I have previously made blog comments about the commons. This link which is the title of this blog entry structures the conceptual relational structure of different kinds of property. Property being something of value in possession of a holder with a claim to ownership. A stake holder in my view.
I have also blogged about "stake holder" a concept that can relate to any kind of property. Private, public/governmental and public commons. It is more easily related to private and public governmental where clear lines of ownership are codified. Stake holdings in the public commons however are something that that must be claimed by right, not by default because they are "owned" by a private individual/entity or the government.
As we progress to a broad view of commons the other categories of property and their ownership rights are threatened.
What is money? My definition so far: A social media decision making tool. Who owns the conceptual nature of money? My answer is the Commons. It is collectively our common property by divided up amongst us. The nature of what it is and who owns it collectively or the division of collective ownership and use determines what money does to make decisions.
It is our money. Not the Bank's nor the Government's. Apostrohe "S" denoting ownership.
Ownership: In my view and conceptual perception of money (prperty) there are owners and there are users. Sometimes the same, sometimes the rights are divided among them in some way in the case of debt and shared ownership.
Who owns the property of letters, words, numbers, musical notes, ideas, natural laws of physics, genetics, science, religion, money, life
I think we all do in common. All human beings. Entirely at the fundamental level. Exclusively for some things at some level that is defined by us.
Who owns/uses what and to what extent is related to the ability to uniquely identify the owned object.
Private and government entities will take ownership and control use of what the commons do not defend.
Corporate Deform in America
Monday, February 3, 2014
Saturday, February 1, 2014
DeepMind Technologies does research on Deep Learning. Deep Learning for Machines. Not teaching stuff to machines but creating machine algorithms that figure it out for themselves from the structure/nature of the content that it is observing. They should call the machine "Darwin". If I look at anything long enough I believe that I can "get it". The problem is that I only have so long to look at it and it is at a "real time" rate. A machine does look at things in real time cycles but the things it looks at are gobbled up for comprehension billions of times quicker than me. My brain knows some shortcuts however. On the other hand that is what those few brilliant researchers at DeepMind are looking for, I suppose. Can a Deep Learning machine "suppose" as good as me?
I suppose that there is a good reason for Google to pay that big chunk of money to buy DeepMind.
I offer this blog to Google for a dollar as a test bed to DeepLearn about my human mind processing to find if there is any oil in my well or gold in my mine that would benefit machine understanding that turns information into knowledge intelligence. What's that? Google already has all my thoughts in this blog and did not even give me a dime for them? My priceless thoughts for free? That is the best business model: Costs of goods is nothing. The same business model as monetizing privacy.
I only ask that when Google figures out how my mind works, what money is and the nature of singularity, unity and object orientation by running this blog through DeepMind that they tell me and then I will not have to write this blog anymore.
No, Google will not tell me. Google will monetize that knowledge to sell me something. Maybe Google will get into the business of selling salvation.
Wrap your machine DeepMind around that Idea!
I suppose that there is a good reason for Google to pay that big chunk of money to buy DeepMind.
I offer this blog to Google for a dollar as a test bed to DeepLearn about my human mind processing to find if there is any oil in my well or gold in my mine that would benefit machine understanding that turns information into knowledge intelligence. What's that? Google already has all my thoughts in this blog and did not even give me a dime for them? My priceless thoughts for free? That is the best business model: Costs of goods is nothing. The same business model as monetizing privacy.
I only ask that when Google figures out how my mind works, what money is and the nature of singularity, unity and object orientation by running this blog through DeepMind that they tell me and then I will not have to write this blog anymore.
No, Google will not tell me. Google will monetize that knowledge to sell me something. Maybe Google will get into the business of selling salvation.
Wrap your machine DeepMind around that Idea!