention is focused on the Financial Power to control the government.  Financial Power is said to use our governmental enforcement power to serve its interests, when necessary.  However,  enforcement power, when not held in check by our elected government is the supreme power to dominate every other power entity.

Wow! What a movie scene:  President Obama summons Brennan to the Whitehouse and ordered to bring the Panetta report.  Brennan enters the Oval Room.  It is broadcast live to the nation and the world.  The President demands the report.  Brennan says..........

Naw....that would just be a humorous intro to Saturday Night Live????

Prosecute the Torturers  Are they a power beyond the law?  Beyond control?  Do they have the power to exercise control beyond any overiding control?  Who is in charge?

Stats after posting this blog entry:  What is an "Untrusted Browser"????????
Graph of most popular countries among blog viewers
United States

Pageviews by Browsers

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6 (75%)
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1 (12%)
Image displaying most popular browsers

Pageviews by Operating Systems

7 (87%)

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Gigapixel Cameras and Surveillance

I have made prior blog entries about gigapixel cameras.  A fascinating technology being developed at Duke University.  The basketball game gigapixel detail of individual faces are amazing but on the other hand it could be a picture of a crown of people assembled for any purpose.  Just add facial recognition........

A gigapixel picture is different than a gigapixel camera.  A gigapixel picture can be produces by a camera that has much less than a gigapixel image chip.  It just takes a large number of high pixel pictures with a telephoto lense and stitches the all together like this from IPVM.  It takes refresh time.  A gigapixel camera has a gigapixel image chip (aggregate of many smaller pixel capacity chips and captures the image with all of them at one time over a large area.  Fast enough not to just do a snap shot but record to gigapixel video in real time?  I'm not sure about that.  Post processing may later provide time delayed "real time" video imagery.  Real time in real time is something else but it may do that.

This Darpa Youtube published 17 Dec. 2014 explains Argus capabilities.  Argus is not new.  There is probably even greater current ability that is not being revealed and may have relationship to the blimp recently launched.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Nuclear Weapons

Tom Englehardt is my hero and publishes at  He features selected writing of others related to thoughts and perspectives on current events that contribute substantially to the formation of my own thoughts on world affairs.

This is his preface comment introducing
Posted by James Carroll at 8:00am, December 11, 2014.

It is an examination of nuclear weapon stockpiles and Obama's statements regarding their reduction. 
Statement about something that is never going to happen to any reasonable degree.

It involves intent of many stakeholders.  Our elected representatives are our stakeholding agents. 
They are supposed by popular misconception of the functioning of our democracy to be our voice in 
governing ourselves for our common good.  They pay lip service to that idea but do otherwise.

Congress votes on many things.  I want them to vote individually on how many nuclear weapons each
of them consider necessary for the defense (or offense) of this country and then state why they have chosen
that number as well as a projected "budgeted" number in a 10 year defense plan explaining contingencies of 
national defense in relationship to the nuclear stockpiles of all other nuclear nations.

The ultimate question that they must answer is this:  

If all other nations reduce their nuclear weapon stockpiles to zero and there is an inspection program to
assure that they do then would they agree that the United States would also eliminate all of its
nuclear weapons?

Weaponizing Fiscal Policy To Sell Off The Public Domain

The title of this blog entry was extracted from

Jeffrey Sommers and Michael Hudson: The Koch Brothers’ Governors

Posted on by

It clearly describes the game plan that will make the rich richer at the public expense.  It is extraction of resources from the public domain for private profit.  

Koch Brothers are profit jihadists.  The threat to our country is not external.  We have met the enemy and it is us.  Those few among us that attack the common good and the general welfare to feed their ideology of greed and self interest.

Control of money is control of society.  Money is a public resource tool for the allocation of resources.  It must be under public control and it will never be controlled to serve the common good until it is established as a regulated debt free monetary system producing total transparent anonymized information about itself and its sectoral functions.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Neocrap Is The Same Old Shit Warmed Over

Neo.  It means new.  That is an adjective.  In use it attaches to a chosen word to create a new single word.  Not a new way of changing language as it culturally evolves.  For example; neophyte is a new to something person.  Literally it is a plant that grows or does something else in a new way.  Somehow neophyte entered the cultural language to become a new single word.  The origin does not really matter except academically. 

Neo has become a popular attachment modifier to create new words.  Neoliberal, neoconservative, or as a stepping stone to a new single word like this; neo-economics.

Neoshit is the same old shit.  Perhaps for the sake of accuracy it is warmed over shit.

New words and phrases may creap into the cultural lexicon via popular use among the public as it likes  to use a single word in place of what may have been two words or a phrase.  That is cultural language evolution initiated by social preference.  Media is the origin of many such words.  We like them, adopt them, use them.  They become established in independent meaning detatching from their original use and meaning but we know what they mean in current use.

When media imposes the use of a neoword for the purpose of propaganda that is a dangerous thing because it literally intends to hide the fact (in plain sight!) that the neoword is just the same old warmed over ship dressed up as something really new.  How gullible we are.

Neoanything is the same old shit warmed over.  I will never use any modern neo word again.  I will look at it but say an write:  New (old word).  I will seek an app that will automatically convert any written or spoken neoword to to this form and also automatically adding this in parenthesis just to remind me that someone is trying to pull the wool over my eyes by using neosomething as one word:  They really mean the same old shit warmed over.  Whatever else they say or write is suspect as propaganda.

Media is being manipulated to sell neoshit propaganda.  It is the same old shit under a new name but the public eats it up thinking it is something new and better.  Excellent marketing.  The public has lost control over the public language by voting for what it wants introduced to the lexicon by popular acclaim.  We are using new words created by those that seek to manipulate the language with new words and phrases for the same old shit "quantitative easing".   

Here is a neoword that looks like it was created by the people, not the press.

Friday, December 5, 2014


Blockstream is an enterprise that seeks to create infrastructure to apply the block chain concept to a global system of value exchange.  That concept applied to Bitcoin is now being called side chain because Bitcoin introduced the concept and is therefore the "Parent".   Unfortunate because Bitcoin simply gave us a application of the true parent of the concept and that parent is Blockchain.  Bitcoin is a child object of  Blockchain with its own unique sector application.

It's unfortunate that the public persona of Bitcoin is the owner of the the Blockchain concept.  The relationship is actually reversed.  Block chain is the big object.  Bitcoin just an application.  Blockchain is more like a universal operating system.  Application to the problem domain of money is simply one of its many applications.

Those that recognize that Blockchain is an open source operating system are the fist comers to the gold strike to mine it, apply it to a whole new conceptual world of object value identification, organization, documentation over time line, accountability, exchange, security, ownership.  Ownership in the broadest sense of validating stake holding as well as exact ownership of objects like money.

I have written about broad application of the block chain concept in prior blog entries at this site.  I'm surprised that creative minds have not grasped the broad application quicker.  Maybe because of its initial association with a money application that has some degree of disrepute.  The clear fact is that those that profit from the complexities that cast shadows on the wall to their advantage at to disadvantage of those that are confused by the shadows will fight to the death of their flawed conceptual structures that must, and will be replaced by better conceptual structures serving the rules of logic, the language to express it and the conceptual structures that the language is used to create.

The Logic nature of abstract conceptual objects is expressed in terms of a specialized Blockchain  Language to produce a social structure Time and Physical/Conceptual object creation and control.

Wow, I really am getting somewhere in understanding the Big Picture!

Blockchain will soon become the most profound conceptual application of the World Wide Web.

Blockchain will challenge and rise above Finance as the dominating conceptual operating system controlling our social structure applications.